Bad Ass
Bad Ass
R | 13 April 2012 (USA)
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Decorated Vietnam hero, Frank Vega returns home only to get shunned by society leaving him without a job or his high school sweetheart. It's not until forty years later when an incident on a commuter bus makes him a local hero where he's suddenly celebrated once again. But his good fortune suddenly turns for the worse when his best friend is murdered and the police aren't doing anything about it.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
billcarr31 Don Perlman was really wasted in this movie. I suppose we are used to people running long distances without getting out of breath. OK it may work with the young guys but Dutton carrying so much weight would collapse after even after 50 yards; then he is also capable of a heavyweight fight with Trajo without getting out of breath. Trajo is not lightweight himself and he would be about 65 in the plot
Leofwine_draca BAD ASS is a straightforward action vehicle for star Danny Trejo, almost unrecognisable underneath a thick beard. Bizarrely, it's based on a Youtube video that went viral and featured an old-timer standing up to a couple of thugs on a bus. This is the opening of the film, but things become pretty generic from this point in.It's obvious that this is a low budget movie, because a pivotal bus chase has been stolen from the movie RED HEAT (and it's not the first movie to steal this scene). Otherwise we're in the territory of macho one-liners, small-time hoods, and some serviceable fight sequences. What I didn't like about BAD ASS is the jokey script, which robs the film of menace and effectiveness.Scenes of Trejo swapping one-liners with a smart-mouthed kid sit oddly with moments like when he feeds a villain's hand into a garbage disposal unit. If BAD ASS had been a straight, dark thriller throughout then I think it would have been more effective. Still, there are some well picked actors in support (namely ALIEN 3's Charles S. Dutton and A.W.O.L.'s Harrison Page), and at least it's never slow.
suite92 In the first arc, Frank Vega narrates his life. His early days on a farm, the time in Vietnam, returning to find his sweet heart married to someone else, no one willing to give him a job, starting a hot dog stand, but not branching away from that.Then we hit the defining event. Two neo-Nazi fools roust an older black man on a bus. Frank decides to stop them instead of letting the other old man get hurt. He becomes a local hero of sorts. Three months later, his mother passes. His friend from Vietnam, Klondike, moves in with him.Mayor Williams announces a program to clean up Los Angeles, or at least parts of it.Klondike goes to buy some Camel cigarettes. Sebastian and Terrence, two young low-lifes, are waiting for him. He beats the hell out of them, but they shoot him in return.Frank interrupts a convenience store hold up. He sees fairly quick action on a case where an Anglo is killed in a robbery. He gets angry about the lack of progress on Klondike's case. He starts investigating on his own. His methods are more than a bit brutal.The mayor and Panther have an agreement, and Frank gets on their radar. From his investigations, Panther is on Frank's radar. Amber and Frank get a bit friendly.Frank gives Officer Malark (who did many a ride-along with Frank) a copy of the thumb drive that Klondike gave him for safe keeping. Will Frank's trust prove well placed?Will Frank catch to Klondike's killer? Perhaps more to the point, will he deal with Panther? -----Scores-----Cinematography: 8/10 Reasonably good.Sound: 6/10 Between OK and uninspired.Acting: 7/10 Dutton, Perlman, Page, and Trejo were fine. Patrick Fabian and Joyful Drake were OK, and I liked John Duffy. The minor players were interchangeably useless.Screenplay: 5/10 This could have been better. I liked the actors by and large, but their lines were not all that good. I found it impossible to believe that a single thumb drive was of any importance. One of the late chase sequences made no sense at all. If Danny Trejo is to have a love interest, perhaps a lady over 50 would be more likely.
merklekranz The similarities between "Bad Ass" and "Rolling Thunder" are unmistakable. Viet Nam Vet avenging the death of his friend pushes the violence scale, including the hand grinding garbage disposal scene from "Rolling Thunder". "Bad Ass" is well made, with some sharp editing to keep the ass whippings moving along. There are some weak attempts at humor and romance, but ultimately it is Danny Trejo and his bad ass attitude that wins the day. Stunt work with two greyhound buses chasing each other and colliding with every obstacle imaginable, only adds to the fun. If you go into "Bad Ass" expecting an ass kicking revenge movie and little more, you will not be disappointed. - MERK