Solar Attack
Solar Attack
| 25 May 2006 (USA)
Solar Attack Trailers

When the sun's increasing expulsions of plasma threaten to ignite methane in our atmosphere, international tensions rise while scientists race for a solution to avoid natural disaster.

Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Supelice Dreadfully Boring
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Bradley Rogers great idea, great lot of things, just lousy writing and acting making it too hard to believe; the camera moves around like it was amateur and jumps back/forth to give it the low quality cheap effect. this takes 3 stars or points off the ranking, the camera that wont stay still thing that is...i didn't watch all of it, so i missed some of the plot; it will be one of those movies so bad and lousy that its got some value, but its such a waste. I figured it was written by a chick trying to make the lines for the male actors, cause men don't talk that way. i came to this site to see who was the producer/director etc. lousy flop movies have a lot in common with this movie. and Im trying to only say whats true and nice.
oahumom I read another review saying this was only for people who were idiots. However, the movie was quite interesting and not too bad for a TV movie. It reminded me of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, only a modern version. I was glad to see no horrible camera work where everything is jerking around and very amateurish looking. I would definitely watch this again.The acting was quite satisfactory and I know that TV movies do not have the same budget as movies released to the theaters, this was definitely captivating. The premise IS possible (as possible as the Van Allen radiation belt catching fire in Voyage). The effects were just fine. I found this movie to be entertaining and that's really what I watch a movie for.
Earl J Moniz In the grand scheme of things, I'm such a fan of Joanne Kelly of late that her laughter is worth all the other scifi nonsense (it is scifi, after all) ... I normally use the TV as background noise (syfy or golf channels normally) ... so to hear her laugh brings a smile to my face as well. * * * The movie hosts a wild premise, no doubt; I may not recommend it to anyone not a Joanne Kelly fan, but then again, I let it run and didn't change the station while it played ... (grin) Louis Gossett, Jr. was an added bonus ... I'm a big fan of his as well. This movie isn't of Star Trek quality, but, then again, neither is it of the quality (or lack thereof) of Evolver or Solar Crisis... (wink)Until that time ... Earl J.
drss1942 In spite of having an unknown & not too interesting cast, except for Dacascos, this is a very entertaining film. True it's another in a long line of disaster films, all of whom seem to follow the exact same formula, but this one's different. It's right out of today's headlines but that's not what makes it unique. The hero has to work with his ex wife. That's standard on nearly every action movie that comes out. They really need to take that out of the formula. What is unique is that it seems to faithfully follow the laws of physics though not the laws of chance. That part's called literary license. Unique item two is that the hero is not a man of action but rather a businessman. He is in fact the antitheses of the popular media portrayal of the successful businessman. There is absolutely no taint to his character at all. He is just a man with means who wants to help save the world from itself. I find that very refreshing. Unique point number three is that no one had to make the ultimate sacrifice in order that others might live. Other reviewers will give you the plot so I've just tried to give you what makes the movie worthwhile.drss1942 December 9,1942