Spiders II: Breeding Ground
Spiders II: Breeding Ground
| 09 May 2001 (USA)
Spiders II: Breeding Ground Trailers

Happy couple Jason and Alexandra lose their sail yacht in a storm and are grateful to get picked up by Captain Jim Bigelow's commercial carrier. Suspicious about the ship's doctor and realizing the ship is improbably empty and the radio not broken as the crew claims, Jason starts snooping around. Bodies on meat-hooks, genetic experimentation and giant spiders are what he finds.

ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
jlthornb51 Director Stan Firstenberg brings to life in vivid fashion Stephen David Brooks' dynamic script in this shattering horror film. Veteran genre producer/writer/director Boaz Davidson wrote this story about people fighting for their very lives while murderous spiders attempt to devour them. Stephanie Niznik, Greg Cromer, and Daniel Quinn give strong performances and succeed in giving their characters depth and humanity even as they desperately struggle for survival. Night Court alumnus Richard Moll is particularly superb as the mysterious ship's medic, Dr. Grbac. The suspense is super charged and the terror unrelenting in this superior horror production. The filming on location in Sofia, Bulgaria helps create an unusual environment and dark atmosphere of dread and fright, almost surreal in its depiction. Original in conception and beautifully realized on film, this is a very human tale of mankind fighting for existence against total abominations of nature corrupted by a science of evil.
BA_Harrison I really don't understand the low score Spiders 2 has here on IMDb: whilst an over-ambitious script combined with obvious budgetary limitations mean that the film suffers from some pretty awful CGI effects (particularly in its closing moments), it still proves to be very entertaining stuff.Part mad scientist flick and part big bug B-movie, this 'sequel' (in name only) to the surprisingly fun Spiders offers a pretty inventive (although logic-free) plot, plenty of gruesome effects, and lots of general silliness that fans of low-budget horror should lap up. And for a Nu-Image film made in Bulgaria, you can't really ask for much more than that, can you?Stephanie Niznik and Greg Cromer play Alexandra and Jason, a married couple who wind up being rescued by the crew of a dilapidated cargo ship after their yacht is capsized during a storm. However, they soon discover that they are not quite as lucky as they first think: the ship is being used as a floating laboratory for genetic experiments, and the ship's evil doctor has Jason lined up to be a host for one of his mutant spider eggs...With the director pacing his film carefully, obviously saving most of the film's budget for the FX-laden action at the climax, Spiders 2 may disappoint those looking for non-stop creepy-crawly horror. Fortunately, a great collection of well realised characters (Richard Moll as mad Dr. Grbac gives a wonderfully camp performance, and full marks go to the slimy looking bunch who play the ship's motley crew) and an enjoyably daft script ensure that the film holds one's attention until the arachnids finally go on the rampage.6.5 out of 10, rounded up to 7 for IMDb.
StormSworder Having seen the first Spiders film, I wasn't expecting an intelligent plot or an involved storyline. The story, such as it is, involves a ship which contains more out-sized arachnids which are soon devouring people. The first half of this film is quite amazingly tedious, with very little happening, but as soon as villains - both arachnid and human - go into action, things start to move. Whether or not you find this film frightening presumably depends on how you feel about spiders. Personally I thought it was great fun, an action-girl fighting her way through baddies and comic-looking giant spiders. If you're a fan of monster-stompers this is worth a look, but just don't take it too seriously.
theenoid Unless you are "brain-dead" and can't hold into account previous situations or statements, you will come to the conclusion that this movie wasn't thought out. In fact, it was played out as if it was filmed by a 6 year old. There are several errors and/or stupid planned out scenes. I'll just name a couple. They make it clear that it was an empty tanker just going around in circles, but when it sank it shows close to full number of containers sitting on the deck. Spiders that sound like elephants!? Umm, OK.. A HUGE spider, 1/4 th the size of the boat wasn't noticed until the ending. As the boat sank, nose first and rear last, yet the HUGE Spider now found an airtight container that was underwater, somehow managed to squeeze inside it and close the door. Just so that later the air inside it caused the container to rise to the surface right under the feet of the ones being rescued. Lame.