Another WolfCop
Another WolfCop
| 01 December 2017 (USA)
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An alcoholic cop experiences blackouts and starts turning into a werewolf when the full moon appears in the sky.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
mollyrachar Not as good as the first one. It felt like they were trying too hard. But much better than many "big money" action movies. Loved all the actors.
James Graham This is a squeal to Wolfcop which is a sort of comedy horror about an alcoholic small town cop who turns into a werewolf when the moon is out. The first film was bizarre but funny. The sequel seems to be trying to take bizarre to new levels. I think they are trying to recreate films from the 1980s. There is a lot of 1980s style music and the poster screams 1980s cop film. The film has a lot of blood but its more for comedic effects. The film opens with Wolfcop dismembering a gang with a lot of blood but even my wife found it funny and she hates films like this. The comedy is really more than the horror with creatures growing out of people and a 1980's style sex scene involving Wolf Cop as a human and a female werewolf. Add in Yannick Bisson playing as far opposite from Detective Murdoch as it is probably possible to go. Plus an uncredited appearance from a well known American Actor/Director.If you like the kind of films which deals with issues and deep thoughts then I would avoid this film. If you want a funny horror film where you don't have to think much (or at all) then go for this. I was sober and British when I watched this but I think the film would be more appreciated Drunk and Canadian.
adonis98-743-186503 Alcoholic werewolf cop Lou Garou springs into action when an eccentric businessman with evil intentions seduces Woodhaven's residents with a new brewery and hockey team in this outrageous horror-comedy sequel. Another Wolfcop is even worse than the first film and Kevin Smith's involvement doesn't make it any good it's actually even worse and it's comedic elements or scenes were so dreadful to sit threw. Overall one of the worst if not the worst films i have seen in a while. (0/10)
GL84 Still intent on his duties, the wolf-cop and his friends come upon a ploy to transform the citizens in their town into ravenous, bloodthirsty creatures as a result of a chemical agent hidden inside a recently-released soft drink and must use his powers to stop it from occurring.This is yet another exceptionally enjoyable outing. One of the best aspects of this one is that the film plays in much the same set of behavior as the original. This one keeps up the same overt and silly humor that's present in the first one, from the utterly bizarre situations that occur due to the character being what it is, the series of strange revelations that are at the forefront of the story and the series of truly hilarious one-liners that emerge as a result of his condition. Since this comes about because everyone seems to accept the character which really helps raise this one significantly by adding a goofy bent to the whole affair. The absurdity of it all comes to a head with all the utterly fun action throughout here, from the opening scene of him thwarting the robbers inside the truck with the shootouts and him ripping them to pieces alongside the need for keeping the whole affair a secret, the big brawl as a werewolf against the killer robot in the stripclub as well as the final sequence inside the hockey rink where the mismatched hockey game leads into the massacre against the robots and the forces teaming up together to stop the massive amount of henchmen coming together to stop them which has so much to enjoy with the wild and chaotic action featured here which gives this a stylish finish alongside the enjoyable comedy to be displayed by all the utterly silly concepts at play here. That alone gives this the majority of it's power during these types of scenes, as everything is just generally way too silly and goofy to be taken seriously with the ideas presented here of this over-the-top series of concepts here, from the idea of the werewolf still employing his policemans' sense of duty, the deformed member of the group who discovers quite an unusual physical condition as a result of the overly silly plan to take-over the community and the animalistic sex scene all manage to give this a cheesy charm that goes along with the fine action to really have plenty to like here. Alongside the strong make-up effects for not only the plethora of gore as well as the stunning transformation scene that plays exactly like the original did in how it looks physically, the film has a ton to like about it and really doesn't have much to dislike here. The only real flaw here is the running time, as it's barely over an hour long before it starts in on the ending credits which might be problematic for those who don't find this shorter time all that enjoyable. Otherwise, this one really doesn't have much wrong with it.Rated Unrated/R: Extreme Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, Nudity, a strong comedic sex scene and drug use.