Killing Season
Killing Season
R | 12 July 2013 (USA)
Killing Season Trailers

Two veterans of the Bosnian War, one American, one Serbian, clash in the remote Smoky Mountain wilderness.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
GazerRise Fantastic!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
richeysj These are two of the most resilient characters in movie history. They kick the crap out of each other for over 1/2 the movie. Yet they each just keep coming back from horrible wounds inflicted by the other either by jungle attacks or torture. Damn! These two shake off some seriously painful injuries! Rambo has nothing on these two!! Okay, peace out!!
drpavlovic1411 What's happening with the people when the grow old? Morgan Freeman is spitting at his great career going to Srebrenica and listening only one side, Muslim, and declaring Serbia (which has nothing with it) as the genocide country. And, what is more interesting, de Niro, who was in Serbia, who was fed and welcomed here when he was young, by Serbian people, who loves Novak Djokovic, made this anti Serbian movie???? INCREDIBLE. Hollywood is really consistent. Serbs must be the bad guys and that is it. Nothing will change forever. 1. It is so interesting how Hollywood is IGNORANT. Does anyone there has one brain cell? The main, Serbian character has named EMIL KOVAC. So stupid. Emil is a MUSLIM name. KOVAC is a Croatian surname. And the beard he wore (John Travolta) is not Serbian style, it is more Muslim extremists one, that people are called WAHHABIST, the most fundamentalist current in Islam, they call it the origin of terrorism. Their members has that kind of beard without mustaches and they wear bermude (short pants). They still have their camps in Bosnia. And they are very active there. Of course, nobody cares about that future source of terrorism. Muslims are American pets. 2. How come that nobody asked WHAT THE US ARMY DID IN BOSNIA? As far as I know, America wasn't a part of the war??? How come that they fought at the side of MUSLIMS??? Even if they were part of the peace corp (which is NOT THE CASE), they didn't have a mandate to fight Serbs. And, in the film, they EXECUTE Serbian 'war criminals', they shoot them in the head, while they are kneeling in front of them? WHAT? So, this is the confession and proof that the USA WERE ON THE SIDE OF MUSLIMS. British general Rose, who was a peace core member, says that British SAS units (??? what did they do in Bosnia???) killed some Serbian patrol in 5 seconds. And he was bragging how he fought Serbs, instead to keep peace and be objective, not to fight any side. 3. I am really tired of accusations that Serbs killed other nations, and that other nation were just victims. There are war crimes at ALL SIDES. But Hollywood and the West sees only Serbian crimes. How come it doesn't remember that Mujahedins, the member of 'El Mujahedin', cut Serbian heads by swords?? That Muslims had so many camps for Serbs? That even so poor citizens of Srebrenica killed many Serbs in that Srebrenica and the other villages near Srebrenica and they were Serbs? And nobody was convicted for that? Hello! Did you hear this Mr. Morgan Freeman? Movie is dull. Movie is full of unnecessary violence, and they take turns who will held bigger gun and had the power over the other one. CConclusion. LIVE US ALONE! Serbs are not the only one who made war crimes, jerks! LIVE US ALONE. And you ask us why we love Russian? That's why. They consider us as a normal people. Not as the animals.
alindsay-al I am a fan of both of the main actors in this film and the concept sounded pretty interesting so I watched it but this is one of the worst films ever. The premise of the film sees a man looking to get revenge on an old adversary because of events that happened in a previous war. Now Robert deniro is a great actor but he had nothing to do in this film. He couldn't deliver a decent performance with this script and his character was so boring and bland that you just don't care. But my God John travolta is absolutely awful in this movie. He has the worst Serbian accent I have ever heard and his beard made it so distracting. His character was not compelling at all and some of the actions he takes in this film are just confusing. Deniros family were pointless in the film and felt like a confusing pointless addition to the film. The story of the film is extremely sloppy and stupid. Not only does this film completely contradict the Bosnian war but it doesn't use it enough at all. You don't believe the situations in this film and you don't care either. The script is diabolical, the dialogue has no weight to it and you don't feel any drama when the film truly wants you too. The style is pointlessly graphic and overly used to get religious points across. Also the pacing of the film is terrible because after 30 minutes I wanted to truly turn the film off before the action started. Overall this is a shocking film that needs to be avoided at all costs.
Jeff Turner This could have been much better than it was, it would have needed a new script though, and to be perfectly frank, some better acting too.Both Robert De Niro and John Travolta played familiar roles, and unfortunately Travolta especially, played his both woodenly, and unconvincingly. The dodgy accent didn't help either.....The setting for the movie was fantastic though, really beautiful looking country. But obviously that's not enough to lift a movie out of mediocrity. I liked the premise of the film, but felt let down by what was in all honesty a B-movie played by A-list actors.