The Howling: Reborn
The Howling: Reborn
R | 18 October 2011 (USA)
The Howling: Reborn Trailers

On the eve of his high school graduation, unremarkable Will Kidman finally bonds with the girl he has long yearned for, reclusive Eliana Wynter. But he also discovers a dark secret from his past... that he is about to become a werewolf. Now, in an effort to fight destiny and save their love as well as their lives, they must battle not only Will's growing blood lust but an army of fearsome beasts bent on killing them... and then, us all.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
spencergrande6 Instead, we have the new spectacular reboot of The Howling. It's a Twilight ripoff, with like an homage to The Lost Boys maybe. But oh so much worse. This is what bad directing, writing and acting look like in conjunction. Not one can support the other, do any heavy lifting, and there is no saving grace. This is a blue and grey tinged, choppily edited soulless dreck.But hey, at least the werewolves aren't always CGI. Seriously, this is redeeming, but the movie seems almost ashamed of it for some reason and edits them out of coherence.
FlashCallahan On the eve of his high school graduation, Will Kidman finally looks up to catch the eye of the girl he's lusted over for the last four years, mysterious Eliana.He's always been shy, but when he discovers a dark secret from his past - that he is heir to a powerful line of werewolves - he finds he has a choice to make between succumbing to his primal nature, or turning against his own, and maintaining his humanity.In order to fight the destiny of his legacy, and save Eliana - as well as himself - he must battle not only his growing blood lust but an army of fearsome beasts bent on killing him....An awful attempt to cash in on the name of a horror movie that was tarnished by some of the worse sequels ever made and obviously the Twilight saga.The main guy looks like Harry Potter without the personality, and he spends the movie being stared at by some angry Backstreet Boys wannabes and some woman who looks like his dead mother, just without glasses.The story makes no sense, he falls in love with some girl who sleepwalks through the film, and Werewolves, they should be called Where? wolves, because you never really see the things in full.Please, if you want to see a blatant rip off of the Twilight saga, watch Vampires Suck, it's just as bad, but at least you will get references.Or watch the Howling instead, and refuse to believe that this exists.Boring and dreadful.
sawilson005 This movie is a lot better than those reviewing here! The acting is superb, the cinematography is perfect, effects are up with most other movies. I was a fan of the original Howling but lost favor after seeing many of the sequels. They just flat out sucked in every way. They were cheesy and were just embarrassing to watch!This IS NOT one of those! This is a GREAT reboot of the movie. IF you're a Werewolf movie fan, this is a must see! The story line is really good, you care about the characters and the movie moves along nicely. Not to mention a couple of hotties thrown about. Definitely would recommend seeing...
Hellmant 'THE HOWLING: REBORN': Two and a Half Stars (Out of Five) This reboot to the 1981 Joe Dante cult classic is sort of like 'TWILIGHT' with werewolves. It's not quite that horrifying but it is definitely aimed at the teen youth market with a lot of the same styled gimmicks. It's full of attractive young actors and the star (Landon Liboiron) looks a lot like 'Harry Potter' (Daniele Randcliffe) actually. There are some cool visuals and effects (the werewolves actually don't look half bad) but it's still got all that cheesy teen angst and melodrama. Not quite as poorly done as the 'TWILIGHT' films but it's still pretty bad.Liboiron plays Will Kidman, an insecure nerd crushing on a popular hot girl at school, Eliana Wynter (Lindsey Shaw). He lives with his father Jack (Frank Schorpion) and has been brought up under the impression that his mom died giving birth to him. Oddly Eliana is impressed by his stalker like obsession with her and invites him to a party one night. Once there Will is drugged by a popular clique of creepy guys and believes he's being pursued by a monster he thinks is a werewolf. Will goes to his friend Sachin (Jesse Rath), a media school nerd working on a horror project, the next day at school and asks him what he knows about werewolves. He soon believes he is becoming a 'teen wolf' himself and also learns that his mother may not be dead after all.The story has nothing to do with the other films in the 'HOWLING' franchise and is a reboot by all senses of the word. It's credited as being based on 'The Howling II' novel and was written and directed by first time filmmaker Joe Nimziki. I haven't seen any other chapters in the 'HOWLING' series except this and the first one so I can't say how it compares to the entire franchise but it definitely doesn't live up to the beloved original. The production values are impressive for such a low budget film it's just a shame they're all spent trying to cash in on the 'TWILIGHT' craze. Fans of that series will probably be more than pleased with this but I doubt die-hard fans of the werewolf franchise it's attached itself to will be happy. Overall I'd say it pretty much matched my pretty low expectations (maybe even exceeded them). I found it mildly amusing and definitely would say this is one time when the rip-off is better than the material it's knocking off (I'm referring to the popular teen vampire series of course).Watch our review show 'MOVIE TALK' at: