A Common Man
A Common Man
PG-13 | 30 June 2013 (USA)
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A terrorist plants several bombs throughout the city of Colombo, Sri Lanka and threatens to detonate them unless prisoners are released.

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
ghosthurd OK this is a prime example of why we should look at the reviews for films, I didn't for this one just noticed Ben Kingsley was in it and it was under new releaes cover and story looked OK so thought it would be a good film HOW WRONG WAS I anyone who remembers prisoner cell block H well the acting in that was fantastic compared to this its Soooo bad im sure it is meant to be a joke or something. and the director Chandran Rutnam needs a good kicking for wasting peoples time what a muppet and i am not giving it 1 star im giving it minus a million COMPLETE TRASH AVOID AVOID AVOID. Honestly its so bad because the Storyline is actually a good idea bit of a Bruce Willis type film i expected not this tripe. Acting really does suck its like 1980 junk soooo BAD.
kosmasp The German title of the movie is a bit of a giveaway, so I hope you did not have a chance to look at that or watch it here. But even if it wasn't you will figure out what is going on before most characters in here know what is happening. The rest is morally ambiguous and might not be your taste or might be right up your ally.Whatever the case, Sir Ben Kingsley gives a more than decent performance, though I'm not sure he as a person would agree to what the movie and his character are standing for. But that's just it, it is a movie and therefor should not be seen as anything more than that. Although it might be fair to say that the director might have more goals and messages to send, it's just what the viewer can assume. Maybe he was just trying to make us think about the topic at hand. And that he achieved for sure
incognitoami Alright so this film gets a LOT of flak for being bad. Bad film making. Poorly acted. Poor ADR dubbing/editing. A weak script. Low budget. So be it. I'll give it that. Ben Kingsley is an incredibly underrated actor and his performance alone here makes this film worth watching, particularly because of the wasted potential of his villainous character in Iron Man 3 as The Mandarin. I won't spoil what went wrong in that film for those who haven't seen it, suffice to say that if director Shane Black had taken his character seriously, Kingsley's performance in A Common Man would have delivered a diabolically sinister Mandarin the fans were all expecting to see.Academy Award winner Ben Kingsley delivers an uncompromising performance as "The Man" a terrorist who plants five bombs around the city of Columbo, Sri Lanka demanding the release of political prisoners from the D.I.G. (Mister DIG) played by Ben Cross, another underrated British performer, in a suspenseful game of cat and mouse. Unfortunately the usually dependable Ben Cross' performance is hampered by bad dubbing and very melodramatic acting but Kinglsey shines in a role reminiscent of his character of hit-man Don Logan in Sexy Beast.As others have pointed out, there are indeed some audio sync issues as it appears the whole film was ADR'd and lip sync is annoyingly off a little at times (about a frame or two). So it's not the best technically produced film and the acting by the supporting Hindi cast is almost laughably bad at times, but if you want to see Kingsley playing the real Mandarin I suggest you check it out for his performance alone for a glimpse of what could and should have been in Iron Man 3.
OJT Ben Kingsley and Ben Cross was hired into playing in this film which is a Sri Lankan action movie made for the foreign market. I'm sad to say that though the plot is good, and this should be a good film, and though the two Bens are doing their job, at lot of other things falter here.The other actors are not good, except perhaps for a couple of the younger guys. Some are almost horrific in their acting. This is the. Ewes reporter, the hacker, the curly policeman running and taking other decisions of his own. Most of the actors are making faces, obviously not trained actors at all, and only the solitude moments with the two Bens are functioning.The amateurish running in the streets are so lame to watch, that after this incident you stop taking the film seriously. A good B-film effort falls short due to incompetence from writer and director. B-film doesn't have to be bad. They are just made with less economic force, and with lesser paid actors. Sometimes we see that A-actors are put in B-films to make them better, or at least more attractive. This was the reason I watched this. So it helps, though you're a bit annoyed. Let's wish the film makers learn from reading reviews.This film is some kind of a remake of "A Wednesday" which is an Indianmobie with the score of 8,2 here on IMDb. If nothing else, this film wants me to watch that as well.