The Punisher: Dirty Laundry
The Punisher: Dirty Laundry
R | 16 July 2012 (USA)
The Punisher: Dirty Laundry Trailers

In a bad neighborhood, on his way to a laundromat to do his laundry, Frank Castle witnesses a ruthless street gang harassing several people.

Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Celia A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
tankace This is one of the most awesome short films I have ever seen and a lot of credits have to be given to Thomas Jane who though he did his best in the 2004 film ,the film around him didn't give him any space to gives us the Punisher film we all deserve.Now after the second season of Daredevil gave us a pitch perfect Punisher ,who Jon Bernthal gave it all, the most well-known anti-hero of Marvel didn't have a lot time in the sun, with 3 films in a course of 15 years and all three been below average action films. And here we have Dirty Laundry which follows Frank just going to take his laundry and in the mean time a gang terrorizes the neighborhood and at first Frank just mind his own business ,but no one can refuse his nature for long and he take the matter of stopping these thugs in to his own hands. And the outcome was a blast ,bloody and totally serious with out the goofy parts like the 2004 film or over the top scenes like the 2008 attempt.As for the finale ,in which Frank gives to the bullied kid his shirt with with the famous skull on, shows that dispute his violent methods Mr.Castle genuinely cares about the life of the average person who tries to live in difficult neighborhood and wants to help them. The only issue is that his way is not in line with the law.All in all this short is a love letter to the character of the Punisher and if you are a fan of this ex-marine then go watch ,it is on YouTube and only 10 minutes long, so what do waiting for?
adonis98-743-186503 This is how Punisher 2 should look like this film has even more gore than the Original beating people up with a Jack Daniels bottle and break peoples bones that is awesome. Ron Perlman even has a cameo and Thomas Jane returns as Punisher for this 10 minutes sequel. If you loved the 2004 film you might even like this more. I hope people could bring him back for a sequel maybe a 3rd film but we know that will never happen i hope he looks like this in Marvel's Daredevil. Frank Castle has always been a very great character and this mini sequel shows that. My Final Rating is a 9 out of 10 totally enjoyable and awesome and full of R- Rated kills.
bob the moo Frank Castle is staying a bad neighborhood but all he wants to do is go to the launderette and get his clothes cleaned. While he waits for his cycle to be finished, trouble brews outside as drug dealers bully a kid into selling for them or getting the consequences.I have no idea how this short film got made but I was very surprised to find one of the actors who played Castle in one of the Hollywood films would be involved (Thomas Jane) and that even Ron Perlman shows up – two men better known for being in big blockbusters not smaller films which are essentially fan made. Despite that, this is what we have ourselves. The film appears to have been made out of the common complaint from those awaiting film versions of their favorite comic book characters – that it has been watered down or that it is not violet enough etc etc. This complaint always amuses me because I think the more important thing is that a film be good, not bloody and that having a higher rating doesn't mean that will be the case. This short film is unfortunately an example of that.The build-up is to one action sequence and this I didn't mind as it was reasonably well done and was a bit of a novelty, however the second half of the film is a problem. It is a simple piece of choreography to make the action happen but it is very violent – and not in a way I personally found impacting so much as silly. The extent of gore and bone breaking is wince-inducing but it is so excessive that it didn't fit with the dark, realistic tone of the piece. It is still a nice idea and I liked that Jane was part of it, but the excess doesn't work as part of the film although I guess it will of course work for those that list "extreme violence" as the key requirement for a Punisher film and everything else a distant second.A surprisingly starry fan film which will deliver the blood and splatter to the fans seeking that, but really that is all it does and it is disappointing to me that more was not made of the opportunity.
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews A 40-something man(and is that...? No, it couldn't be, right...?) goes out to the laundromat in a bad neighbourhood, and notices the other allusion of the title - a gang, terrorizing the residents. At first, he goes about his business. Who wouldn't? Can't fix all the world's problems by yourself, right? As the tension mounts(consistently over the course of the well-paced 10 minute running time), however, he may find that he can't ignore what's going on in the street.The YouTube(yes, this is available for free, legal viewing, so get to it) title originally didn't reveal who this is about, so while the IMDb entry's currently does, I will not give away what graphic novel icon this is about. It does, however, do them complete justice, something that, arguably, wasn't quite achieved by the silver screen attempts. The bleak tone and gritty realism are uncompromising, and fit perfectly. Yes, this is made for and by fans - if you aren't already familiar with the source material, you might not fully appreciate this, and really, when something has decades of printed stories, either you condense and disappoint, or assume that the audience already knows. And yes, if you go into this not knowing yet who it's about, it will, indeed, gradually become clear to you, as with the more recent effort by the same team, Truth In Journalism.Acting is spot-on. The gold-toothed bad guy, the leader, could easily be hammy, in his nuance-free evil(this is not a complaint), and yet he feels like he belongs in our world - near the end, this does go beyond that, but otherwise, the whole thing is firmly anchored there. We could see this happening. While there is not a lot going on character-wise, what there is, is established, developed and played just right. The score, borrowed from The Dark Knight, is used to great effect. FX are solid, and the reliance on practical ones serves the short well. It increases credibility further.There is a lot of bloody, graphic, disturbing and violent content in this. I recommend this to any fan of comic books. 8/10
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