Hot Pursuit
Hot Pursuit
PG-13 | 08 May 2015 (USA)
Hot Pursuit Trailers

An uptight by-the-book cop must protect the widow of a drug boss from crooked cops and gunmen.

Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
co-75006 Worst writing and direction this side of Battlefield Earth.
mistoppi This movie caught my eye a while back, and when I was browsing through DVDs to rent, I decided to finally watch this. It seemed interesting - an action comedy with two amazing ladies starring. Female led comedies are really fun most of the time, and female led action comedies will always be so much fresher than their male counterparts. The plot of the movie is really thrilling and exciting. Of course the patterns are typical: the two main characters are trying to get away from two bad guys, who still show up all the time and the main characters never seem to get rid of them. That's all very predictable, you can always tell that the two bad guys are going to show up at the worst moment possible. Still the story had amazing and clever twists I did not see coming. Of course there are some weaknesses to the plot. There was that forced romance between Witherspoon's character and the... Did that character even have a name? Nobody needed that!I love the leading actresses in this movie. I've seen Witherspoon in some romantic comedy once while I was in a plane, but I've always wanted to see Legally Blonde, I don't know why I still haven't. And Sofia Vergara is magnificent in Modern Family, and I really loved her in Machete Kills. Hot Pursuit is an entertaining action comedy. It's definitely worth a watch, although I will say this: it could've been gayer.
pleasantcow Dear Lord. I don't usually write reviews. But I had to this time to stop you from wasting even a moment of your life. Just stop! Don't watch it. It's like you're telling your ancestors that you don't care what they went through to get us to where we are today. It's awful. Awful. If your girlfriend or wife is still saying, "it can't be that bad."...leave them...forever. Nothing about this movie is redeemable. Nothing. Please for the love of anything pure...don't press play! I know there's nothing about the actual film in my review...and that's because there's nothing to review. Please...for the sake of your children and our future as a species...don' not! play. It's just SO bad...anyone who actually gave this more than a star..must be related to someone who worked on it. Please help us all if this is where cinema is heading.
Kayang Turtz Amizola Reese Witherspoon is a great actress. I love her character in the movie. Funny and interesting. Sofía Vergara is also a good actress. It just her character, Mrs. Reva, did not caught my attention. The combination of both characters are great but not persuasive in my part.I did enjoy the movie but not fully. There are some scenes that are boring especially on the last action scene where Vicente Cortez and Mrs. Reva's face off. Honestly, it was pretty lame scene. I never though that it will end just like that. I have some questions left behind. Overall, Reese Witherspoon and Sofía Vergara produce a great comedy partner and the movie did an average job.