Cage Dive
Cage Dive
R | 11 August 2017 (USA)
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Three friends from California are filming an audition tape for an extreme reality game show. They document their journey to Australia where they will be doing their most dangerous activity.... Shark Cage Diving. A catastrophic turn of events leaves them in baited water full of Great White Sharks, turning their recording into a blood chilling diary of survival... and death.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
martinchudy Open Water,you need an open mind for this one. To be fair, it's a difficult film to make considering the story line and the best was tried. There is a scene where the girl is wearing a skirt and then I the next cut of the same sene she's wearing trousers.
foutainoflife This one just add tacky drama. The 2nd is the best in my opinion.
nikola17 Movie Painfully sucked even i got it for free at Library Had it. this movie is such pointless movie to watch it's like Blair Witch Project but in The Open Blair Water Project. that is cheap budget piece of crap i highly not recommended to see this movie trash it's Massive Time Waster, Massive Time Waster is bad in so many levels. i thought the story all that is just eh flat too easy for it to be made. I Thought Characters Were OK not best because towards at movie they made so many stupid Decisions, the actors were soo bad, bad acting specially these actors weren't Americans they were Australians but movie is too cheap to hire American Actors. i thought of myself while i was watching this movie i was thinking of Blair Witch Project Because it's 2 guys 1 girli am like someone is watching Blair Witch got that idea change it up the all thing so it's Open Water 3 Bull crap even who even cares about franchise too the franchise to me sucked but i got to see it for free because movie doesn't go for 10 hours long just in water you don't see any sharks around but in this it's like director Watch Shallows (2016) got similar idea to this movie. this movie is such trash time waster it's not really worth watching unless if it is Blair Witch Project but in Shark Project found footage film. this movie well OK it's about 3 friends their is 3 actors in movie only but their extra pressure on the actors and actresses to perform in order to carry the movie. I will say that they did so adequately. Jeff Miller, Josh Miller 2 Brothers, Jeff Girlfriend, Megan Murphy were at Australia in Adelaide they went to Shark Dive Cage at boat with group of people in boat. somehow random thing happened is massive wave suddenly destroys their boat you had 4 survives one woman, the guy the scene looked Brutality i can't explain it but it was from Boat Accident. and another scene where man survived he was swimming then 2 sharks got him in sametime i am like wow worst way to die buy 2 sharks could have been more then 2. ended up 3 survives now the all movie is them in middle of ocean the stupid thing about script is When Megan yells out at sky at more then Thousands feet at sky yelling out to airplane that can't see you ? their was a boat riding off their but then they said they swim to it they will get eaten so it wasn't good risk so they can't do noting i can take that, that would be scary as hell because theirs no spare boat theirs no noting unless if there is a random boat comes out of nowhere and yeah too easy. later on you have stupid dumbest decisions in movie what characters really do is stupid this is like a parody film comedy i just laughed because there was scene were they found at tent boat if boat is destroy they use this plastic thing for small boat to carry survives the most silly thing they did is they found Flare's only 2 of it they shot one then Megan found a random Survivor for some reason why hasn't sharks ate woman ?? but anyway the most silly thing in movie once in while Megan got only 1 Flare Josh said i am letting you using it just to save one person not using it just using it for in case if Helicopter comes or if Rescue comes over 3 of them fighting over to Megan not to use Flare guess what they killed Unconscious person burn tent killed person who was in Boat Tent something i don't what it is they are back in water the movie is so dumb writing the acting the scene at end ripped off Shallows (2016) was much better movie then this believe it's a lot better it's unreal but hey unless acting the story isn't bad as this cheap budget crap movie turned out to be every bit as mundane and boring as the previous movies, so don't get your hopes up for this one. this i gave it try because it's not 2 hour long movie i thought this could be better never seen second one come out (2006) oh yeah theirisn't massive shark in movie like you seen in poster believe me it's shark you seen like in another movies like Reef and First Open Water. poster/cover, which shows a rather large shark approaching a diving cage. Right, well this is false advertising as there is no such size shark to be seen in the movie. The shaky camera found footage filming gets annoying pretty quickly it's so hard to watch it's soo confusing what happened in scene you have to take a dumb guess what happened. silly twist Relationship between the two brothers and 1 girl. the movie everyone it sucked just sucked ending killed like all other found footage movies i am lucky i got this for free at Library
rugbysharks Compared to farcical, badly made films like Jaws 3 & 4, or the utterly atrocious "the Shallows", this one was OK and certainly watchable. Obviously you have to suspend a degree of disbelief with these movies since modern technological and safety requirements would have meant survivors of a boating accident such as this being picked up fairly quickly. Anyway, the plot involves 3 Californian friends off on a trip to Australia ending up together in the frigid waters off South Australia after their shark-diving boat gets hit by a freak wave and sinks. And whilst the sub plot of the romantic relationships between the brothers and the girl soon becomes tiresome, their fears and the good old fashioned suspense of not knowing what's beneath the water, do certainly work. The "typical hysterical woman" thing though is silly and whilst it was arguably needed for the plot to take a turn for the worst, overdoing it just detracted from the movie as a whole. I was almost hoping she got chomped by one of the Great Whites as it went on.On a different aspect, other directors and producers please take note of the SPARSE use of sharks in this film. Less is more! The sharks here are not portrayed as mindless creatures of the deep with some sort of demonic, premeditated desire to hunt down and eat humans and only humans. And whilst they do certainly attack and kill survivors, it's not "over the top" compared to most Hollywood shark films. 6/10
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