R | 21 October 2005 (USA)
Stay Trailers

Psychiatrist Sam Foster has a new patient, Henry Letham, who claims to be suicidal. In trying to diagnose him, Sam visits Henry's prior therapist and also finds Henry's mother -- even though Henry has said that he murdered both of his parents. As reality starts to contradict fact, Sam spirals into an unstable mental state. Then he finds a clue as to how and when Henry may try to kill himself, and races to try to stop him.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
bluesheep-61428 Ok so this film came out and was instantly panned by critics and misunderstood by audiences, but I recently watched this film and was pretty underwhelmed until the very end... BAM the whole film gets turned on its head and I instantly rewatched it, trying to analyze and pick apart everything. If you take the time to really take it in and appreciate the masterful directing and editing I think people will be able to see that the film is amazing. I'm going to spoil some of it now so don't read past this if you want to feel the insane head spin of a film on your own. The film is entirely the dream of Henry as he dies from a car accident. He is taking in his surroundings and incorporating them into his dying dreams. The editing and directing of the film is reflective of the inconsistency of our dreams, and as the film goes on it gets weirder because of Henry's brain giving away. At the end of the film you see what happens in real life, Ewen Mcgreggor and Naomi Watts are the people on the scene trying to take care of him after his tire blows out on the Brooklyn Bridge and he gets into a serious car accident, killing his almost fiancé and his mother and father, and leaving him feeling guilty as he slowly dies and takes in his surroundings. In the dream he incorporates the people who are standing around him in real life as well as the things they say in the real world. The dream is also his way of dealing with his feelings about his life and his guilt as he's dying. Towards the end of the dream he starts to know he is dreaming and wakes up. There are bits and pieces of the end of the film littered within the film itself and it's rather brilliant.
arvinsanaei I watched the movie 8 years ago and still cant forget this movie. I watched it over 10 times and still there are details here and there that are actually WORTH be seen. I appreciate putting so many details in a movie. That means they put a lot of efforts to make the movie. Anyway, it's the main concept that is amazingly get you stunned through the whole movie which is ironically simple. 'Near death experience' is not the exact words I like to describe it with, but there are almost no other words to explain it with. It is a journey that Henry( Ryan Gosling ) is having with bunch of people standing near him(while he is dying) with a sense of guilt and looks for forgiveness basically. From the beginning of his journey, everything that is happening is a projection of what is happening around him. For example, Dr Levy is is handing Henry to Sam ( Ewan Mcgregor ) which is exactly happens in reality when Sam gets to Henry after the accident. But not everything projects as it is happening around Henry to his dream. For instance, Lila gets there and speaks with him when he is dying but we do not see them encounter with each other in the dream. The performances are great. The music is brilliantly colors the movie and visual effects are stunning have play a big role in story telling. To sum up, Stay was a great experience which stays with you after even watching the movie and makes you think about it for a long time.
Izzy Stay is a psychological drama directed by Marc Foster that stars Ryan Gosling as Henry Letham, Ewan McGregor as Dr. Sam Foster, Naomi Watts as Lila Culpepper and Bob Hoskins as Dr. Leon Patterson. This film is a film that explores the art of filmmaking and is incredibly underrated. I undoubtedly loved this film the first time I saw it even though I was incredibly confused at first but as soon as I started to dive deeper into this film the more I started to respect the artistic choices it made in terms of the way it told the story, the characters and the directing also. At first this film may seem terrible and very pretentious and tries too hard but this film has so much to offer and doesn't baby feed you and tells you what to think like most films with a psychological edge or twist. We dive into the mind of a depressed, suicidal artist who seems to be very isolated and driven to serve some sort of purpose he has set for himself. He reaches for people, ideas and fantasies that he could not manage to overcome in reality, he found a father figure in a dream that did not exist and found something that he could not find in reality.This film got a lot of bad reviews on its initial 2005 release which confused me as this film warrants more than at least a 6 out of 10. This film is for those who have an open mind and are willing to go into this film expecting nothing and wanting to experience something new and engaging. This film was really interesting the first time I viewed it and I found Ryan Gosling's performance mesmerizing to say the least. Ewan McGregor and Naomi Watts in this film at first seem flat and don't really seem to be trying much in the film when you first see it not really aware of what is happening, but when you start to put things together you suddenly realize this films unique, smart, captivating and daring approach to filmmaking and storytelling through the visual medium. This film is hard to talk about without spoiling it because of its initial incoherent and muddled up way of telling the story of a young adult who is going through a lot of grief over something he has done to people he cares about, he is contemplating suicide and strange events happen all through this film that create a surreal experience for the viewer especially towards the very end when the story slowly starts to unravel. This story all seems to be taking place in his mind as characters appear and disappear at random times, the transitions seem almost dream like and feel out of place and the people within this dream like state he is in do not act like normal people in a normal universe as towards the end Ryan Gosling's character (Henry Letham) cures his dead father of blindness, sounds incredibly confusing but it all makes sense as it is not really happening. Ryan Gosling's character feels grief over killing his girlfriend and parents in a car crash and goes through his death contemplating what he has done in this dream world where he confronts Ewan McGregor's character. You can feel our main characters suffering and you can understand why he is so heartbroken over what he did, you can tell he deeply regrets the mistake he has made and now wants to find a way to forgive himself within this dream like state by conjuring up these people who we later on find out do not really exist but only exist within his mind.When we are shown his last moments after the crash, we start to realize everything as Naomi Watts's character is mistaken for Ryan Gosling's girlfriend in the film as he is confused and is unaware of the situation which is why in the dream there are flashes of Naomi and his girlfriend merging, same goes for Ewan McGregor's character as since Ryan Gosling's character created him, he loses his sanity, believing he is Henry (Ryan Gosling), this lack of identity is prevalent all through the film and starts to make sense. The ending answers a lot of questions as it all flows quite nicely and wraps things up in a concise and logical manner that leaves the audience satisfied but curious as to what it all meant. This film makes you think and question the characters and the world in which the story is set in as you think what we know as reality and what we see as truth, lack of identity and the feeling of fear and confusion. Towards the end of the film he shoots himself which wakes him up from his dream and we see he is injured from the car crash that we continuously see flashes of in his dream and find there is a crowd gathered around him and every character we met along the way are all in this crowd, including Ewan McGregor's and Naomi Watts' characters as well which explains why there are various times where we see flashes of car crashes, moments where characters randomly say things that don't make logical sense and the story isn't told in the right order but everything starts to make sense towards the end. The 'plot' changes when you get to the end so there is no point telling you the initial 'plot' as this film is very smart and merges two stories very well. This film is masterpiece and many people overlooked it and seems to be getting the recognition it deserves. If you want a film that makes you think and want to think deeper about characters and the story then watch this film, It is worth your while.
KineticSeoul Personally I was a bit bored with this film, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate it. I do have respect for how this film is crafted and the detailed elements in it. And how methodically and cleverly executed it is. Although the whole thing doesn't flow very well in my opinion, but it's more about the subtle hints that makes this film stand out. I my opinion you need certain about of empathy of how it feels to feel deep love, inner pain and regrets to truly appreciate this movie. It also focuses in on being self-conscious and the feeling of wanting to be accepted and understood. I guess a lot of introverts will understand a film such as this better. This isn't a film that I would personally watch repeatedly to get everything out of it, but I do appreciate the effort and the details that went into it. It's a existential film that delves into the human consciousness when it comes to looking back on our lives.7.5/10