Passenger 57
Passenger 57
R | 06 November 1992 (USA)
Passenger 57 Trailers

An infamous terrorist has evaded capture for a long time by being extremely clever and ruthless. Things get interesting when he hijacks a plane carrying famous security expert John Cutter, who isn't about to stand for this sort of thing.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
sol- When terrorists take over a passenger plane while he is in the bathroom, it is up to an airline security specialist to thwart them in this action thriller clearly modeled on 'Die Hard'. Given the familiarity of the basic scenario, 'Passenger 57' is a surprisingly entertaining affair with Bruce Payne making for a memorable charismatic chief villain, plus there are several well coordinated action scenes that take into account the inherent claustrophobia of being in a plane. With this in mind, it seems quite uncanny how much of the action takes place outside the plane with several minutes spent on a chase through a fairground before the characters find themselves in the air once again. The dialogue is also hardly first rate with the film sorely missing the wit that Bruce Willis brought to the 'Die Hard' movies. Something interesting though is that the film is set up to be a redemption movie with protagonist Wesley Snipes haunted by the death of his wife at the hands of a criminal, and yet the film avoids setting up a near-identical scene to give him a chance to act differently, with Snipes instead having to find an alternative path to redemption. The ending feels more than a little rushed though with limited time spent on Snipes and Payne going head to head. This is an extraordinary short movie too, clocking in at just over 80 minutes, but at least it never outstays its welcome.
menonrudolf Believe it or not but i have seen the trailers many times before as a kid but have never remembered to see the movie... until now. Wow! what a fun experience! The way the lines and action was timed, got a lot of laughs from me.This, ladies and Gentlemen is one of the examples of a bygone style of action movie making that is lost forever. They had an editing rhythm, a certain style of smart and funny lines, basically they were aiming to be as fun as the old Tom and Jerry cartoons. Everything felt real, there was no CGI plane, in fact there must have been just 5% of VFX work in this film. The build up to the action sprinkled many hilarious clues of what is to happen. There was a twist i did not see coming and that person had contact with knuckles at the end. The main Villain had some wonderfully fun lines to deliver. I haven't laughed at puns in years. This one got me by surprise. There was a scene where i had to pause with laughter when Snipes runs out of the control tower and karate kicks the life out of one officer. LOL. it was timed so well.If you haven't seen this Wesley Snipes movie then do it now! Its a tight action movie that is very fun to watch with beers and friends.A weird detail i noticed..Wesley Snipes was in the "Bad!" music video facing off against Micheal Jackson. Here.. his female lead looks like Micheal Jackson!Wesley is a popular actor for sure but had so much potential to be a superstar. Now he is back. Somebody give this guy a real movie.
Leofwine_draca Of all the 'terrorists take over a...' DIE HARD clones made since the success of the Bruce Willis blockbuster, PASSENGER 57 has to be one of the cheesiest. It's an unashamed B-movie, a pulp adventure writ large, that happily rips off scenes and situations from DIE HARD 2 for the most part yet manages to be a success despite the almost complete lack of originality. I think the main reason for this is the hilarious script, that isn't afraid to throw in ludicrous dialogue and god-awful one-liners (Snipes' "Always bet on black!" will be an lifelong favourite). Add in the awful fashions and you have a film that's incredibly dated, yet somehow caught in a time warp: as each year passes, this one just gets better and better.It's also an incredibly short film, running through the scenarios with relish and with nary time to take a breath. Snipes is a counter-terrorist type who's a passenger on a plane that's taken over by terrorists, led by stock bad guy Bruce Payne. Payne plays the usual unpleasant/intelligent British bad guy with relish, in a performance that's so hammy it could do with a little mustard on the side. He's supported by an unusual group of terrorists, including a geeky guy, a Native American-type with a turquoise earring and a pre-stardom Elizabeth Hurley looking pretty lovely. Snipes, for his part, has Tom Sizemore in the thankless "guy on the ground" role, and stewardess Alex Datcher, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Michael Jackson! The action comes thick and fast with lots of Van Damme-style punch-ups with various villains. Snipes kicks, punches, and often goes for the groin in his battles with the enemy, and takes time out for a shoot-out at a fairground which includes some MY LUCKY STARS-inspired hijinks atop a Ferris wheel. Things return to the air for a somewhat rushed climax that delivers the goods in a final showdown between hero and villain. I'm sorry, but I love this movie. It moves so fast that you don't have time to think about all of the plot holes, and the touches of surreal humour work a treat and far more successfully than those in a film like Van Damme's SUDDEN IMPACT. A so-bad-it's-good gem of film-making.
Marcelo DaSilva Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I found Mr. Snipes portrayal of John Cutter, as a hard-working, kick-ass anti-terrorist agent with a heart of gold, very convincing. Mr. Snipes work and talent has been sorely underrated. He is a first-class actor who can hold his own with the likes of Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel and others of that genre. The fight scenes appeared to be done by Mr. Snipes and were well-conceived and acted. And while the movie does not directly address issues of race it is implied, for example in a scene where he is mistaken as one of the terrorist. When he tries to explain he is a law enforcement agent he is immediately believed to be lying, primarily because he is black. I believe the movie should have a higher rating. Hollywood should develop more roles for this very talented actor.