Memorial Day
Memorial Day
R | 06 June 2011 (USA)
Memorial Day Trailers

Memorial Day, 1993. When 13-year-old Kyle Vogel discovers the World War II footlocker belonging to his grandfather, Bud, everyone tells Kyle to put it back. Luckily, he ignores them. Although Bud has never talked about the war, he finds himself striking a deal with his grandson: Kyle can pick any three souvenirs, and Bud will tell him the stories behind each one. Memorial Day not only takes us on a journey into Bud's complicated wartime past, but also into Kyle's wartime future. As the two men share parallel experiences in combat, they come to realize how that magical day on the porch shaped both of their lives.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
OJT The film starts out just beautiful. I love films which uses simple effects in close ups combined with beautiful overview of the landscape. Directed by first time director Samuel Fisher, a man with a long career behind the camera, it sure us a fine debut. That's surely also the reason for this film being beautifully photographed.It's a story about family bonding and history telling, as well as giving away what is most important, the stories which makes history and traditions within a family. There's quite some symbolic things put into if as well.The film starts exciting. I'm drawn in right away, and if you are like me, you're in for a compelling story. After a few minutes I understand that this Is a film which balances beautiful between present war in Iraq and foregone days, as well as between war and peace time.It's not a big budget film, but it's very realistically told. The war scenes are shown just like they are, with no glossy Hollywood nonsense. Real snow, real people, just like it would have been. The injuries are so real, I really can't understand how they made it. Just amazing!As mentioned, the story is beautifully photographed where the lighting also is simply great. This is very qualified film making in all aspects, and add to this a charmingly told story in all ways, you have a good film. Add great acting by all, but the best us James Cromwell (as the old grandpa) and his son John Cromwell (playing the younger Bud Vogel). Young Jackson Bond is great as the younger Kyle Vogel. Mary Kay Fortier- Spalding is a fabulous grandma.After a start which promises there's more coming, We meet a young wounded soldier retelling his grandfathers stories about the Second World War. Then we go back to the storytelling, and then further back to the ending days in the war in Europe.There's so much talent and love for giving a message which drives this story, and I appreciate that this story came my way. It's one of those stories which makes you want to watch another, just as good movie, right away. This film deserves many viewers.
candym1958 I was not going to watch this film. But I am ashamed to say I watched it because nothing else interested me. I was hooked within 15 minutes. My Grandfather was a WWII vet who served with Patton and fought at Normandy. I was so proud of my Grandfather he was a great man. I named my son his first great grandson after him. When they got older he told his war stories to my son's and myself. When he passed away in 2008 my son's inherited his Foot Locker plus a lot more from his time as a soldier. My son's and I treasure what he has left to them. My father on the other hand fought in Vietnam and refused to speak about his time there during his two tours of duty. He passed away in 2007 and we never will have the chance to learn about his time in the service. I honor both these men in my heart for the service that they gave this Country.
Megan Huff I was lucky enough to see a screening of this film, and was blown away. To echo the reviews below, it's more than a war movie, it's a family movie. The movie crosses multiple generations, and encompasses stories from two wars. For those from the WWII generation this will bring back their own memories from a time with the war was very much part of their daily life. For those with loved ones serving now it gives a real face to what is happening. For everyone else it's a solid reminder that memories are stories that need to be shared, that burdens can't be carried alone and that all generations have something to give to one another. Additionally, it teaches us that Memorial Day is more than a time for picnics and BBQ, more than just a free day off and a parade but that it's a day when we honor and remember.I strongly recommend this for anyone, not just those with military ties.
Kyle OMalley Memorial Day is not meant to be a "war" movie, it is a Veteran's story. Made with Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans, the intent was to convey to our families and friends the impact on the soul of going to war. It is not meant to glorify war, everyone who goes there comes back a lesser person in some ways. Enlightened yes, but all too often hardened also. Being a Veteran of several campaigns I don't see myself ever opening up to my immediate family but someday with time and a bit of distance from those tours of duty will be able to relate some of it to grandchildren as "Bud" Vogel/actor James Cromwell, the Grandfather in the movie did.This movie was helped by a lot of really good people helping to make it this far, and graced by historically significant WWII aircraft. The P38 Lightning is one of only a half dozen flying in the world, the P51 Mustang is one of only a handful that actually flew combat missions in WWII. Fagen Fighters of Granite Falls, Minnesota must be thanked for that. It was made with the invaluable contribution of the WWII Historical Reenactment Society, and many local MN Iraq Veterans used as background actors. It is a story of great significance, and if we can get it told I feel it will do immeasurable good in helping Veterans and their families come to terms with our current return to civilian life. And not least of all, it is a respectful homage to our passing WWII Veterans. In 10 yrs they will all virtually be gone. Our hopes are that the movie will help them, and Veterans of all wars, pass on their first hand experiences and witness to history.