Battle of the Damned
Battle of the Damned
| 25 July 2013 (USA)
Battle of the Damned Trailers

Following a deadly viral outbreak, private military soldier Max Gatling leads a handful of survivors and a ragtag band of robots against an army of the infected.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Platypuschow Dolph Lungren stars in yet another straight to DVD action film. This time he plays a former military man recruited by a wealthy guy to go somewhere dangerous and extract his daughter. So yeah basically the same plot as a couple of hundred other action flicks.The twist is the "Dangerous area" is full of zombies, and on top of that military grade robots are also out in force.With a hostile reception from all sides upon his arrival Lungren must dig deep to find and rescue the girl.It's dumb, it looks shoddy and despite the zombies vs robots thing which is remotely original the whole thing feels oddly familiar.For fans of Lungren or hardcore zombie nuts only.The Good: Lungren still looks the part Kind of original The Bad: Crappy zombies SFX more miss than hit Weak kills Seven shades of dumb Things I Learnt From This Movie: Every Asian person knows martial's 2017 people come on! Despite everything cinema has told us, Zombies attack robots...for some reason
dworldeater Dolf Lundren is Major Gatling, an elite mercenary hired to rescue a wealthy industrialist's daughter in a city quarantined by a military blockade. The city is isolated because a deadly virus was unleashed and turned the population into rabid zombies(infecteds)similar to those seen in 28 Days Later. While Battle Of The Damned is not nearly as terrifying or as good as 28 Days Later, BOTD is much more survivalist action than horror and a good one at that. If you are only watching this film because you are a Dolf Lundren fan, you need not worry as there is tons of action in this flick. The tone is dark enough and taken seriously to please most horror fans that have seen lots of stuff like this before. Compared to much of what's out there in the zombie/horror genre the gore level is relatively low, but this action packed piece is well done and plenty entertaining.Dolf has great screen presence and he along with the rest of cast had no problem selling this science fiction nightmare with solid acting performances. Overall, Battle Of The Damned is a good low budget(not low quality) zombie/action film worth watching for fans of the genre. I also thought the robots that show up later are cool also.
Gordon Cheatham (cheathamg) Many years ago, when I was still in college, I worked nights and went to school in the daylight hours. My off nights I usually spent watching junk movies on late night television. I learned that there is a hierarchy of junk movies ranging from poor quality junk to high quality junk. The genre didn't seem to matter. They could be drama, comedy, horror, SF, cowboy, you-name-it. This film, Battle of the Dead, is definitely in the high quality junk category. In fact, I even hesitate to call it junk. I only do so because it meets many of the criteria. It was made by non-mainstream film makers, way, way outside of Hollywood or western Europe. The actors are people you've never seen or heard of before. It stars Dolph Lundgren. Now, I have seen Lundgren turn in good performances, given the right material and decent direction, but by and large, he has made film choices based on making the money and getting out quickly. It may very well be that that's why he chose to do this film, but if so, he was scammed into making a film with an interesting concept, a sufficiently competent and professional script and crew, and a director with some imagination. This film, on the surface, sounds like junk. It's a zombie movie with killer robot soldiers. Then, after you find out they are not really zombies, and therefore can be put down rather easily, and the robots usually kill only when they have good reason, you begin to realize that a certain amount of thought has gone into this project. Granted the characters are pretty two-dimensional and the reasons behind why everything is happening are only lightly sketched in, but the action moves right along, there are a number of interesting visuals, and the film is for the most part believable, if you accept certain basic science fiction tenets that run through most post-apocalyptic films. One last word about Dolph Lundgren. He doesn't do much more than stand around and look menacing, but that's why he was hired, and he does the best with what he was given. Basically, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Tony Heck "Zombies, killer robots, nice town you got here." After a viral outbreak causes people to turn into zombies, military soldier Max Gatling (Lundgren) is called into battle. Not only must he fight off the zombie army with a few human survivors, but a group of robots that have been trained to kill as well. Even though it sounds made up I swear that is the plot of the movie. I know what your initial thought is but I have actually seen worse. The thing that helped the movie is that it didn't take itself too serious. If they tried to be straight line and make it seem like a real war movie it would have been un-watchable. The fact that they added comedy and made it a little over the top made it seem better then it actually was. I'm not saying this is a good movie at all because this wouldn't be in my top ten choices to watch ever but in terms of Dolph Lundgren movies there have been much worse. Overall, the robots look like a rip off of the Lost In Space robot and the zombie effects are barely passable. A severely low budget World War Z knock off but again I have seen worse. I give it a C.