PG | 01 January 1979 (USA)
Barracuda Trailers

Little coastal town is being terrorized by deadly Barracudas.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Lawbolisted Powerful
Micransix Crappy film
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
MiketheWhistle OK, only watched because on Svengoolie and it was really really hard to get thru.At first it's like Jaws but sub in the barracuda and that would have been so-so.Won't give away any spoilers, but then it becomes a completely different movie genre.Only watch if you have a strong need to sleep.
Uriah43 Something strange is happening in the water off the coast of a town called "Palm Cove, Florida". For starters, the owners of a chemical plant have become extremely sensitive about their business and have hired some guards to prevent the collection of water samples taken anywhere near their facility. In one specific incident a marine-biologist by the name of "Mike Canfield" (Wayne Crawford) is arrested by the local sheriff "Ben Williams" (William Kerwin) and taken to jail for trespassing. While there he manages to help the sheriff investigate some deaths to local divers in the area. Along with these deaths the inhabitants of the town have become increasingly aggressive to one another but neither the sheriff nor Mike can connect any of these incidents together. At any rate, while this movie is similar in many respects to "Jaws" it obviously didn't have the financing of the former film and the quality of the movie isn't anywhere near as good. Even so, it had some good moments here and there and for that reason I give it a rating of average. But just barely.
movieman_kev Some hippies team up with a sympathetic sheriff and his bleeding heart daughter to investigate an evil (aren't they all in these movies?) chemical plant who's adversely affecting the native barracudas in this lame "Jaws" clone. The ferocious fish themselves take a surprising backseat plot-wise, the real focus of the movie is some claptrap about a government conspiracy. As that plot is pretty inane, the whole film suffers for it and becomes tediously boring because of it. Co-written and directed by Wayne Crawford, who'd have a later hit with "Valley Girl" and the equally ridiculous but more fun (in it's own campy way)"Snake Island". You would do better to give either of those two a rent and skip this one.My Grade: D Dark Sky DVD Extras: Vintage ads for various drive-in food; and Trailers for "Bonnie's Kids" (features nudity), "the Centerfold Girls", "Part-time Wife" (features nudity), "Psychic Killer", & "Eaten Alive". The DVD also comes with 1983's "Please don't eat the babies" (AKA: Island Fury)
BA_Harrison After clocking Barracuda's suitably trashy Jaws-style poster art, I took the bait and settled down for what I hoped would be an entertaining exercise in B-movie schlock horror. Unfortunately, rather than the cheesy monster-fish movie that had been promised by the publicity material, the film turned out to be an incredibly dull conspiracy thriller in which 90% of the action seemed to take place on dry land.Set in the sleepy coastal town of Palm Cove, this dreary yawn-fest stars Wayne Crawford as Mike Canfield, a marine biologist who helps the local police in their investigations after a series of vicious barracuda attacks on local swimmers results in body parts washing up on the shore. Mike traces the problem back to the local chemical plant, whose waste products are polluting the ocean and affecting the sea-life, but certain unsavoury types are out to hide the truth—at any cost!Poorly directed, totally devoid of suspense or terror, and relatively gore free, this film will definitely disappoint those looking for a cheerfully cheap Jaws knock-off. The shoddy direction, endless scenes of chit-chat, and particularly cruddy fish attacks will leave you wondering why anyone would have parted with good money to make this film, or to watch it.The only positive thing that I can say about Barracuda is that it does end on a surprisingly downbeat note with the death of its two 'good guys'—a small touch of originality in the closing moments.