Shark Attack 2
Shark Attack 2
R | 13 February 2001 (USA)
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A biological experiment goes bad, this time releasing a gaggle of mutated great white sharks with a taste for human flesh. Soon enough, shark expert Nick West is on the case, leading a crew to study them and eventually bring them back into captivity. West's plans hit a snag, however, when Australian shark hunter Roy Bishop is called in to wipe out the fishy menace.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
adonis98-743-186503 Shark Attack 2 is an enjoyable movie although when the fake shark appears is laughable cause he doesn't have his eye but when a real one appears he has one. There are also scenes that shouldn't be there like when the 2 leading characters start laughing, and eating ice cream or whatever they're doing. But like i said it's better than Jaws 3 and Jaws 4 by miles but it copies pretty much all 4 movies especially when one of the characters sit on the chair and the camera starts zooming on him just like they did with the first Jaws movie. Anyways it's forgettable and kinda laughable but it's still a fun movie to watch and besides the acting of the 2 leading actors everyone else from OK to hilarious.
wes-connors Off the coast of South Africa, two attractive female scuba-divers are attacked by a toothy shark. One survives, the other does not. A week later, muscle-bound marine biologist Thorsten Kaye (as Nick Harris) is asked by the "Water World" amusement park promoters to capture a great white shark and exhibit it in an aquarium as a tourist attraction. Reluctantly, Mr. Kaye delivers the shark. Beautiful blonde Nikita Ager (as Samantha "Sam" Peterson) recognizes the captured shark as the one who killed her sister during the opening minutes. She tries to kill the animal, but does not succeed. Huge crowds gather to see the only great white shark in captivity... Raise your hand if you think this public killer shark aquarium idea won't end well...This follow-up to "Shark Attack" (1999) is much more like a "Jaws" (1975) sequel... "Shark Attack II" is not great, but it's much better than the first "Shark Attack". Herein, the sharks are stated to be versions of the mutants in the first movie. Other than that, there is no real reason for this to even be a sequel. Probably, at the time, the words "Shark Attack" were a sales incentive on their own. It's very likely "Nu Image Films" opted to protect their rights to the title. In any case, this story is acceptable, at least. With occasional rubber props, director David Worth manage to get leading man Kaye on a water scooter to jump the shark. Australian TV adventurer Dan Metcalfe (as Roy Bishop) lends good support and Ms. Ager is drop-dead gorgeous.**** Shark Attack II (2000-12-05) David Worth ~ Thorsten Kaye, Nikita Ager, Dan Metcalfe, Danny Keogh
captainjimi25 Both the plot of the film, and the acting within it, offended my eyes. Personally, and I believe anyone unfortunate enough to see this monstrous creation would agree, I think that there should be an enquiry as to why the actors and producers of this film have not been brought to trial for crimes against the human race! The sharks don't look real, they may as well have been made of plastic and filmed in a bathtub; the directing is about as effective as liquid mercury in cleaning mud off someone in a shower; and the acting is more wooden than the amazon forest. In other words this film manages to incorporate three important materials: plastic, metal and wood - it does not, however, entertain a person looking for a good film.DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM.
phantombat89 ^^By that I mean this movie does much more than insult your intelligence. It pees on it, spits on it, then strips off its clothes and has it's with it it in the middle of a public place. I saw this on Sci-Fi, and normally I can sit through the BS movies they show, because they make for good time killers. This one was torture! It rips off Jaws, Deep Blue Sea AND Baywatch (the beach scene will kill you, seriously). The acting was mediocre at best (what's with the stereotypical Steve Irwin Australian?). I can't believe there's people here who actually gave it a 10. They must love sharks A lot more than humans, in creepy ways I don't even want to think about.I'm done. I can't bear to think about anything else from this movie.