Malibu Shark Attack
Malibu Shark Attack
| 25 July 2009 (USA)
Malibu Shark Attack Trailers

An underwater earthquake generates a tsunami that strikes Malibu, bringing a hunting pack of prehistoric-looking goblin sharks to the surface. Although the beach is evacuated before the big wave strikes, a group of lifeguards and a crew of construction workers are stranded in the high water and have to fight the sharks to get to dry land.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
mraculeated The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
GL84 After a gigantic undersea earthquake strikes Malibu, lifeguards race to save survivors from a swarm of ravenous Goblin Sharks unleashed by the underwater activities and get them to safety.Overall this is one of the best original creature features for the channels. One of the better aspects here for this one is the use of the different shark species here as the Goblin Shark is so underutilized in the scene that they're completely different species than normal and really gets some points for deciding to go a different route which isn't done all too often. Another of the better elements here is the really insane amount of action to it that comes from several different elements. The first attack on a group of parasailors makes for an incredibly fun time for the fact that both of them are taken out separately and deal with a failed rescue attempt that is quite fun. There's even more action here with the sharks trying to get at the survivors inside the shack and the images of the sharks ramming into the holes in the floor while they barricade them off is nothing but fun and a little suspenseful, a rescue attempt also manages to work well due to the race to get back to the shore being so far out, and when they get to the half-submerged construction site it gets even more fun due to the really exciting and fun encounters within the narrow corridors, and the tension present with the sharks here is great. As well, these scenes in the finale also feature an insanely cool and original way of dealing with the sharks and are a part of the fantastic action of the film. Other great stuff occurs in the film's rather insane tsunami sequence where the sight of the giant wall of water rising up and crashing down on the shore causing a ton of damage is nicely handled, the ensuing panic on the crowded beach being incredibly realistic and the visuals here are great from the sight of the lifeguard shack being swallowed up by the water to the floating construction site make the segment really worth it. The surgery scene afterward is rather nice for the brutality of the segment mixed with the ramifications of the bloodied water, and along with the gore here make for a lot to love here. There are a few flaws here, as the ever-present and ridiculous-looking CGI in here where there's barely a moment of the sharks where they look realistic, never blending into the scenes and just looking terrible. The other new method of new method of incredibly fake-looking dorsal-fin props that don't move at all and cause nothing to happen to the water around them appearing even less life-like, which leaves the sharks wholly unappealing. Otherwise, this one was a ton of fun.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Language and Brief Nudity.
wes-connors An earthquake and subsequent tsunami results in a gang of hungry "Goblin Sharks" from Earth's ancient history being released. They have a pointy forehead, which is a cool look; however, the special effects do not compliment these critters. The hardest hit area is Malibu, where lifeguards struggle for survival. The main focus is on Warren Christie (as Pete) and Peta Wilson (as Heather). She seems to be experiencing a mid-life crisis and wonders if she should leave Mr. Christie for contractor Jeff Gannon (as Colin). Younger hunk Remi Broadway (as Doug) and sexy bikini-clad Chelan Simmons (as Jenny) are an attractive supporting couple. Looking up the budget during the running reveals this was made for an estimated $3 million. This does not seem possible, although director David Lister has a couple of good scenes when his cast has to fight sharks in a building half-filled with water.*** Malibu Shark Attack (7/25/09) David Lister ~ Warren Christie, Peta Wilson, Remi Broadway, Chelan Simmons
HoundCat I gave this film a six out of ten simply because it really isn't a good movie, although, it is highly entertaining. This is the type of movie that used to keep me from changing the channel.Syfy (formerly Sci-fi Channel) used to show 90% - 95% science fiction, with IMO about 1/2 of the programming being fairly good shows and the other half being cheesy, goofy, and really not that good, but still all very entertaining. They have since outweighed their science fiction shows and movies with Syfy Original reality TV programming. This has cause me to change channels, and often avoid Syfy for days while nothing but reality TV programming and early morning infomercials dominate several days of each week. My TV used to be locked on Syfy, only changing to other channels for a few hours each week to watch some of my favorite new shows on other networks, like Fringe, Smallville, Heroes, and a few others here and there, but I would always return the channel to Syfy when those other shows were over.Movies like this one, "Malibu Shark Attack" are great to have on while working from home, surfing the Internet, and doing other things that take attention away from the TV show that is on. I can't count the number of times I've either missed a good show and been upset for this same reason, or failed to get something done that was important because I was watching something really good on TV. Having movies like this on, which is why I used to love Syfy, is a gift. I can watch it and be entertained if I'd like or have it on in the background and get something done (like this review I'm writing right now as this movie is showing - I've seen it at least twice already) knowing that it will show again within several weeks.A movie doesn't have to be great to be worth watching. This movie is, as I say again, entertaining. I would rather watch this, and movies of this quality (or lack thereof if you prefer) and be entertained than watch reality TV programming about anything, and that's what is taking over Syfy and much of television today. If you don't have to see a great movie and want something entertaining, good enough to hold your attention if you'd like, and has decent (or at least fun) effects, this movie is for you. Someone mentioned in one of these review that they don't know where Malibu is located. I don't live far from Malibu, which is in one of the most well known counties and states in the country, so for those few who haven't heard of landslides in Malibu, oceanfront property, celebrities who live in Malibu, or one of many other references to Malibu, I'll throw you one bone - Pacific Coast Highway runs through it. If you still don't know, look it up. You're on the Internet, so Google it! In any event, enjoy "Malibu Shark Attack!"
TheLittleSongbird I do get some novelty value out of SyFy's mostly terrible movies. That said, I found Malibu Shark Attack overall too dull and too ridiculous to really be entertained by it. The sharks are the best part of the movie, they don't look great and the way they're utilised gets stale after a while but they do show some menace and compared to the rest of the characters they are relateable. That is because the rest of the characters are stereotypical, made to do stupid and annoying things and not developed well at all. The acting manages to be awful as well, the lead actor is stiff and uncharismatic and the female's damsel-in-distress routine has been seen so many times before and much better, here she has this all looks, no talent aura about her. Malibu Shark Attack looks very cheap, the shark effects are not great at all, some of their features actually makes you wonder whether they are actually sharks, and the editing is choppy so you can enjoy the scenery enough. But these are nothing compared to the effects for the tsunami, I concur about them being one of the, perhaps even THE, least convincing tsunami effects in film, looking as though they were constructed in a major rush. The script is very weak with cheesy one-liners, cringe-worthy dialogue in the exposition scenes and context about the sharks that will make experts exclaim "NO" with their exasperated hands in the air. The story likewise, there are the "obligatory" ridiculous scenes like the tsunami and waves magically vanishing, the shark attacks lacking any sense of horror or suspense(and further suffering from some of the film's worst editing) and the exposition little more with padded filler with dull pacing, clichéd dialogue and characters that prove themselves not to be likable in the least. On the whole, see it somewhat for the sharks but for nothing else. 1/10 Bethany Cox