The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence)
The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence)
R | 22 May 2015 (USA)
The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence) Trailers

Taking inspiration from The Human Centipede films, the warden of a notorious and troubled prison looks to create a 500-person human centipede as a solution to his problems.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Micitype Pretty Good
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Rob = Usually I think people are harsh on horror movies but anything greater than a 1 star is generous. The movie is 90% yelling for no given reason, the actors are awful. The movie borderlines on parody but tries to be serious at times, both aspects fall completely flat. At least the other two films were somewhat set in reality, this one is comical to the point where the "Governor" and also the creator of the series both make cameos and the Governor is perfectly cool at the end with the human centipede and THE END. Literally as soon as the centipede is made the movie is over, anticlimactic isn't the word. Sometimes horror movies are so bad it's good but this is so bad it's just really bad. Skip this movie at all costs. This movie is just plain stupid
sol- Whereas the first 'Human Centipede' was mostly just about pushing boundaries, the second chapter was delightfully self-referential, focused on a character inspired to create his own centipede after watching the first movie. With 'The Human Centipede 3', writer- director Tom Six takes this self-referential angle even further, focusing on prison staff inspired by the first two movies who invite Tom Six to supervise their construction of a real prisoner human centipede. Dieter Laser - who was the lead actor in Part 1 - is the prison warden and has several amusing lines as he declares that the first two 'Centipede' films "stink" and calls Six "an infatuated toddler". Six's cameo is a lot of fun too; same goes for his choice to retain Laurence R. Harvey playing a totally different character. Six trips up though by giving Laser free reign to go as over-the-top as he likes as the warden, driven insane by heat. It is a distracting exaggerated performance and one that unjustly takes up most of the screen time, with the construction of Laser's centipede left to the final quarter of the movie. In short, those who liked the self-referential elements of Part 2 will still find a lot to like here, but those in it for the shocks and graphic imagery may be disappointed. And for those who did not like either aspect of the second film, what are you doing reading this review?
Robin Leach Whilst I haven't seen the first film, I watched the Full Sequence which was fairly bad, and so didn't have high hopes for this one. Well it seems I still should have set my expectations considerable lower as I made it through 20 minutes of this snore fest before turning it off. What has clearly happened is that Tom Six came up with one suitably shocking idea that could be turned into a decent movie, provided you're in the target audience of people who want to be grossed out by extreme taboos. And so The Human Centipede: First Sequence was made. Now I can't comment on the quality of the first film (having not seen it myself), but I can say that this was the only thing Tom Six came up with, and hoped that with suitable hype-building slogans and by capitalising off of the shock value of the first film he could go even further. Literally the only shocking thing about it is that enough people agreed it was worth putting out that it actually got released.It's so dull. The acting is dreadful, the script is astoundingly lazy and unimaginative, the direction is dire, there's no plot and there's no point. If you want to watch it for the shock value, don't. In fact there's no reason why you should watch it at all. It gives the impression of being made by a 12 year old, and has absolutely no merit as a horror film. I'd even suggest the term 'film' is an optimistic one to use here.Tom Six is a one-trick pony and a lazy, immature, amateurish "director" who thinks he's a lot more controversial than he is just because he made a film that garnered some discussion and shock a while ago.Don't waste your time on this junk, please.
nhbxxx Okay, I thought I'd seen everything -- and I HAVE seen some messed up stuff in real life as well as in the movies. BUT I was not prepared for the bare-handed castration of an inmate by the prison warden. OMG they must have used animal testicles or something. Quite realistic. I sat through all three Centipede movies (thanks, Netflix!). Why, you might ask? For educational purposes, of course. Now I would like to figure out what Eric Roberts is doing in this movie... I guess a paycheck is a paycheck... The actor who plays the warden sounds like he had a stroke right before filming, and the Texas accent of his helper comes and goes and is just plain awful. He was so much better in the second sequence when he said nothing and just let the black and white filming take in his unusual looks.