It Stains the Sands Red
It Stains the Sands Red
| 08 October 2016 (USA)
It Stains the Sands Red Trailers

In the throes of a zombie apocalypse, a troubled woman from Las Vegas with a dark past, finds herself stranded in the desert with a lone and ravenous zombie on her tail.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Sean Gomes It starts off well, given that it's an indie flick with a decent premise, small budget and amateur actors. The first half is fairly straightforward, if slow. The second is where the filmmakers lose the plot and pretty much ruin everything with some ham-handed developments that are unnecessary, crude and make absolutely no sense. Perhaps it would have done well as an engaging short film. But in trying to make it a full length feature, it just drags on and on till you're wishing for the Usain Bolt zombies from 28 Days Later or World War Z to run in and speed things up. 4/10 cause it's an indie, but miss this and you miss nothing.
NeilJThomas If there's anyone from the team that made this movie, here, reading this: THANK YOU. it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience in a sea of barely watchable nonsense.the other reviewers will have already provided you with the movie's plot, it's pointless to rehash it once again, except to tell you that it's really, really takes a while before it starts tugging at the heart strings, so be it, you won't regret it.
hipCRANK Hey kids, it's post apocalypse zombie b-movie time!Just when ya think the living dead well has run completely dry, another twist on the very tiring, tiresome and tired subject matter comes to the local drive thru, er in. "It Stains The Sands Red" doesn't really live up to the ominous, gore foreshadowing title. Sure there's an early ketchuppy scene, but for the most part this is a remake of that old Bing Crosby, Bob Hope buddy buddy crossing the desert vehicle - without the homoerotic tension. We have Molly, the coke snorting stripper in ridiculous heels traipsing across death valley (a better name for the movie) with a very persistent but slow zombie in tow. They bond, in a master slash puppy manner, with the added excitement that puppy wouldn't mind biting the hand that feeds him.It's a terrific premise, and looks fabulous on the widescreen, but the stumbling blocks of typical b-movie limitations (low budget, hammy acting, plot holes) is too much to overcome. Zombie faithful will probably enjoy it, but for the rest I say: Enough with the zombies already!
kevjoyce-41340 *Spoliers*******First of nice try, I mean really nice try. My only problem that made watching this hard work is that the zombie should R been dead contained within the first 5/10 minutes of being on screen. Any characters that fails to deal with a zombie that moves like that deserves to die. Or use as bait. Also hiding in a bath tub from something that has tracked you across a desert by the smell of your blood is not going to miss you hiding in a bathtub behind a shower curtain... Smell doesn't work that way. The intelligence of the main character is pitiful. Throw in some rape hicks for shock value and this honestly is the most stupid, shout out loud at the screen movie I have witnessed in many years. Then throw in a little romance/understanding/stuff happens moments with said zombie and that's it I'm done. I'm sorry for the spelling and grammar of this review but my mind and brain cells have been depleted by this movie. Some may like it, I could see why but I want my money back.. And I didn't pay to see it.
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