Dark Wolf
Dark Wolf
| 15 April 2003 (USA)
Dark Wolf Trailers

A hip, very erotic twist on the werewolf thriller, this atmospheric horror film adds a a wickedly sexy appetite to the bloodthirsty cravings of its monster. A vicious werewolf stalks the streets of Los Angeles. Between killings, its desperate goal is to mate with unsuspecting Josie, who is unaware of her special power attracting the beast. Forced to take over an investigation involving werewolves after his partner is killed, an LAPD Detective is led to the trail of this ravenously deadly hybrid werewolf.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Steineded How sad is this?
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
nickysmith84 This may be the worst movie I've ever seen and I've seen Gigli, Glitter and Battlefield Earth! The effects the worst I've ever seen. The storyline was ridiculous and the acting was worse than a 3rd grade play. What the hell was the point? Was I scared? No. Was I entertained? NO. Why did I waste precious minutes of my life watching this crap?! There were so many questions and plot holes but I don't even want to get into it, I don't care enough to bother. My only hope is that this review will save one person the horror of having to sit through this movie. ******SPOILER ALERT******** This movie sucks.
lastliberal I have certainly seen a lot of werewolves, but director Richard Friedman and writer Geoffrey Alan Holliday put together what I consider the best werewolf movie ever.You just knew that it was going to be a winner when the action started in a strip club. In walks biker Kane Hodder (Hatchet, 2001 Maniacs) with the cops on his tail. Amid all the breasts, he manages to get caught, but only for a short time. Locked securely in a steel police van, he transforms into the Hybrid Wolf and escapes, leaving two bodies in his wake - one completely unrecognizable as something human.The dead detective partner (Ryan Alosio) has a rookie with him (Jaime Bergman, Miss January 1999). She finds his job to be totally unbelievable, and becomes the wolf-man's next victim before we get to see her beauty to the fullest.At the same time, the Werewolf Protector, Tippi Hedren of The Birds fame, is also getting killed, but not before she clues the detective in that the waitress (Maxim Hot 100 Samaire Armstrong) is the mate the wolf-man is looking for. So, he takes Josie and becomes her protector.While they are hiding, the action gets hot and heavy at a local photographer's studio. Josie's boyfriend and friend Stacey (Andrea Bogart) arrive and the photographer decides to make up Stacey and Yellow Power Ranger, Sasha Craig as wolf-man models for a shoot on the roof. What we get for the next 10-15 minutes is one of the hottest shoots you can imagine. While we were denied in Greed/Axe, we get to see all of Bogart (she is a natural blond) and Craig as they put on a girl/girl show that steams the joint up. While this is going on Josie's boyfriend is trapped in the alley with the wolf-man. The switching from hot beauty to savage tearing and blood back and forth was an artistic treat.What's left after that? Well the wolf-man still wants mate and the chase is on into the LAPD headquarters where bodies are mangled and torn throughout as we reach the climax.Great effects as we watch Armstrong do a transformation into a wolf girl and back to human. This was Holliday's first story/screenplay. I wish he would do more.
Paul Andrews DarkWolf tells the tale of a young waitress named Josie (Samaire Armstrong) who had been leading a pretty ordinary life until her friend Mary (Tippi Hedren) is killed by a Werewolf, you see Werewolves actually exist in modern day America & there is even a special organisation within the police force to fight the Werewolf threat headed up by Detective Steve Turley (Ryan Olosio) who has the difficult task of telling Josie that she is in fact a pure blooded Werewolf herself & that a so-called 'dark prince' Werewolf (Kane Hodder) wants to mate with her & create a new breed of pure blood Werewolves that will take over the entire world, or something like that. Understandably Josie has a hard time believing it, that is until she sees the evidence with her own eyes. It's up to Werewolf cop Steve to save Josie, the day & the world...Co-executive produced & directed Richard Friedman I thought DarkWolf was a pretty bad low budget shot on a digital camcorder horror film that didn't really do anything for me. The script by Geoffrey Alan Holliday starts out promisingly enough being set in a strip club with plenty of naked breasts on show & then there's a Werewolf attack which leaves someone splattered everywhere but after this decent opening sequence it's pretty much down hill all the way I'm afraid. For a start it's slow going, it's dull, it's predictable & it's populated with highly annoying character's who come out with lots of bad dialogue & do stupid things like when they have the opportunity to shoot the Werewolf they don't, I have no idea why but they prefer to just stand there instead. The script is dumb & doesn't explain itself, why has Josie never turned into a Werewolf before? Is she really the only one? Why can't this 'dark prince' find another female Werewolf? There are also lots of other things which make little or no sense like an ancient book which at fist seems quite important but is then totally forgotten about half-way through but you get the idea anyway, as a whole the film plods along in very linear fashion to a very predictable climatic showdown that is underwhelming to say the least.Director Friedman lights the film quite well with bright neon but this is noting new or original & doesn't really improve the film as a spectacle. Now let's talk special effects or rather the lack of them because the effects in DarkWolf are far from special, the Werewolf transformation is achieved using CGI & it's among the worst looking CGI I've ever seen, seriously a Playstation would be embarrassed about these computer graphics. It's easily the worst Werewolf transformation I've ever seen, An American Werewolf in London (1981) was made over 25 years ago yet the special effects in that are literally light-years ahead of the ones seen in DarkWolf, who says special effects have improved over the years? The animatronic puppet effects aren't much better either although at least there's something psychical on screen. The gore isn't up to much after a gory opening kill there's some blood splatter & plenty of dead bodies but not much else. Thre's a fair amount of female nudity if that's your thing but don't get too excited because you still have to sit through a terrible film to see it, is it really worth it?Technically DarkWolf is alright apart from possibly the worst CGI effect ever, it's reasonably well made & it at least seems to have production values. The acting is what you'd expect really.DarkWolf is yet another low budget piece of crap horror film that litter video shop shelves & clutter the schedules of obscure cable TV stations, I didn't think it was as bad as some but it's like saying going to the dentist is slightly more fun than going to a funeral although when all said & done they're both horrible still...
notfunny This is the prime example of low budget, winning over what would be a good story line. Let's bring back Samaire Armstrong (having seen her work on the O.C. I know she can do better), then find a better script and budget.The special effects were so bad, and mostly badly computer generated, that it almost lost me with the first time the wolf was seen on-screen. And Samaire Armstrong's (alert!)changing into a werewolf was done by reducing her at first to a bad GCIF figure before she even begins to change(Final Fantasy's humans, as well as Pixar's made these laughable, think of the figure as a nude Barbie Doll).The story of was interesting, though the idea of bloodline in werewolves is nothing new. As it also got into the balance between evil, (maybe) not so evil, and the possible end of human-kind should the two lines mate. The subplot of a "book of werewolf linage" which effected some of the other characters in a spell-like manner for a while was effective, but could have been expanded more in explaining what had happened in the past. Bring in a better script and direction, and I'd come back again.