Shark Attack 3: Megalodon
Shark Attack 3: Megalodon
| 26 November 2002 (USA)
Shark Attack 3: Megalodon Trailers

When two researchers discover a colossal shark's tooth off the Mexican coast their worst fears surface - the most menacing beast to ever rule the waters is still alive and mercilessly feeding on anything that crosses its path. Now they must hunt the fierce killer and destroy it... before there is no one left to stop it

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Tom Shanks Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time a boy called Rhys Mogg was listening to Cannibal Corpse to help him go to sleep after a long day farting. He looked into his toilet a saw a great big poop. Out of the blue, Blaze Bayley came along and said 'OC vomit or shotgun' and lots of gummy bears came out of the skylight and consumed him.This movie reminded me of this story. It shows the horror of being consumed alive and is an inspiration to anyone who has ever been digested. The special effects are so well done that I started crying. I do not cry easily, the last time I cried was when my mother had me aborted. The acting is so realistic that I though it was a real story and was shocked to find that it is fact not a documentary, or say my friend told me. I sacrificed a baby to the great lord Satan to find if my friend was speaking the truth, and to my dismay I found out that there are indeed actors in this movie. If you ever have a chance to see this movie, I would highly recommend it as it is a modern classic and a masterpiece, up with the greats like 'The Hero of Colour City' and 'Spy Kids 4'. This is a great movie for kids who love such films like 'A Serbian Film' Just don't forget to look out for Blaze Bayley as I heard he is now shoving bran flakes into peoples eyes. A bit violent if you ask me.
GL84 When a large, prehistoric shark appears off the Mexican coast, a lifeguard and a paleontologist race to stop it from wrecking havoc on the local population looking to use the area for their own personal use.This turned out to be one of the better killer shark films out there. One of the main reasons for that is due to the excessively high quality of cheese during the film, which is found in plentiful amounts during the film. Since there's just no shortage of big action scenes to utilize here, this becomes a major selling point here in the numerous usage of stock footage to depict the shark attacks, ranging from the classic bits of footage that are then superimposed over the new footage to show the creature's extra-huge size or just filler shots to showcase it interacting with its environment, with very few scenes utilized with prosthetics. This makes for a jarring experience at times, but it's also quite fun to watch, especially once these allow for the film to go through some rather enjoyable scenes. This here comes from the attacks utilized almost constantly as the film moves at a very fast pace, as nothing is too silent or too still for very long. There's always an important plot point or an attack by the shark to keep things moving along, starting with the opening attack on the divers, the ambushes on the different couples around the resort, a thrilling battle out at sea where they manage to tag it after a thrilling series of encounters or the group out on patrol stopping it from attacking only to go back out to sea where the fun of watching the oblivious couple going para-sailing get attacked which are highly entertaining as well. Of course, the course change to showcase the mother Meg's first appearance is pure cheese all the way, and the most fondly- remembered part of the movie in a particular pick-up line but is so much fun regardless of the cheese here that there's even more on offer here regardless of the shark. It's also far more suspenseful at times than it really should be, from the multitude of beach stalking to the race to get it cleared before another attack occurs and the scene of them out hunting it down when in the middle of it all ones goes retrieving her shotgun in the bow of the boat, then the Meg comes crashing through the side of the boat. When mixed with the graphic, gory carnage where not only do we see the usual blood trails that occur in many of the monster shark films, but also get to see limbs being bitten off on many of the victims, there's plenty to like here. While there's a few flaws here, mainly in the cheesy nature as how this one gets getting slightly tired of the real shots of great whites being passed off as the Megalodon. The continued use of stock footage, and the same pieces of stock footage no less of the shark used three seconds earlier being shown in the opposite direction to make the shark look like it was turning around, was a big letdown as there really was only about four different scenes of the great white used. As well, it's getting very tired in these movies of the businessmen refusing to close the beaches, even after several shark attacks. These scenes have become a trademark of these movies, and all they do is come off clichéd which happens here as they're pretty flawed as a concept. Overall, this one was pretty enjoyable and entertaining.Rated R Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, Nudity, and a sex scene.
kghispredi Watched this and Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus (2009) the same evening. The Mega Shark movie was so bad that we laughed throughout it. It succeeds in crossing the "so bad it is good" line.Shark Attack 3 doesn't. It is poorly done, unoriginal and boring. The only time we laughed was the main character's incredible pick-up line - you can see it in the Trivia section.The movie takes place in Mexico but was actually shot in Bulgaria. The director fakes Mexico by putting a Mexican flag wherever it could fit the frame. You can play a drinking game - take a shot every time you see a Mexican flag! That's the only conceivable reason to watch this movie. If you want something funny and shark-related, see Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus.
TitusYorick There's really nothing positive that can be said about this movie except one thing - you'll laugh so hard you might just crack a rib. If this movie is any sign of where shark movies are heading, then we might as well just bathe ourselves in chum, go play with a bunch of seals, and wait for the Great Whites to just roll in.The story revolves around your basic shark movie - shark terrorizes beach, rogue authority figure tries to make it safe but the bureaucratic douche-bags refuse to listen, the shark eats some more people, and is eventually destroyed at the end. This particular one just happens to follow a "Jaws 3-D" story-line where the first shark is killed and mama comes for revenge, and this mama just happens to be 60 feet long according to the movie.So what more can be said about "Shark Attack 3"? Well, how about the fact that the male lead looks and acts very much like a boy-band reject and the female lead looks like she was molded out of Botox and Collagen (and who out of nowhere towards the end of the movie is revealed to be an expert with a crossbow); the shark is made up of a combination of bad props, stock-footage of Great White sharks, and cheesy CGI; the shark's growl makes it sound constipated (though the fact that it growls in the first place is also a sign of the movie's incompetence); a cast of extras who voluntarily jump into the water while there's a monster shark swimming around in it; a villain who's mere appearance shows he's the villain; a wise old mentor who looks suspiciously like John McCain; out-of-sync dubbing; an overuse of Deus ex Machina at the end of the movie involving the male lead stuffing the shark's mouth with a tiny little submersible and then swimming to safety without so much as a tiny little scratch, who in turn survives the underwater shock wave from a Mark 44 torpedo; and without a doubt one of the absolute WORST improvised lines in the history of movie history said by the male lead the night before their big shark hunt?Now, mix all of that and put it on film, and you have got a top notch cult-classic of a modern day B-movie.