Dog Soldiers
Dog Soldiers
R | 10 May 2002 (USA)
Dog Soldiers Trailers

A band of soldiers is dispatched to war games deep in the woods. When they stumble across a rival team slaughtered in camp, they realize they're not alone.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
The Funny Just so I don't forget, 'CONTAINS SPOILERS!'. I like how the movie started with the couple being attacked by a Dog Soldier in the tent. That was pretty decent. But, what I love most about this movie is the fact that it is an original idea. Not many movies these days are something original, It's either a remake or based off a book of some kind which even if the movie is really good, that does get kind of annoying just like this long review I'm writing. Another thing I love about this movie is the HUGE lack of CGI... that makes me so happy to see how much work and effort this team put into making this movie awesome! I honestly don't care for CGI, and if I ever make my horror script into my own film, it WILL NOT have any either, all makeup and props only. The only thing that I don't agree with on this movie is how fast a Dog Soldier can heal. it's like, instantly. Other than that, I don't think I have too many spoilers, but I rather be safe than sorry... I just wish they would make that Fresh Meat sequel I've been reading about for the last decade. If they do, I will love it too! also, this movie should have gotten a 7/10 star rating at least. and THANKS to whoever takes the time to read this review, sorry if it's a waste for you.
skybrick736 Dog Soldiers, a lot budget gore flick from the United Kingdom is hands down the best werewolf movies around. The two beginning scenes really set the mood and ruthless nature that director Neil Marshall portrayed. The werewolves aesthetically are tall, slender, and menacing, just really bad-ass looking. The kill scenes are really gruesome and credible looking. However, Dog Soldiers is more than just blood and guts, since there is a fair amount of laugh out loud moments and a certain intelligence to the dialogue. One particular scene that comes to mind, which was unsuspectingly hilarious was the scene that involved a hammer and a mail slot. Characters are well developed, have strong personalities and the actors themselves, ordinary looking, were extraordinary for this type of movie. Look for some entertaining scares and laughs out of Dog Soldiers, one of the first movies I saw that got me hooked on the horror genre.
gwnightscream This 2002 horror film stars Sean Pertwee, Kevin McKidd, Ian Cunningham, Emma Cleasby, Darren Morfitt and Chris Robson. This takes place in Scotland where a squad of army soldiers on a training exercise become attacked by werewolves in the wilderness. Pertwee (Gotham) plays Sergeant, Wells, McKidd plays Private, Cooper aka "Coop," Cunningham (Game of Thrones) plays Captain, Ryan, Cleasby plays Zoologist, Megan, Morfitt plays Private, Witherspoon aka "Spooner," and Robson plays Private, Joe. This is pretty good, the cast is decent and there's good make-up effects. If you enjoy werewolf/horror flicks, I recommend checking this one out.
Thaneevuth Jankrajang This is what real movie-making is. Not the CGI. Not the show-off soundtrack. Not the handsome but meaningless faces of the so-called actors. Not exaggerated advertising. "Dog Soldiers" is a film made by and for horror film lovers. The script should be regarded as one of the best. Not too much but just enough explanation. Excellent paces all through. It was written, directed, and edited by the same person: Neil Marshall. The ultimate credit can't go to anybody else. Watching this film is like being told a good story by a skilled storyteller. He never raises his voice. Never uses different tones to give cheap jump scares. Never cheat. Marshall simply tells a story evenly and calmly, even at some most vivid and breathtaking scenes. His as-a-matter-of-fact tone is ultimately scary because it brings realism and horror in the face. You soon believe that this nightmare can really happen and you are so trapped you want to just let them eat you cold. The werewolves in this film are believable. Sometimes they are just animals and sometimes they are much superior than human beings. There is no wasteful part in this film and every bit gets used. "They work as a pack", said Megan. And with her statement we see the dedication of a werewolf determined to throw a dinner party for her folks, including a suggestion that they are to destroy the last hope for an escape. Only one or two scenes are really bloody and graphical. However, they stay with you, and your fears for the werewolves are imprinted, at least to the end of the film. All in all, it is a horror film without any wastes and pretence. Only the British can do. Economic or low-cost filmmaking is indeed their natural tendency.