Bad Ass 2: Bad Asses
Bad Ass 2: Bad Asses
R | 08 April 2014 (USA)
Bad Ass 2: Bad Asses Trailers

Vietnam vet Frank Vega now runs an East L.A. community center where he trains young boxers to survive in and out of the ring. But when his prize student falls in with the wrong crowd and turns up dead, Frank teams up with his pal Bernie to take matters into their own fists and prove that justice never gets old.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Michael Ledo Boxing instructor and prune juice junkie Frank (Danny Trejo) teams up with high sticking curmudgeon Bernie (Danny Glover) to avenge the death of a young drug dealing boxer. The plot is predictable. The film is filled with cliches and corny humor poking fun at old men.This is a fun comedy/action film. Where else are you going to see Trejo playing Barbies? Parental Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity. Sarah Dumont bra/panties and double majors.
LeonLouisRicci This Sequel to the also DTV Bad Ass (2011) is More Entertaining and Funny than it has Any Right to be. The Humor here works Better than the Mega Million Dollar The Expendables (2010) & 2 (2012) and that is just Incomprehensible.But here it is and this Time Our Espanic Geriatric Kick Asser (Danny Trejo) is Teamed Up with Another Social Security-ian, African American Danny Glover. It is with Some Charm that They go about Their Business of Taking Out the Trash.Things Might get Overstated a Bit in the Sexual Allure Department Once Again as Both are Given Much Younger and Attractive Females to Bed and Although this is Probably Made for Light Hearted Yuks, it comes across as just Yucky. The Rest of the Movie Delivers Good One Liners and Bloody Violence in the B-Movie Tradition and in this Aging Baby Boomer Society there is Likely to be a Bevy of these Graybeards Refusing to Retire Gracefully as long as there are Villains About.
Peter Pluymers "I'd rather you stick a needle in my eye than insult me" My God, this was a terribly bad movie. Regardless of whether you are to assume that this is really nothing more than a bad B-action movie and you definitely shouldn't take this too seriously, I think it is a monstrosity of a movie. Terrible acting (even Danny Glover's acting was dreadful), bad fight scenes , incredibly old SE's and such mindless humor that even a laugh track wouldn't work . However, what can be expected from someone who has films directed with titles such as "Saving Ryan's Privates", "The 41 -Year- Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It" and "30 Nights of Paranormal Activity with the Devil Inside the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". I have a feeling that Craig Moss used more energy and creativity on devising this film titles than in creating it. The involvement of Danny Trejo in here is also an indication that this won't be a exalted movie. When you look at his filmography, however, you can only have respect for the man. Is there actually a movie he hasn't played in? There are 18 movies in post -production with him at this time. Amazing ! I haven't seen "Bad Ass" myself (and I probably won't anyway). The only reason I wanted to watch this one is the fact that Danny Glover starred in it. It seemed like an attempt to make a follow up of "Lethal Weapon". The things that made "Lethal Weapon" so unique and entertaining, was missing here . . No flashy action, no humor and no infectious interaction between the two protagonists. I suppose that the beginning was an excerpt from "Bad Ass" where we witness how Frank Vega (Danny Trejo) teaches a duo of skinheads a lesson. Apparently this is enough to make him a local hero and even a honorary member of the police. Vega has a gym and the emerging star Manny has a not so healthy job on the side, namely trading drugs. One evening he's killed by the head of the drug gang. Vega is determined with the help of Bernie (Danny Glover), after Manny's mother begging, to take revenge on this gang for the death of his pupil who he treated as his own son .The script is as predictable as it can get. You know where it's going and how it will end. If they have deliberately created this film as a humorous pulp action movie then I would understand. But I fear that it was meant to be a serious movie. The commitment of a veteran to give a group of problem children a future and a vision. But unfortunately it became an unlikely story. The most funny thing in this film were the farts of Glover.Now some things that really annoyed me. Danny Glover , an old man who shambles around all day with a phobia so he's afraid to leave his shop and who also has liver disease, suddenly jumps to the rescue and swings around with a hockey stick as if he's a reborn Bruce Lee. I am convinced that if you get an ice pick shoved in your eye, you won't be walking around moments later in a good mood with just an eye patch. The chance that you can throw a hand grenade from a speeding jeep in a flying helicopter after which the latter blows up( with an incredibly ugly looking explosion) is minuscule. And as always, the gang members armed with automatic rifles still stand there frightfully waving those guns around while the police drive up with the sirens blaring. They stand there with such an air like "Ok, I see that they are coming, but I persist on being tough". And the incredibly delicious looking mother of Manny, falls for Vega . Incomprehensible ! I had a vision of 70's television serials like "The A-Team" when watching this movie. So terribly old-fashioned. Just that this 70's-80's serials looked far better than this movie.More reviews at
Paul Magne Haakonsen If you enjoyed the first "Bad Ass" movie, then you will definitely like "Bad Asses" as well, because it is just as entertaining and out there as the first movie was.The storyline is much similar to the first movie, sure. Frank Vega (played by Danny Trejo) is now trying to live a fairly quiet life after his semi-famous attention he got in the first movie. Living in a quiet neighborhood, he frequently visits the nextdoor liquor store run by Bernie Pope (played by Danny Glover). Frank is training local youths in the boxing center, when Manny (played by Jeremy Ray Valdez) gets killed because of drugs. Teaming up with Bernie after he saved Frank's life, the two men set out to find out to clean out the dirty seed in the community.Actually the storyline was good, despite it being corny and full of clichés. But there was just something fundamentally entertaining about it. And the movie really flourished because of the talents that were in the movie. Both Danny Trejo and Danny Glover were excellent cast for their particular roles. But I will say that Andrew Divoff really was well cast for the role as Leandro Herrera, and he played the character well.There is a good amount of action in the movie, and despite being up well in their ages, both Danny Trejo and Danny Glover do show that they still got it. And Danny Glover did bring a comedy relief to the movie, that actually worked out quite alright.So, for those who enjoyed the first "Bad Ass" movie, you don't want to miss out on this one.