Triassic Attack
Triassic Attack
NR | 27 November 2010 (USA)
Triassic Attack Trailers

A Native American owner of a kitschy roadside museum accidentally brings to life three dinosaur fossils. Now really annoyed, the giant dinos wreak havoc on the small town and the local university.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Sandcooler I rarely rip on the acting performances in creature features from the SyFy Channel, but Jesus H. Christ. Where the hell did they find all these people? A project like "Triassic Attack" isn't going to attract the cream of the crop, but this cast goes well below the minimum requirements. For one thing: nobody in this quiet, rural American town manages to hide their British accent. For another, the inevitable comic relief character has the comedic timing of an orphanage fire. The Native American character does seem to be pulled straight from an SNL sketch, but I think those scenes are supposed to be taken seriously. The effects are never that good in SyFy movies, but they are especially bad here. These dinosaur skeletons seemed very difficult to animate, they move in a really unnatural way. There are several scenes where we get dangerously close to "Birdemic" territory. Overall though, the most bothersome thing about this movie is that it just doesn't give the audience what it wants. All you want to see is dinosaurs eating people, and it barely has any of that. And on the rare occasions you do see it, it appears to be completely bloodless because adding CGI blood is more work. Not even good for a laugh.
geekgirl101 Well, this is yet another of those movies that I wasn't paying attention to until part-way through and realised what a total bunch of cobblers it was and that I'm glad I never got to see the boring buildup at the start.So we have 3 dinosaur fossils that are attacking a small village, a bunch of so-called Indians who have mystic powers, and a very small police force protecting the town.The dinosaur fossils raise a bunch of questions such as how can they see with no eyes, how can they shriek and growl with no vocal chords or lungs, and how are they capable of flying with no wings. What's more ridiculous is about 3/4 of the way through the film the bones join together to create - Ptero-Rex, a flying T-Rex with glowing red eyes.The settings are quite decent, the music is pretty OK and dramatic during the... well, what is supposed to be the dramatic scenes, and the acting is pretty good too, and they've done well in having the actors and the monsters in the same scene instead of it being here's a person, here's a dinosaur, here's a person running away, and here's the dinosaur chasing them. It's just the storyline is completely naff and ridiculous.
Rudy Begonia What a FUN movie. Beautifully shot in Bulgaria. Sure it was a LOW-budget production, sure some of the actors should have other jobs at the drive-up Dairy Queen, but hey, it was still fun.The joker that played the sheriff was probably the weakest cast member. Pretty flat character that should have done a little more FREAKING OUT when danger was on the Jeep. Dontcha think. The rest of the cast was well suited for their parts. Especially the quirky and funny Gabriel Womack that was part McGyver, part stand up comedian. Loved his hair after the "wire-connection."The reincarnation of a FLYING T-Rex was fabulous!!All in all a good outing for the Sci Fi channel. We all loved it, Gabriel!!! Missoula out....
Joseph Palka I was expecting a great Syfy movie; my family would sit down, watch it, enjoy it, and laugh at the guilty pleasure with it's clever effects throughout. However, this just made me feel like fast-forwarding the entire show with my DVR remote. Here's why:The story was just boring; it felt like that it could have sped up a little bit. At least they did a flashback to show how the events came about, but mostly, the writers used all these unnecessary pauses and dialog for filler that just made the movie seem longer. If they were to cut out those certain scenes or shorten them, the movie could have made a solid hour and I would have enjoyed it much better.The characters, mostly between the main characters--Jake and Emma--were just irritating and painstakingly annoying. As before, the writers just used filler techniques in situations with dialog or pauses. Surprisingly, the other characters that were further introduced were slightly better, but the pacing felt unbalanced. The acting was off- balance; some scenes looked like they were a complete joke--not funny, some were so overdone that they seemed to last too long.The effects were okay some of the time, but mostly, they were the cheapest graphics ever put into a Syfy movie--more cheap than the other movies. In fact, they were so cheap that it made the other effects from other Syfy movies, as well as low-rated universal productions, appear ten times as good.Lastly, the concepts of the movie: dull and unrealistic. In fact, one scene actually felt uncomfortable and very unusual and it lasted for about a minute. Another one was a ritual ceremony that caused it to magically rain from the sky. The fact that dinosaur skeletons are able to roar without the required organs, and fly without any muscles, is beyond ridiculous.As for consistency, Syfy premiered the movie Jurassic Park, a more successful spin-off of realistic dinosaurs, directed by Steven Spielberg, before this movie aired. I assume that it tried to keep us interested in dinosaurs, just without the whole body structure, but that plan failed miserably.Overall, this is one of the worst Syfy movies that was ever made in the history of this channel.