The Sisterhood of Night
The Sisterhood of Night
PG-13 | 10 April 2015 (USA)
The Sisterhood of Night Trailers

When a teenage girl says she's the victim of a secret network called The Sisterhood of Night, a quiet suburban town becomes the backdrop for a modern-day Salem witch trial.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Micitype Pretty Good
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
jillian I'm really surprised at all the above average reviews. It is slightly above average, but not as amazing or outstanding as the majority of the already existing reviews say. Obviously opinion is opinion, but this is a movie with a very specific demographic - young suburban teenage girls in the mid 2010's. One other reviewer said it would prove to be timeless which I completely disagree with due to the specific demographic. It comes off like a made for lifetime movie, but if I were rating it in that subcategory specifically, I would give it a nice good rating, which is why I'm saying now that it is above average, but only very slightly. The cinematography and acting are two of the aspects that bring it above average, but the screenplay itself is poorly executed. The plot does heavily draw from The Crucible, but it does have the aspect of the modern era to negate any theme of an outcast community. The timing is done really well in terms of the way that other girls come forward and also confess that they've been "initiated" with whatever that one individual's mind comes up with when it thinks of an unspoken secret, and the things that people come up with when they come forward is realistic, at least for America, heavily based in molestation. But then it throws in (spoiler) bullying and suicide in what feels like ten seconds and the fact that this movie did that, even though the movie itself was enjoyable in it's own way, makes me actually angry. That a film would just graze over teen suicide in script that's so heavily trying to nudge a shoulder in the face of a crying teen girl, is enraging to me. And the way that the bully/suicide is filmed in like a two scene sequence makes it even worse. It's so close to being right, too. (Big spoiler) A girl is bullied, lightly molested but molested nonetheless, has nobody to run to that she trusts after it happens, and kills herself. In this it's like an accident but statistically teen suicides are based on impulse, or a lack of impulse control having yet developed. It would have been better if she had done it intentionally because that's more realistically how that kind of tragedy happens. Maybe it was an accident because the film wanted to graze over overdosing, too, which would also be enraging for the same main reason of lack of focus. It should have just left this out of the script altogether, make a different movie or a short film, or make this film more heavily about it, but don't just throw it in there like that and then toss in a literal ribbon street dance of forgiveness at the end. Death, especially young death, or the way a young person feels at the moment of attempting suicide, should never be brushed in so lightly and then just forgotten like that. This film dramatized way too heavily on "the secret", which is why the timing of the other girls coming forward seems more realistic, even though that itself is actually flawed too because of the way the local and then national media just instantly flock to the town based off one teenager's unpopular blog. The aesthetic of the online world is extremely outdated. The attempts at sending a message subtly are done too forwardly, like the inward zoom of the girl's smile as her subscriber numbers climb. The way that her blog becomes a safe haven for girls who have survived real sexual assault is also just "what? ugh." Not because it exists, but because it's just lightly brushed in. There could be so much more exploration with the idea of an online safe haven like that with that specific purpose, and it would probably not be so easy to find and just smash in the headlines of a newspaper. I hated those shots, too. Where it just shows newspaper headlines being slammed down on top of each other, with certain quotes or excerpts underlined or highlighted. Also the narration over the film, like it's being half read from a diary and half read from a news interview, with some shots literally showing the characters being interviewed by a news crew, awful. Just awful. I do believe the majority of this film's flaws lie within the narrative aspect itself, all other aspects are what make it decent enough. The acting is half n' half. Some of the acting is done so well I forget they're acting, others are so bad that I can see them trying not to smile during an awkward scene that's supposed to be serious. I don't know, I'm going on for too long with this. Good movie for a film student, not so good as an overall film, though. This is my first time writing a review on here.
Joey Justiss This movie really hits one in the gut! I thought it was so simply and understatedly beautiful. There was no pretense in this film. I just can't tell how it snuck up upon me and brought out this rich story of unconditional and uncompromising love! Wow! I thought this would a be a good late night B movie thriller. To my surprise I was captivated within the first ten minutes and just couldn't walk away. If there were ever a movie to present the dangers of hurting others out of fear, envy, and pride...this one does this trick. Not only does the message ring true as timely, but this story will most assuredly become timeless. What is done in darkness will come to light. Truth will set one free and on and on. I found more than one sell-able moments that would teach young and old the valued meaning of solidarity unwavering! Check this one out if you have teens or young adults in the home. Sometimes these films get it right and this one is bang on! Get your tissue box ready for the feelings to resonate under director Caryn Waechter and this precious cast of actors! No doubt one of the best beautifully filmed stories of humanity and strength of the persevering spirit.
Kell Nelson (obaara) When I saw the trailer for this movie, it looked gorgeous; the idea of a secret society of teenage girls is one that I've enjoyed since I was a teenage girl myself. What young girl doesn't want to be a part of something bigger than herself, something secret and special? Initially, I admit, I thought that the movie was going to take a turn toward the supernatural or horror genres, that the sisterhood was going to turn out to be a cult, that they were summoning something or casting spells, and although the lack of it wasn't disappointing, the entire movie felt like it was building up to something that just didn't come through. The entire time, I was setting myself up for some big reveal or plot twist, but if the true purpose of the sisterhood was supposed to be a plot twist, it was a disappointing one. The film was still gorgeous. I thought it was well acted, and I enjoyed watching it. But it felt unfinished, like there was something missing, or something that I didn't quite understand. And maybe I didn't understand it; I certainly am not going to rule that out. But it definitely left me wanting.
Cathie Hill I didn't know what to expect when I first started watching the Sisterhood, and little did I know, I would be in for a surprisingly intriguing and emotional film. About halfway through, I thought it was just going to be another trashy movie, but I soon figured that would not be the case.As a teen myself, I would say the film was a very accurate showing of teens today. The script and acting felt very real, and the real concept of the Sisterhood sounds like something even I would want to join! (SPOILERS!) The confessions that the members of the group spill are realistic, sounding like things my friends and I would secretly think or do. Then there is the whole issue with Kara Hayward's Emily. A desperation for friends, or even more, followers on her blog, and a mind for revenge on an enemy prompts her to (SPOILERS AGAIN!) lie about what she sees at the 'cult' meetings in the woods. Again, something that would happen in real life. I can't recall another film, at least right now, with as accurate a portrayal of the emotions that occur to teens now. Among all of them, I think the best character was definitely Mary. She was tough, and would fiercely protect her friends and keep her secrets. (SPOILERS) And while she did seem like a straight up b**** sometimes, she isn't afraid to show her sensitive, emotional side when she wants to. All in all, a great movie that unexpectedly made me cry. Great acting from the girls, especially Georgie!
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