Grizzly Rage
Grizzly Rage
| 07 June 2007 (USA)
Grizzly Rage Trailers

After accidentally killing a bear cub while celebrating graduation in the woods, four teens become the target of a seemingly unstoppable Grizzly.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Caitlyn Gaddy I would give this A-MAZING movie a 78 out of 10, but that is not an option. I loved the effects so much. It made the movie come alive. At one point, I almost started crying because it looked so real and I thought the bear was coming for me. But, do not fear, when you watch this movie (and you totally should) the bear is NOT actually coming for you; it is all a movie. The bear is trained and it can do you no harm. Also, the hottie-mctottie actors did not suffer any injuries; they were just acting (very well I might). That brings me to my next point: the great acting. I could literally see the fear shining in their eyes when the (fake don't worry) bear was attacking them. And don't get me started on the wardrobe. I loved the fashion choices the girl made, especially the off-the-shoulder tank trend she was rocking. Also, the white fishing hat Ritch was wearing was totes fetch and brought out his eyes. But by far, Wes's outfit of choice (or lack there of) in the forest was the bomb diggity. I loved how he stripped on camera to trick the fake bear. So, in conclusion if you wanna watch this killer bear (again it's fake) thriller, you will not be disappointed. DeCouteau definitely pulled through with another Oscar-deserving winner. **This review was said with seriousness. P.S. Watch the movie P.P.S. hit me up on twitter: Grizzly_Bear_Lurver18
knmcp I know what to expect when I turn on the SyFy channel and am rarely disappointed. "Grizzly Rage" just continues the tradition of crappy made for TV movies and does so in stunning fashion. Before I saw an actor utter a word I knew I was in for an epic waste of life.Kids kill bear, bear kills kids. That's balance in the universe for me. That was a plethora of empty water bottles in the back of that tank. Maybe if they had been cashed in they could've afforded a decent script.The bear was remarkably stealthy for being a dainty ton. What's a carjack really going to against a grizzly other than tickle it? I'm really ashamed the bear signed off on this production. Why was the bear cub black? It's not like I broke away from my cancer research to watch this, so the time wasted won't kill anyone, but if it will SyFy will find a way to make a movie about it.
zardoz-13 What would life be like without an occasional rotten movie? The title tells all in this weak variation of the vintage 1977 killer whale movie "Orca" about a whale that wreaks vengeance on the fishermen that destroyed its mate and baby. In the lackluster "Grizzly Rage," four obnoxious teenagers recklessly careening through the woods strike a grizzly bear cub accidentally and kill the little fellow. No, the filmmakers don't show the cub getting clipped. Only after they have smashed headlong into a tree and done permanent damage to their 4X4 Jeep Cherokee do they discover the critter. Surprise, surprise, the cute girl, Lauren Findley(Kate Todd of "Saving God")cannot get a strong enough signal on her cell phone to summon help. Actually, she objected to their thoughtless plans. Specifically, the guys used the winch to break a chain and trespass onto private property deep in the middle of nowhere littered with ominous looking barrels that would appear more appropriate in a toxic waste dump. The producers never connect the dots here about the toxic waste dump and the bear. Suddenly, an angry momma bear emerges and comes after them. I gave this movie one star because they rely on the old, stand-by suspense scene where the vehicle refuses to crank until the last second.Director David Decoteau, who has helmed such low-budget schlock as "Sorority Babes in the Slimball Bowl-O-Rama" as well as "Frankenstein & The Werewolf Reborn," is up to his usual nonsense. Basically, this rarely scary horror chiller boasts three dudes, a sexy babe and a hulking she-bear (a male named Koda) in the forest. Decoteau shows the bear howling, walking on all fours and then rearing up on its back legs, but you rarely see anything but the wrecked vehicle in the same shot with the critter. When the bear is merely stalking her prey, Decoteau provides us with a slightly wide-angled 'bear cam' perspective like they do for the human killer in a stalker movie. When the momma bear does attack, all we see are its paws and claws in close-up. Nevertheless, you know that those belong to a man in a bear costume.Not only do these teenagers lack a shred of sympathy, but they also have no common sense. After their Jeep overheats, they separate and wander off into the woods searching for water to cool their vehicle off. Meanwhile, you find yourself rooting for the bear. Unfortunately, this carnivorous bear takes its time showing up and possesses little personality. Of course, the momma bear eats them all. The first casualty--Ritch Petroski (Brody Harms of "Adam & Evil")occurs about 20 minutes into the action, and the shook-up survivors tear off in their Jeep and then have second thoughts about leaving their poor mauled friend behind. They wreck their Jeep again, rolling it down an incline, but manage to recover despite some injuries to themselves. One of them decides to pull on his jogging shoes and run for help. Guess who he runs into? Guess what you'll get watching this half-baked epic? No, no bears or bear cubs were harmed in the making of this forgettable film. Where was Daniel Boone when these kids needed him?
Relaets The movie seems to start out with the makings of a good Sci-Fi Channel creature flick - average acting, questionable plot, teenagers in the middle of nowhere, and a mutant bear. How did it go so wrong? (I mean that seriously.)I am of the persuasion that if you don't want to see a bad movie, you would not be watching (or even looking up) a movie with "Grizzly" in the title. Hence it is not fair to hold the movie's own lousiness against it - you should have known that, expected that, and indeed -hoped- for that going in. So disregard anyone giving this movie a 1 right off the bat - if you were looking for a masterpiece, and picked this to watch, you aren't too bright yourself.But here's a review for the -rest- of the crowd, people who wanted something crummy, low-budget, with mediocre acting and bad special effects - something comparable to all the other Sci-Fi channel movies. I -love- those movies, and appreciate the fact that their crumminess is part of their charm. But I think what the writers here failed to realize is that there's a difference between eating a delicious steak a few bites at a time, and having 72 ounces crammed down your throat at once. (Maybe comparing a delicious steak to a movie's crumminess isn't the best metaphor, but it's the best I could come up with). The point is there's just too much awfulness to take in, and it's just unpleasant.The first maybe 30 minutes or so are actually pretty decent, but after that the movie just sort of meanders around and nothing happens (I don't mean in terms of plot - no plot is fine, but no action? Come on.) In hindsight, I should have expected this - after all, how much can really happen between 4 teens and a bear? So although special effects, acting, etc are more or less on par with other Sci-Fi Channel movies, this movie fails in the one place a lousy movie never should - it fails to entertain. And without any entertainment value, all the other weaknesses begin to shine through, and you realize just how bad it really is.So - I'd recommend pretty much anything else. If you have your heart set on the bears-attack genre, "Grizzly Park" was not too bad. If you want a decent Sci-Fi Channel movie, "Aztec Rex" was pretty awesome. If all else fails, I guess watch this, but maybe consider doing your taxes during the middle hour to throw in some excitement.