Alien Apocalypse
Alien Apocalypse
| 26 March 2005 (USA)
Alien Apocalypse Trailers

An astronaut doctor Ivan Hood and his fellow astronaut Kelly return from their mission in space to find the world has been taken over by aliens. Now Dr. Ivan Hood and Kelly must lead a revolution to free the human slaves from their alien masters.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Skunkyrate Gripping story with well-crafted characters
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
ultrasween Bad audio dubbing, sub-par CGI, camp acting and Bruce Campbell. All these factors make this movie a very enjoyable ride not to be taken at all seriously. Bruce Campbell and Renée O'Connor (Xena: Warrior Princess) play astronauts who return from a space mission to find that giant termites have invaded earth and enslaved humanity. The movie provides many great moments like finger amputation to improve work morale as well as Campbell's shining chin as he delivers one-liners with his patented bravado: "Just call me a... great healer." A must for Campbell fans. S
gordon lucas Now, let's look at the plot line - astronauts come back to earth after stasis and find humans enslaved and the planet being ruled by giant alien cockroaches. To some of us, it just doesn't get any better than this!Nobody in their right mind is going to take Alien Apocalypse seriously, and those who want to watch it will do so regardless of reviews that deplore plot holes, bad effects, and poor acting. Get a life! It's supposed to be this way! I thought the effects hilarious (the alien Cockroaches are too much!), and the acting suitably over the top. The film editing is excellent, and the Cockroaches' decapitation of victims as hors d'oeuvres has got to be seen to be believed. This movie doesn't try to be campy, but just silly. It's Larry, Curley and Moe for the boomers!So grab some pretzels, a brew or two, a couple of good friends and just howl. Hey, it's got Bruce Campbell in it, and it's a hoot! Enjoy! :-)
Deathtyger When all is doubted and all seems lost never forget that one man can bring back the pride and that man is a "Space Man" and a doctor. Who later discovers that while meeting a beautiful lady she has the best cure of them all, ale. Not only a great way to heal the sick but a great way for helping to forget your sorrows and remember the past before (they) came…the film is what you expect. Corny funny. The humor is light but it draws you in. The world has changed so much since we last knew it…life is just living everyday and trying to make do with what is left of what you have which is not much of anything. Out of fear even some of the humans have traded sides hoping to be on the right side when the time comes. One mans non-stop courage gives hope and determination to everyone around him…he gathers followers returning faith that has long faded and proves that sometimes you have to take control of the madness yourself and stop relying on someone else that may not even really exist anymore.
stormruston But what can I had Bruce Campbell in it and and the aliens had green blood! The special effects were very poor, but amusing, the acting ranged from Monty python over the top poor to campy to very sarcastic from B. Campbell. Still Bruce just oozes charisma it a very weird way and he is always watchable.The dialog is corny at best.The violence with the exception of a shooting near the beginning is all cartoon-like in its execution.I really can not recommend this to mainstream viewers, they will not like it. But (B)Si-Fi fans, Bruce Campbell fans and people who like very silly waste of time movies will enjoy this.