Howling V: The Rebirth
Howling V: The Rebirth
R | 01 May 1989 (USA)
Howling V: The Rebirth Trailers

When a group of people from different walks of life converge in a Hungarian castle situated in Budapest which has been sealed for 500 years, they bring with them a werewolf which slowly begins to cut their numbers down.

BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
atinder The howling 5 1989Well this is like the Halloween 3 of this series , as there are only two/there brief moments of seeing werewolf in this movieThe opening scene was intruding , a couple who kill them self for some reason but you can here av baby crying in the back ground in the castle then the movie fast forwards , I forget how many yearsA number of stranger end up into same castle and there are picked of one by one by a werewolf. We don't get to see much of attack , only the aftermath of the death , so this did not much werewolf or even that gore.they later then sooner figure out that one of them is the werewolf. soon people start to kill each other, thinking they are the werewolf and the never actually tell you or show who actually werewolf but they do Seem to imply who it was the whole timeMore of a who done it movie then werewolf movie and the acting in the movie was some of the worst in the series3/10
Vornoff-3 This is one of the better horror movies shot in the period right after the fall of the Iron Curtain in Eastern Europe. It's not a great by any means - in fact it borrows heavily from the 1970s film "The Beast Must Die" (itself a riff on the "Ten Little Indians" theme), but it is kind of fun in its way. It has nothing whatever to do with the previous "Howling films, which at least means you can see it without sitting through four previous movies for it to make sense. Basically, it's a slasher film in which a collection of fairly ill-defined characters are isolated in a lonely Hungarian castle and eliminated one by one by something that may or may not be a werewolf, and which is surely one of them (but which one?). My favorite Howling Movie is still #7, "New Moon Rising," but this is a respectable entry in the series.
Michael_Elliott Howling 5 (1989) ** (out of 4) Budapest, 1489 is where our film starts off. In a dark castle everyone inside has committed suicide for some unknown reason. Two survivors are in terror and decide to kill themselves after a baby is thought to have also been killed. After their death we hear the baby cry out, which gets us onto to the mystery. Five hundred years later a group of people is brought back to the castle by a strange Count who could be hiding his own little secrets.The group has no idea why they are at the castle and things take a strange turn when the bus that brought them there drives off into the night. To make matters worse a snowstorm has hit, which means they'll have to spend the night in the castle. Soon members of the group begin to disappear so that Count orders a search of the place. Soon bodies are found with their throats bitten out and it appears that the legend of the werewolves is real. In a Ten Little Indians fashion, the group must discover who the werewolf is and destroy the thing before more die.Howling 5 suffers from a very small budget and I'm not sure to bash the film for this or praise it. The low budget is so low that we have to suffer through the fact that the werewolf is pretty much never seen. We get a few close-ups of its teeth and a couple quick shots of it attacking but we never get a good eye on the creature. This become pretty irritating, although I guess some could claim this was a homage to Universal's dreadfully bad She Wolf of London. Those expecting gore will also be disappointed to hear that all the death scenes are shown off screen.The good thing about the low budget is that the director tries to make up for it with some wonderful locations and a pretty nice script, which is full of some funny dialogue. Most of the laughs come from a dumb blonde actress who is too stupid to know what's going on around here. The director pretty much abuses the "dumbness" in the woman but it's pretty funny in the end. The castle is very well decked out and adds some nice atmosphere to the mix. Another good aspect is the snowstorm that rages outside. This here leads to some very nice shots, although I doubt this is what horror fans is wanting to hear.In the end Howling 5 is a decent little movie but the low budget and non-gory violence will probably turn more genre fans off. It's well made and well acted but that can only take a horror film like this so far. Another problem is that the film drags on and on with useless talk about the legend and mystery when the viewer knows exactly what's going on. The characters talk and talk about it not being a werewolf yet we know it is so these scenes come off as fake and really just pad the running time, which should have been cut to begin with. Many fans of the series talk about the shock ending but I pretty much caught it early on. If you want to see this same storyline better done then I highly recommend the Amicus film The Beast Must Die with Peter Cushing, which features that infamous "werewolf break".
preppy-3 A bunch of people are invited to this remote castle. As far as they know they have nothing in common with each other. Then they start getting murdered one by one--they can't escape the castle because of a huge blizzard outside--and one of them is the murderer...and a werewolf.Sort of like Agatha Christie's "Ten Little Indians". It's very atmospheric with some good acting and a real neat ending that got me by surprise. There's not a lot of blood and gore however and ALL the werewolf stuff is kept off screen (!!!). The budget on this film must have been tiny. Still I was entertained and enjoyed it. A neat little horror film--just don't expect it to be a "Howling" movie. I give it a 7.