My Favorite Martian
My Favorite Martian
PG | 11 February 1999 (USA)
My Favorite Martian Trailers

News producer, Tim O'Hara gets himself fired for unwillingly compromising his bosses' daughter during a live transmission. A little later, he witnesses the crashing of a small Martian spacecraft, realizing his one-time chance of delivering a story that will rock the earth. Since Tim took the original but scaled-down spaceship with him, the Martian follows him to retrieve it.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Atli Hafsteinsson I have never seen the My Favorite Martian TV series so I have no frame of reference, which seems to be what let most of the reviewers here down. Well, far from being perfect, My Favorite Martian is a terrifically funny movie for all its worth. Christopher Lloyd and Jeff Daniels bounce off each other hilariously, and Elizabeth Hurley makes a hilarious supporting role as a snobbish reporter whose dad runs the TV studio.You know the gist of the plot - a Martian lands on Earth and winds up in the home of a struggling reporter, who becomes conflicted on whether or not to expose him.That's all there is to it, really. There is a lot of comedy and romance. All these reviews are way, WAY too harsh! I love intelligent movies as much as the next man and I can't stand overly brainless junk, but this movie really is neither; it's wedged far inbetween. My Favorite Martian is an innocent, fun flick with a lot of humour that makes me, a 25-year old man, laugh a lot at. Think of it as Rocketman's less-wacky little brother and you're on the right track.
Amy Adler Tim (Gary Daniels) wants desperately to break into serious television reporting. When a job he begged for goes awry, he is fired. His beautiful but empty girlfriend (Elizabeth Hurley) says sayonara, too. Coming home, Tim is startled to discover his house has an uninvited visitor (Christopher Lloyd) from the planet Mars! Calling him Uncle Martin, Tim soon tries to help his new friend navigate life on earth. But, Martin gets in trouble wherever he goes, from the bathroom to the laundry room and more. Lovely Lizzie (Daryl Hannah) finally sees an opportunity to make time with Tim but the course of true love does not run smooth in this case, either. Soon everyone in television is stalking Tim, hoping for a story about a true alien. What's a man to do? For those who loved the old television show of the same name, with Bill Bixby and Ray Walston, this film is not worthy to tie the proverbial boots. Its truly, undeniably awful, with no plot and a reliance on supposed special effects which fall flat, too. Daniels is okay as the earthling but Lloyd is simply terrible as the alien, overacting up a storm. The rest of the cast is adequate, as are the costumes, set, and production details. Even if your children see the cover and beg for this film, convince them to pick out another flick at the video store. Be assured, kids and adults will find this movie a colossal bore, so opt for A Night at the Museum or Around the World in 80 Days instead.
Jackson Booth-Millard The last time I watched this film was when I was being looked after by a regular babysitter, we chose it to watch, at the time naturally I would enjoy it, in my adulthood, that was a different matter, from director Donald Petrie (Mystic Pizza, Miss Congeniality). Basically life for Tim O'Hara (Jeff Daniels) is terrible at the moment, being fired from his job as a news producer by Mr. Channing (Godzilla's Michael Lerner), father of his girlfriend, reporter Brace Channing (Elizabeth Hurley). Then his life changes when he discovers a martian crash landed to Earth, this alien forms into a human and becomes "Uncle Martin" (Christopher Lloyd), and he stays with him while he fixes his ship. It starts as a complicated situation where Tim has to keep an eye on Martin and his walking talking silver space suit Zoot (Wayne Knight), and he films the alien in his true form while in the jacuzzi. But this relationship slowly turns into a fond friendship as the antics of the alien grow on the Tim, and he cannot bring himself round to revealing this huge story to the world, despite how much it would do for him. Of course, after some crazy antics involving Zoot flirting with women's clothing, Martin stuffing his face with floating ice cream, and his ability to change his appearance into his friend in front of Tim's new girlfriend Lizzie (Daryl Hannah), the truth does nearly come out. Ruthless reporter Brace manages to find the secret filming in Tim's house and takes it to break the story, and this comes at the wrong time, because Martin reveals if he doesn't leave the planet soon his ship will explode. In the end the nasty Coleye (Toy Story's Wallace Shawn) who wants to catch an alien gets his comeuppance, and Martin was planning to go back to Mars, but he can't find it in himself to leave his friend Tim. Also starring Christine Ebersole as Mrs. Brown, Jeremy Hotz as Billy, Ray Walston as Armitan and Ace Ventura: Pet Detective's Troy Evans as Captain Dalton. It might have some good names in the cast, and it might have some alright special effects in moments, but neither of these things do the film any favours whatsoever, it is overly childish and a most appallingly predictable story based on a television show, a ridiculous and pointless family science-fiction comedy. Poor!
leplatypus The story is similar to ET: an extraterrestrial run around on earth and tries to come back home. While its stay on our planet, it will create friendly ties with humans.But, unlike ET which exudes drama, comedy, poetry, this movie is only fun. It is indeed a pure Dysney production: its core audience are children & the movie is more more in the visual than in the message.Thus, you will find some funny scenes (the first sighting of the town, a "cosmic" stray toaster) and the casting is experimented, with special mentions to "Doc", who rejuvenates in a "Mac Fly" character, and to Hurley, who seems open to auto-derision.Ice on the cake: the main title is scored by Danny Elfman, and like every other great composer, you recognize his "voice" before he is even credited.