NR | 17 October 2014 (USA)
Extraterrestrial Trailers

Five friends set out to a cabin in the woods for a fun weekend getaway that is, until extraterrestrial visitors turn it into a fight for their lives. The group is pulled from their reverie when a flickering object crashes deep in the woods. As they investigate, the friends stumble across an alien spacecraft, and its inhabitants have not arrived in peace.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Lawbolisted Powerful
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
queenlightningmcqueen Some people's low rating of this movie is a bit too harsh. It only had a $3 million budget, so obviously they had to spread it as thinly as possible.The acting isn't too bad either and the ending was actually good. A nice reference to the X-Files.
SnoopyStyle Sheriff Murphy (Gil Bellows) of Echo Lake investigates the mysterious disappearance of Nancy McPherson from a seeming alien abduction as well as other strange occurrences. April (Brittany Allen) photographs the family cabin for her mother which is being sold. Her boyfriend Kyle (Freddie Stroma) joins her along with annoying friend Seth (Jesse Moss), Melanie (Melanie Papalia), and Lex (Anja Savcic). Melanie and April stumble upon their neighbor Travis (Michael Ironside)'s marijuana grow operation. Travis is a vet conspiracy nut. An alien spacecraft crashes in the woods.This movie seems stuck in B-movie territory. It's definitely set up as such and never gets beyond that. The young actors are not that charismatic. Bellows and Ironside are the two named actors but they are mostly support. Ironside goes a little wacky but nothing is actually funny. The script is lacking. There are some functional special effects which border on respectable. However, there is something missing from the directions and camera work. This is not scary nor particularly thrilling. None of it is that good but it's not the worst thing in the world.
blackmamba99971 Though this film reminds me of Fire in the Sky on certain levels it did however manage to capture an essence not found in modern day abduction genres. Extraterrestrial is about a group of young folks who take to a cabin in the woods for a small holiday so Kyle can propose to his girlfriend except now as he is turned down a mysterious fire ball streaks across the night skies and crashes. Up to investigate the group finds the site only to learn it is an alien craft but without a crew. Soon grotesque killings start along with abductions which dwindles the group's size to just two survivors.I like how it ended. Though Kyle, and his girlfriend do get put back alive, and well... the idea that the aliens dropped them off near a military command post said that if they cannot kill them by their own means then it could be done by masked soldiers who cleaned up the site in order to cover up the incident, which included killing both Kyle, and his fiancée. Buried along with evidence no one would ever guess that a night in the woods would never happen at all. Michael Ironside who played Travis the ex-marine from Vietnam was a nice edition as the pot growing paranoid freak who lived in the very same woods. It stood to reason that it was the governments fault all along, and that an arrangement had to made in order for technology to be bartered just to extend the agenda for those in absolute power.It had moments of fright, visceral torture of Seth who only wanted to go home, and seeing inside of the alien craft that made me think that there are those who travel among the stars that do not see it as we do. Extraterrestrial is a statement which says... Not all aliens are friendly, that our existence is remnant of just cattle, and the owners are the US government along with their off world cohorts. The music was a nice touch with gritty songs of sorrow and sadness. All in all a nice flavoured movie all round.
DBLurker I spent the whole movie trying to understand what they were trying to do with the whole thing. Was it intentionally so cliché filled, trying to be corny? Or was it trying to take itself seriously? I kept asking myself because the movie does nothing new with the aliens, in-fact, it's trying to copy X-Files with generic aliens and even a reference at the end. But then, the movie isn't smart enough to make fun of all this and looks like it's actually taking itself seriously.Then there's the ending. You know how in LOTR you kept getting fade-outs thinking "this is the end" but it suddenly keeps on going? This movie did that 3 times in a row where it just refused to end at the "right" moment and then kept making it worse by showing how dumb it can be, till the end.It's so bad that I rated it 5/10 and went down to 3/10 while writing the review. Pray that I don't go any lower..