Collision Earth
Collision Earth
| 24 March 2011 (USA)
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A huge solar flare blasts Mercury out of it's orbit and provides it with an intense magnetic field and it's on collision course for Earth.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
DubyaHan The movie is wildly uneven but lively and timely - in its own surreal way
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Leofwine_draca Here we have another low rent disaster flick produced by the SyFy Channel. This one has to be seen to be believed as the writers craft a scenario that would only ever have been halfway believable on a massive budget. As it stands this Canadian production only had about $10 to play with so the result is less than effective, shall we say.Still, I found this one to be a neat slice of so-bad-it's-good entertainment, and much of it is a right laugh. The story sees Mercury somehow going out of orbit and heading towards earth, so a renegade scientist has to do his best to figure out how to stop a whole planet approaching the earth. Meanwhile there's a lot of 'magnetic' disaster going on, in which cars are pulled up into the air before being dumped unceremoniously back down to Earth.Lead actor Kirk Acevedo (THE WALKING DEAD) is a real hoot in this one. He starts out looking mildly concerned and his single expression gradually deepens to all-out worry as the story progresses. I've never seen an actor look so worried in a film, he must have added about a hundred frown lines to his face just from acting in this. The CGI effects of floating cars are absolutely laughable and cracked me up every time they were on screen; my favourite bit is the tractor scene which I had to rewind just to check out how rubbish it was.
Dick-Dasterdly I couldn't believe that they didn't have Bruce Willis in it to save the planet. and as for the lead actors fantastic rubber faced expressions 10 out of 10 but the film was pretty awful. I think I could write a better script than that. Is the Director serious? I actually thought the cars were a bit old for the modern devices that are in outer space. and I didn't know that you could repair an integrated circuit with a bog standard soldering iron bought out of a Tandy/Maplins store amazing, I'll have to try that one. The Music was pretty bad too. Hey Ho I couldn't believe that Penelope Pitstop didn't have a cameo appearance in this seeming take off of wacky races. They also changed the Title to "Collision Earth (2012)" for the UK viewers what is so special about 2012 that this couldn't be done in 2011.
filmboom If you want bad script, bad production value, bad acting and altogether a waste of 90 minutes you'll never get back, then watch any of Cinetel Productions' movies. Lisa Hansen is famous in Hollywood for putting out C-pictures...not even B-minus. She finds crap, puts it on the screen and pockets the meager profits she makes on foreign distribution.Lisa Hansen is also known for questionable financial practices when she lands her production team in some unsuspecting city where she sets her films. But then, you might expect that given the sleazy, slippery, conniving producing she's known for.Collision Earth shows that you'll never go broke underestimating the taste of a bad producer.
gavin6942 When the sun converts to a magnetar for a short time, the planet Mercury is thrown out of orbit (along with a spaceship exploring it) and set on a collision course for Earth.I am officially declaring Paul Ziller the king of the 21st Century B-Movie Directors, taking the crown away from Fred Olen Ray and Jim Wynorski (who shared it). His output of "Ice Quake" and "Stonehenge Apocalypse", among others, suggests he has mastered the end-of-the-world science fiction film.This film goes above and beyond the sheer level of scientific nonsense previously seen in the movies. The Sun being turned into a magnetar? A space shuttle exploring Mercury (apparently today, not in the future)? A pirate radio reaching a space craft when no one else can? And then you have the special effects, which rank among the other SyFy films for the worst (though I caught hints that maybe they are getting better). Throw in multiple action scenes with guns and knives (who knew that being an astronomer was so exciting?) and you have a Ziller masterpiece.
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