The Prince and the Pauper
The Prince and the Pauper
NR | 05 May 1937 (USA)
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Two boys – the prince Edward and the pauper Tom – are born on the same day. Years later, when young teenage Tom sneaks into the palace garden, he meets the prince. They change clothes with one another before the guards discover them and throw out the prince thinking he's the urchin. No one believes them when they try to tell the truth about which is which. Soon after, the old king dies and the prince will inherit the throne.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Hitchcoc Everyone knows the story of the spoiled prince who is bored with his life. When he meets his identical twin, a common boy who seems to have some freedom to be a kid, he talks him into trading places. The problem is that when it comes time to trade back, it's not possible, so they need to continue in their new identities. There are complications like a plot to kill the Prince. Also, the true Prince would have known about making government decisions. Meanwhile, the disguised Prince isn't faring much better as he encounters the rowdies that the other kid would be comfortable with. This is a really fun Mark Twain story that boys would have loved to read, and this an adequate,though not outstanding, version.
climbingivy I love this wonderful story that was penned by the absolute genius Mark Twain aka Samuel Clemmons.This movie made in 1937 is a delight for the senses.Errol Flynn and the twins that play the prince and the pauper are just wonderful actors.To me they look like child Dennis Morgans.He was a wonderful actor and Irish tenor of the same time era in movies.And who could top the amazing Claude Raines.Black and white is as usual the best for these old movies and I put this to DVD from an airing on Turner Classic Movies.I put a lot of movies to DVD especially from Turner Classic Movies.Then I can watch them anytime that I want to.If you want to see a wonderful adventure then this is for you.!!
utgard14 Excellent adaptation of Mark Twain's story about a young prince and a lookalike beggar boy who trade places. The duo are played by real-life twins Billy and Bobby Mauch. They're both very good. Despite receiving top billing, it's nearly an hour in before Errol Flynn shows up. He's lots of fun as you might expect. Claude Rains is great as the villainous Earl of Hertford. He doesn't really get to have scenes with Flynn, however. Fine WB supporting cast includes Alan Hale, Barton MacLane, Henry Stephenson, and Halliwell Hobbes. Spirited, fun adventure story. Despite the length, it never drags. Nice music score by Erich Wolfgang Korngold. Definitely worth checking out.
didi-5 Those who hope to see a lot of Errol Flynn in this movie will be disappointed ... it is a good hour before he makes his appearance as Miles Hendon.The novel by Mark Twain looked at what might have happened if the future Edward VI was swapped for a beggar boy who looked identical, and what that might mean for the (simplified) political situation on the death of his father, Henry VIII.As Edward and the beggar, Tom Canty, identical twins Billy and Bobby Mauch are charming. Much better than the split screen versions in later remakes of the 60s and 70s. They were both good little actors as well, which helps in this story.Claude Rains excels as the villain of the piece, while Alan Hale, Eric Portman, and others make up the cast. Flynn himself is fun as Hendon, swashbuckling with the best.After 70 years this film has not dated one jot - highly enjoyable.