The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu
The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu
| 03 October 2009 (USA)
The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu Trailers

Jeff, a down on his luck office worker finds out he is the last living relative of horror novelist H.P. Lovecraft. What he doesn't know is that Lovecraft's monsters are real and will soon threaten the very existence of mankind. Jeff and his best friend Charlie are forced to embark on a perilous adventure and they enlist the help of high school acquaintance, Paul, a self proclaimed Lovecraft specialist. Together the three unlikely heroes must protect an alien relic and prevent the release of an acient evil, known as Cthulhu.

Micitype Pretty Good
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Ryosuke Yamada This is certainly one of the better Lovecraft inspired movies I've seen. I only have a few gripes with it, and one of them is that ending seemed a little rushed. I would have liked a slightly longer epilogue, and to have seen more of how the adventure affected the protagonist and his friends. As it was, we only got a glimpse, and it wasn't even a follow- up on the supposed main character. Another problem with this movie is that significance of Charlie being a descendant of Lovecraft is barely explored, and only comes into play for a few moments in the last 7-10 minutes of the movie. In addition, some parts of the film felt a bit awkwardly mean-spirited to me- not in the humanity is insignificant and awful kind of way, but in more of the YouTube abridge parody sort of way (not that I don't enjoy many YouTube parodies). Most of the humor thankfully didn't fail to hit home. It's not every day I find a modern movie with a decent helping of cheese, so the silliness in general was appreciated. Final verdict: Does it capture the essence of Lovecraft? Hell no, but it's a fun comedy that borrows from the mythos and drops some funny nods to geek culture on side.
cokezero99 This is a light-hearted "nerd-based" film about two friends, one of whom is a descendant of the actual H.P. Lovecraft who get wrapped up in a conspiracy about cultists wanting to wake Cthulhu using a magical amulet. The go on an adventure together, later meeting amusing characters and Lovecraftian monsters all done in B-grade level effects.The characters are somewhat bland and simply fill out their allotted roles. The comedy is rather in the light-hearted area rather than seriously funny. The effects are a mixed bag - not convincing but full on B grade like you'd expect from a low budget film. It has some amusing points but yeah, nothing amazing.5/10 because it's average.
terao1002 The fanboy dorkiness just pervaded this film like the worst stench from the bowels of Hell. I got so sick of the homie-speak and the unnecessary foul language, I just wanted every character dead within the first 15 minutes. The lamest and laziest trick in the book if you can't be bothered to write intelligent dialogue or develop your characters.I love low-budget films, and labour of love this film may have been, but the heart was definitely the only organ involved in the writing.If you want to see an homage to Lovecraft, check out the beautifully and imaginatively done "The Call of Cthulhu".
purplexvi This isn't a perfect movie, at places the acting and writing are a bit weak, but it's obvious that most of these people aren't hardened actors and that most of their effects are on a budget, and with that in mind, it's a damn good presentation.It's not a movie for hardcore Lovecraft fans who'll cry if someone gets their mythos a bit wrong, as the movie(which largely loyal to the concept) isn't particularly about madness and does take its chance to have a bit of fun with the silliness inherent in just about any horror situation.The start's a bit stuttering and not ideal, but by the end of the movie I was genuinely in love with it.Ultimately, if you approach this movie without expecting a big-budget Hollywood execution, but instead a competent indie/student movie, you won't be disappointed.