R | 24 September 1999 (USA)
Mumford Trailers

As a relative newcomer to an Oregon town that bears his name, Dr. Mumford seems charming and skillful to his neighbors and patients. His unique, frank approach to psychotherapy soon attracts patients away from the two therapists already working in the area. Soon he is treating a variety of conditions, ranging from the obsession of one man with erotic novels to an unhappily married woman and her compulsive shopping. Mumford befriends a billionaire computer mogul and a cafe waitress and attempts to play matchmaker. He also begins to fall for a patient who suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome. Together with an attorney (Martin Short) whom Mumford had rejected as a patient because of his narcissism, the rival therapists conspire to find skeletons in Mumford's closet, hoping to destroy his reputation. Meanwhile, Mumford's inherent likability causes his life to become intertwined with much of the rest of the town.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
suspiria77 This is one of those movies that I just happened to see when it came out as a bored teenager that loved the movies and would go see just about anything that was out in the theaters. I was charmed by this movie from beginning to end and love to show it to people, because most have never even heard of it. The supporting cast of characters are filled with actors that are quite famous (Ted Danson, Martin Short, Alfre Woodard) and ones that would soon be a lot more famous (Zooey Deschanel, Jason Ritter) and Jason Lee in one of his most likable roles. It's very funny, but in a smile and nod, not laugh out loud kind of a way, and if the trailer hadn't ruined the big plot twist, it's one extremly interesting and clever story.Love the use of the Unsolved Mystries theme in this too! Overall a great little movie that I love to watch once a year or so.
Byrdz Mumford is not a total waste of time. It's good enough to watch on a rainy afternoon. It won't make you think too much or get terribly involved with any of the characters. It may leave you puzzled as to just why some of the things worked out the way that they did, but you probably won't worry about it all that much.There is a good mix of "characters" populating the town of Mumford and most of them come to interact with Dr. Mumford. It was actually fun seeing familiar actors in unfamiliar roles.Storywise not as good as some by Kasten but worth at least a look. I see that some reviewers have suggested multiple-viewings so it's not in the donate box yet and may just improve with age.
Sophianic I just finished watching Mumford for the second time, and enjoyed it just as much this time around as I did when I first saw it two years ago. There is so much that is wholesome, humorous, and down-to-earth about this movie. The story revolves around a man with a gift for listening to others share their most intimate secrets. He arrives in the town of Mumford, sets up shop in a modest office, and begins the practice of listening to people's problems, gaining a reputation for being an effective listener among the good citizens of Mumford. Much of the story follows multiple, intertwining threads of lives lived, intimate secrets revealed, and romances started, all because of one man's ability to listen. On a repeat viewing of the movie, many scenes clicked for me that I didn't understand or appreciate the first time I watched it. Mumford is truly delightful and will appeal to those who know the meaning of "live and let live" and who believe in getting (and giving others) a second chance in life. The ending was absolute perfection - a total delight and incredibly refreshing.
kalyankk Mumford is a great feel good movie. I felt refreshed after watching this movie and also built a positive outlook towards life. The characters and story is well told and shown. I watched this movie in Starz movie channel 2 years ago and starz did not play the movie again since. I always keep my eye on the TV channels hoping to catch this movie once more. Great movie and everyone should watch it to learn how happy, peaceful, and humorous a life can be. Hope to see similar kind of movies for the director Lawrence Kasdan in the future.