Shark Attack
Shark Attack
R | 09 November 1999 (USA)
Shark Attack Trailers

When an accidental death verdict is given on discovery of the remains of a top scientist, within the stomach of a hammerhead shark his closest friend Marine Biologist Steven McRay is not happy with the explanation and travels to investigate further, where he discovers that his friend's death was not an isolated incident, and that the local population have been terrorised by a rash of shark attacks.Developments in scientific technology had allowed experts to predict the pattern and likelihood of Shark Attacks, but now it seems that they may also be able to actually control these factors, rendering at their disposal the ultimate Killing machine.Enjoy the water... you may never want to go in the sea again!

Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
SanteeFats Hey guess what? This movie is not good. The top billed star gets killed almost immediately. Casper Van Dien is at best a B movie actor and this is no exception. Although he is a lot better than the two killer cops, especially the one who laughs like a maniac when he cuts or busts someone. At first I thought Dr. Craven was one of the bad guys. Turns out he was just ethically challenged. Ernie Hudson does a decent job as the rich but evil town magnate. At the end did anyone NOT see him getting killed by one of the sharks? This is so much a B movie that vehicles, boats, and helicopters just start blowing up towards the end. I like the guy Manni. Good enough acting and I liked his accent. At the end of this movie the fishermen come to the rescue and everyone except Dr. Craven is saved, well almost. Craven is killed but he is a good guy at the end. I also like that everyone with a sidearm is using a revolver. What security person or cops use them now days instead of an automatic?
Wizard-8 With this being a "B" movie, and having a title like SHARK ATTACK, you are probably thinking this will be some kind of JAWS rip-off, with plenty of exploitation material. Think again. The sharks are at times almost an afterthought. In fact, in the last half hour of the movie, there are almost no shark sightings! Obviously, the production didn't have the money to make fake sharks, or that much blood or gore, so don't think you're going to see anything like that. As for the rest of the movie, there's not much fun to be seen there as well. Van Dien gives a bland performance, possibly due to the fact the movie moves at a sluggish pace and is downright dull at times, even during the action sequences. The low budget also results in an incredible number of close-ups by the camera and few "wide" shots, cheap sets, and signs (always using the same kind of font) that seem written by people whose command of English is not their first language. As for why this movie was (apparently) popular enough to spawn two sequels, I confess I haven't a clue, unless it is cheap to film in South Africa as I've heard.
Scarecrow-88 Action hokum concerning a marine biologist, Steven McKray(Casper Van Dien), who convinces his boss to fund a trip to South Africa where a series of unusual, grisly shark attacks have occurred. The fishing village, owned by an unscrupulous businessman, Lawrence Rhodes(Ernie Hudson) collecting on foreclosures, has fallen on hard times due to the alarming increase in these shark attacks on tourists and fishermen. McKray was to meet up with an old friend who went on numerous shark-hunting expeditions, Marc Desantis(Cordell McQueen), and finds that he has died under horrifying circumstances, his arm found in the belly of a shark. Joining forces with Marc's disgruntled sister, Corinne(Jenny McShane)and likable live-wire fisherman, Mani(Tony Caprari), who drives his truck and boat on full-speed always, Steven will seek answers regarding his best friend's death which seems like more than just an accidental dive gone terribly wrong. Monitoring a former colleague Dr. Matt Craven's(Bentley Mitchum)shark experiments, Steven soon discovers that he is attempting to find a cancer cure but the side-effects prove that such procedures are ethically, and more importantly, physically, wrong. And, Steven, studying sharks that are active in the area of the village, discovers that they are being controlled..motivated by a mechanical source and have abnormal defects, some organs much larger than they are supposed to be, not to mention uncharacteristic behavior brought on by Craven's experimentation. But, is Craven ultimately the villain of this film? As Steven pursues the truth, he and Corinne become endangered by a corrupt police, willing to kill them to keep their silence as they discover the truth about a shady oil deal in the works. It'll be up to Steven to uncover the truth, to shed light on the underhanded tactics concocted by greed without remorse for innocent blood shed.The shark action is relatively tame..the photographic documents of such attacks are more grisly than what happens to innocents attacked in the water of this film. A lot of quick cutting between the faces of frightened victims and sharks underwater swimming towards potential human meat, blood used to relate whether or not someone has been ensnared within the mouth of the lurking predator. The film resembles those goofy actioners from the 80's we so know and love where the heroes and villains are black and white with only Craven given any shades of gray. Hudson chews scenery as he does his cigar as the town shark, in a suit and tie, attempting to play nice when anyone can see he is corrupt to the core. Van Dien does his usual mugging, a perfect direct-to-video hero for the B-movie market. He suitably fills the role of the crusader out to find out the truth. Mitchum is smarmy as the crooked scientist with dreams of a Nobel prize and millions if he can perfect his experiments and create a cancer cure. Jenny McShane is your typical free-thinking independent woman, a diver and love-interest for Van Dien, fulfilling the requirements of "damsel in distress", and used as a negotiating piece when evidence is collected on villains..she also looks great in a bikini, which doesn't hurt. There are lots of shootouts and hand-to-hand combats between the fishermen and the police at the end which many might find exciting, although I found the whole orchestrated set-piece rather surreal and humorous. Also features a boat chase, explosions resulting, and Van Dien gets to show that every investigating marine biologist might ought to study martial art techniques.
gothicgoblin1334 What a pointless film about genetically mutated sharks. First of all, there are barely any sharks and this film and the gore is crappy low-budget like the ONE shark that comes in at the end. Otherwise, it's a really sh-tty, bad, low budget, typically modern, horror film that makes real good cinematic horror genius like Mario Bava role in their graves. How could there be a big scam for this made-for-TV movie? Yes, this is a made-for-TV crap-shack which you know, knowing this is a made for TV film that there's not going to be much good quality. If you want a shark movie, go watch "Jaws" or even "The Deep" but not Shark Attack. Because despite the title, it's a poor excuse to make money off the SCI-FI channel.