PG-13 | 22 September 2006 (USA)
Flyboys Trailers

The adventures of the Lafayette Escadrille, young Americans who volunteered for the French military before the U.S. entered World War I, and became the country's first fighter pilots.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
alexander-241-61572 One of the worst films I have ever seen. The script is terrible and the visual effects, as many has noticed, is not realistic at all. Stay away from this one!
Dalton Newton Ill keep this short. although this film bombed it really doesn't get the credit it deserves. first off the directing is amazing. It thoroughly goes into detail of the struggles of being a pilot in war while telling multiple stories (the film focuses on many people). James Franco delivers an unforgettable performance and i have to say that this film is truly one of the greats. I cant tell you how factual it is but i can say that it kept me interested and entertained. I actually first saw this film in class and most films they show at school are garbage (we all know this) but this film was good enough for me to watch it a second time and then write this review:) i hope you get the chance to watch it at some point.
Johan Dondokambey For a war movie, especially one that focuses on the serious theme of kill or be killed, this movie doesn't really serve justice to the theme's seriousness in its content. In fact this movie feels like a family movie addressing on valor, friendship and equality issues. The works on the visual effects area isn't really one that's worthy for the scale of epic this movie aims to present. This is especially true on the way this movie uses visual effects to enhance the built sets. The visuals kind of stand out and not really blend with the real set. Yet I must say that the movie really tell a good story, not just as a concept, but the way the story unfolds is quite nice, despite there's the obvious cliché about having one man running from his troubles ended up being a hero. James Franco did quite a nice job here. Yet, except for Jean Reno, the rest of the cast doesn't really present something that is outstanding.
richievee I must have seen a different movie than the one lambasted so harshly on this site. I think FLYBOYS is excellent throughout, with nary a false step along the way. Okay, I'll grant that some of the aerial CGI is unconvincing, but the great majority of it adds exciting action - - and who really cares if a physicist might find fault? Staging is brilliant, treating us to plenty of period detail, and the story is taut, with lots of intriguing characters about whom I truly care. I do not find FLYBOYS excessively clichéd. Indeed, the screenwriters (Phil Sears, Blake T. Evans, and David S. Ward) quite often back off from easy stereotypes. If anything, the fine cast UNDERacts, which is a refreshing change from other films in this genre. Particular praise goes to James Franco as Blaine Rawlings, Jean Reno as a believable Captain Georges Thenault, and Jennifer Decker as a sweet French girl named Lucienne. The love bypath within this film demonstrates how sensitive the writers are to avoiding the typical Hollywood gimmick of throwing in a boy-girl relationship that eventually overpowers the essential plot line (PEARL HARBOR, TITANIC). Here, the characters of Blaine and Lucienne are treated honestly, with the respect they deserve, and not flung into the sack after knowing each other for five minutes. I'm sorry that this film was not successful at the box office, for director Tony Bill and his massive crew do a fabulous job of storytelling, and I am proud and unashamed to add it among my favorite war movies of all time. Please ignore the pseudo-intellectual posturing of the professional and amateur critics, and give FLYBOYS a chance. It is wonderful from beginning to end.