Trailer Park Shark
Trailer Park Shark
| 02 August 2017 (USA)
Trailer Park Shark Trailers

A tropical storm floods Soggy Meadows trailer park and forces a hungry shark upriver.

Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
mhcaesar Quite possibly the most catastrophically stupid shark movie ever made. How country folk are seen by the Limo Liberal slime of Hollywood is perfectly depicted in this wretched piece of trailer trash filth. Every imaginable trailer trash-redneck cliche is stretched to the farthest gear when radiated sharks seek blood and gore on an unsuspecting population of Oxycotton drenched trailer trash. Plot? Who cares about plots at a time like this. Movies like this revel in the theme of despicable type casting, cliche strangled and mangled main characters and zero story line development. The only obvious interest lies in the never ending body count of Billy Joes and Bobby Sues getting "ate" by those damned shark critters. Oh the humanity.
Michael Ledo Deconnard (Dennis Haskins) owns the Soggy Meadows trailer park (more like RVs). He wants all the people gone so he has the levy bombed. The area floods along with a large CG shark that has the ability to leap and grab things out of the water. The film starts off creating great trashy characters, but doesn't follow through with them. They become lame as the story goes on. All the women in this poor trailer park look like movie stars and none looks like they are on meth or even smoke cigarettes. Tara Reid of Sharknado fame is briefly in the film. BTW they are filming another Sharknado film even after almost all life on Earth was destroyed in the last one. Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity unless you consider "son of a mother's goat" a swear phrase.
nebk This is the type of movie that requires a negative rating or at least a zero to separate it from the truly terrible movies which at least deserve a score of one. The plot is that a after a natural disaster and a bomb detonated by a ruthless businessman and his henchmen a huge shark is trapped in a river. Upon being blown up it gains the power to generate electric shocks like an electric eal. And it kills quite a few local trailer park/swamp residents. The acting is terrible, the effects are worse, the story is laughable and the attempt at humour is the worst ever seen in a terrible shark film. And that's saying something given that there are movies out there like Avalanche Sharks, Three-Headed Shark Attack, Sharknado and its sequels. Even the music score is annoying beyond belief. Even though the movie was obviously not trying to be serious it still makes Sharknado seem like Shakespeare. Avoid it all costs.
GL84 Trying to make ends meet, residents in a struggling trailer park down in the middle of the country manage to get swept away in a plot by a developer to drown the area only to have a vicious shark to get involved with them as well and forces them to deal with both issues.This one wasn't all that bad of a killer shark effort. One of the finer aspects of this one is the fact that there's a strong set of action throughout here that gives this a strong overall pace. The trick at the beginning featuring the event staged in two parts where it shows the pipeline being sabotaged and then going back to bring about the cause of the event itself in the second go-round is rather nice with the confrontation with the shark thrown in to give it a great feel. The resulting aftermath in the drowned-out trailer park is quite impressive featuring all the water rushing over and overtaking the community still inside their trailers due to the storm is quite an enjoyable sequence especially with the rescue efforts shown immediately afterward which helps to give this a sense of scale to the action. The scenes of the group encountering the shark in the flooded remains of their community offer some great action as well with the shorter scenes of the shark jumping out to take care of the residents as there's plenty of fun featuring the attacks on the two different sets of victims on the river. The big attack scene on the group of hunters trying to carry out their assassination only to have the shark interrupt matters displaying its electrical attack to further drive home some nice action, while the final confrontation manages to include the final attack on the final residents of the park putting their big plan against the shark into fruition gives this a solid series of action-packed scenes that are incredibly fun and providing plenty to like. Coupled with a great amount of gore from the high body count, there's a lot to like here which holds it over it's few minor flaws. The main issue here is the fact that there's just not a whole lot of realistic work one for the shark, which is so fake-looking and CGI-heavy that it really sticks out here, not only because it's such a difference against the rest of the scene that it stands out. The fact that there's just nothing all that impressive about the way it looks. The other big factor to lower this one is the fact that there's just no reason for this one to put dealing with the shark first before the developer storyline, which ends up leading to the fact that the shark doesn't come off as the main threat, neutralizing it in it's own movie since it's done first and then the attention is turned to the subplot rather than having the two stories intertwined at the end. It doesn't end this on a high note and really brings this down somewhat, although it still has a lot to like.Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Language and violence-against- animals.
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