An Eye for an Eye
An Eye for an Eye
R | 14 August 1981 (USA)
An Eye for an Eye Trailers

Sean Kane is forced to resign from the San Francisco Police Department's Narcotics Division when he goes berserk after his partner is murdered. He decides to fight alone and follows a trail of drug traffickers into unexpected high places.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Michael_Elliott An Eye for an Eye (1981) *** (out of 4)After witnessing his partner murdered, Detective Sean Kane (Chuck Norris) flips out and goes after the men who did it. He resigns from his job but after his partner's fiance is also murdered he sets out to bring down the bad guys, which leads him to a drug operation.AN EYE FOR AN EYE is a pretty good Norris movie and I'd argue that it's at the very top of the ones that he has made. The story itself is pretty much your standard revenge tale but where the film really succeeds is with its non-stop action and a pretty stellar cast. The film certainly has some flaws here and there but if you're a fan of 80's action movies then it's a must see for its entertainment value.As I said, the best thing going for the picture was the very good cast. You've got Norris playing the type of role that suits him well. He's certainly believable in the role of a cop and his martial arts skills add most of the fun. You've got Mako in a supporting part and he adds some nice comic touch. Richard Roundtree was a bad muthafuc*er long before Samuel L. Jackson and he's fun here. Then you've got Christopher Lee is a somewhat thankless role but he's still fun to watch. Matt Clark and Rosalind Chao are good in their small roles as well. Then there's Professor Toru Tanaka who plays one of the bad guys and nearly steals the show every time he's on screen.The San Francisco location certainly help the film and we're also given a nice score as well as some good cinematography. Of course, people are coming to a film liek this for the action and there's plenty of that. Countless shoot outs and various other forms of violence certainly make the film quite memorable. Add the cast into all of this and you've got a very entertaining revenge picture.
Leofwine_draca A light, entertaining martial arts thriller from Chuck Norris, personally this is a favourite of mine. There's a flow of almost constant action, things never become too bogged down in talk, while the plot is still interesting enough and contains enough twists to be watchable. Plus, the action in this film is hugely enjoyable and the best I've seen from Norris. And what a cast to die for! Norris himself is his usual self, wooden but athletic. The villain here is played by Christopher Lee, doing his usual charming, polite routine while secretly fronting a major drugs ring. Lee seems somewhat out of place in this movie and it's odd to watch him get to grips with Norris in the modern setting, but his appearance is a blessing for a horror fan like me.Richard Roundtree plays his typical persona - gruff but good-natured - as Norris' superior who frequently gets thwarted by the big man. Mako, that dependable supporting actor, is a wise old martial arts expert who gets all of the best lines in his clichéd but fun role. Also popping up are Terry Kiser (only briefly though) and Professor Toru Tanaka, who has great fun as a club-footed villain who finally goes one-on-one with Norris in a battle to the death. Matt Clark, a familiar character actor from 1970s television, bags the supporting role with most character depth.What I like most about this movie is the action, though, as it's fast and over-the-top all the way. Here, Norris is at home breaking arms and necks in the manner of Steven Seagal and there are there expertly-orchestrated fights; firstly at Mako's home, secondly on a cargo ship, and the finale at Lee's mountain-top house. Watching Norris battle and chop a dozen villains at each location is a lot of fun and the high death toll makes this great viewing for action fans. Although not the most original or inspired of action movies, AN EYE FOR AN EYE is certainly one of the most enjoyable in terms of raw entertainment.
Maziun Most of early Chuck Norris movies are terribly cheap and simply unberable. This one is not good either , but a vast improvement over the earlier movies . At least it's somewhat watchable with good things in it , even when overall it's a movie you forget about the next day.The plot is rather formulaic . We often have to wait for a considerable amount of time for the action sequences to start and at times the plot makes you go "What the hell is going on here ". Much of the movie seems contrived and episodic.The action scenes have some cool touches of slow motion. The martial arts are believable and fun . The music is really good. The whole movie feels more like a 70's movie , but that's not a bad thing.Norris tries to show a little bit more emotion than his usual stone face. "Tries" is the right word.He also looks very young with his blonde hair and clean shaved baby face. Richard Roundtree ("Shaft") is solid as Capt. Stevens and so is Mako as Norris mentor. He's not a bad comic relief too. Professor Toru Tanaka ("Goldfinger") is enjoyable as always as the intimidating foe. I only don't understand his weird shoes. The only bad performance comes from the wooden Maggie Cooper as the love interest. Christopher Lee ("Dracula") makes a nice performance, too bad he doesn't have too much screen time.Forgettable , but harmless movie if you're in the mood. I give it 2/10.
Wizard-8 What a cast "An Eye For An Eye" has! There's Christopher Lee, Mako, Professor Toru Tanaka, Richard Roundtree, and Terry Kiser. Oh, and there is also Chuck Norris, and unfortunately once again he gives a performance that is pretty lacklustre, especially since the supporting players give pretty lively performances. But I'm sure that Norris' inadequate acting doesn't matter to many people, since they are more concerned if the movie delivers some solid action. Well, there are some good action sequences. The martial arts, while not as breathtaking as those found in Hong Kong movies, do come across as believable and exciting. The problem is that we often have to wait for a considerable amount of time for the action sequences, and this surrounding plot is familiar and predictable. The movie is fairly well produced, looking a lot better than Norris' low budget movies made in the 1970s. In the end, this movie is only so-so, but if you've ever wanted to see a martial arts movie produced by Frank Capra Junior, here it is.
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