He Never Died
He Never Died
R | 18 December 2015 (USA)
He Never Died Trailers

Jack is a solitary man with a mysterious past. His strange habits will soon become stranger when his past catches up with him.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
mrvanin I was very pleasantly surprised by this perspective of an immortal human. Having said that, I would have liked it to be even better - because there were a few letdowns that other people don't seem to be particularly bothered about. One of these was the weird vampirism factor. A bit contrived for my liking - yet Henry Rollins did portray it quite well, given the script.Of course, like most others, I was extremely impressed by the way that a person who is as old as mankind would not have much to say in casual communication. This must be the most thought-provoking theme of the entire story. The minimalist lifestyle is obviously appealing too and one can immediately imagine that since there is time to try everything out, several times, that ultimately every experience is worth having, regardless of how unappealing it may seem to mere mortals.As others have mentioned, there remains enormous scope for a series of this character - but it would require very careful writing. It takes exceptional effort to create an interesting and credible narrative about an exceptional person. Too often, even a team of writers is just not imaginative enough to come up with ideas for a genius, an immortal, a super hero or any other character that is greater than them collectively, in some way.
contact-86263 Dark humour, some gore and violence but never enough to be off-putting, and an understated immortal who just wants to be left alone. What's not to like?
Michael Ledo We are introduced to Jack (Henry Rollins) with ominous music. He is a mystery figure who has a trunk full of money, hears cries of torture in his head, and heals quickly. He likes to take walks, play bingo, and getting punched in the head. He doesn't say much and presents a tough guy "Dirty Harry" demeanor. He eats at the same diner everyday where Cara (Kate Greenhouse) has taken a shine to him. He discovers he has a daughter, but takes little interest in her (Jordan Todosey). Jack's identity is revealed 70 minutes into the feature.This is a noir type of film. It was original and done well. Jack's dry responses create a dark humor making the film enjoyable to watch.Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity. Plenty of blood and violence.
MitchellCombden He never died (2015) directed by Jason Krawcyk is a film about a jaded and moody man named Jack (played wonderfully by Henry Rollins), a social outcast, he's thrust out of his comfort zone when the outside world bangs on his door and he can't contain his violent past. I will start off by saying that this film is crazy. very unpredictable in the sense that we never know what tonal shift the film will take in each scene. sometimes the tone shifts several times during one singular scene. it does so with such ease that I can't see how it wouldn't impress even the most harsh critic. one moment it's subtle and quirky dark comedy, the next it's brutal violence, and then the next scene can be heart warming and serious. the script is written with such brilliance it's overwhelming. while not the most complex story with intricately structured sub plots, it never disappoints. but in truth everything good about the film rides on Rollin's shoulders, and does he ever carry the movie to the heights of excellence. this is truly the role that Rollins was born to play and it certainly shows with every single scene he's in. the way he brings new life to a character that has been done time and time again is wonderful. this is all topped of by some great gore effects and some good acting from Rollins's supporting characters.I will say, there was definitely some opportunity to dive deeper into Rollins's character and his story and deepen the over all narrative. I would have enjoyed that, and I'm sure many others would have as well. also the pacing could have been a little better. some sections seemed to drag on a little too long and bogged down the pace at which the story was initially being told. it's hard to really find very many flaws with the film. perhaps a more horrifying angle could've been explored with regards to the revelation of Rollins's cannibalism. we pretty well knew it was to be revealed and I felt it would have been better off being more of a surprise rather than something we saw coming. so really the only let downs with the film were the wasted potential to exploit more of a horrific approach to Rollins's character, some minor pacing issues, and to deepen the story. regardless, a fine film in nearly every regard.the verdict: 8.5/10