The Dead Matter
The Dead Matter
| 30 July 2010 (USA)
The Dead Matter Trailers

Tells the story of a vampire relic with occult powers that falls into the hands of a grief-stricken young woman who will do anything to contact her dead brother.

Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Andy Van Scoyoc Oh. My. God.I watched this movie for two reasons...Jason Carter and Andrew Divoff.What a pathetic and ghastly waste of their talents.Whoever put Andrew Divoff in this role, should give up filmmaking. Andrew Divoff is a lovely person (I've met him) and to see him so disrespected in such a silly role, with a cheap, doll looking wig, was disgusting.Jason Carter is endearing in any role, and Tom Savini seemed to be in his element, but what an appallingly disgusting waste of time and time in watching it and the money blown that they'd have just been better off flushing down the toilet.I've seen child actors perform better than the lead actress. I'm not sure if she just couldn't​ act, or had taken far too much Valium before her performance, but...dang.If this is Midnight Syndicate's idea of making a movie, and this is what they consider an attempt at one, they need to just stick to music.Not even their music can save this absolute all means...avoid at all costs.
Rainey Dawn What we have in this film is a seance, a book of grimoires, an ancient amulet, zombies, vampires and a vampire hunter that creates a really fun independent film that is sometimes humorous and other times creepy. Let's not forget that Tom Savini is in this film AND the movie has some of the very best Gothic music on film you will ever hear by Midnight Syndicate. If you don't take the film seriously, and just lighten up to kick back to an hour and a half of fun entertainment then you might really enjoy this movie. I really don't believe the film deserves this low of a rating it's getting.I obtained this film in DVD format and it came with Midnight Syndicate's soundtrack for this movie plus it has their Halloween Collection CD! I would highly recommend the The Dead Matter: 3-Disc Deluxe Edition if you are wanting this film in your personal collection.6/10
yeodawg I could barely sit through the mandatory 30 Minutestes of this drivel, but still I have to give it high marks. First star goes to the fact that the movie is called DEAD MATTER and it opens with a town under siege by well made up zombies. In the middle of the Zombie Apacolypse are two Sabre Wielding Zombie Slayers. The Sabre wielding Zombie Slayers turn into Wooden Stake impaling Vampire hunters as they are in pursuit of a magic Amulete. Although one vampire over-lord has a cheap wig and horrible fangs, the actor who plays him already has a couple of Horror movie franchise under his belt already. He kills humans turning them into Zombies, technically ghouls to do his bidding. the other vampire overlord a veteran of the remake of Night of the living dead (which explains why the Zombies were so well done) drugs his fellow vamps to do his bidding. However the actress playing the women in distress is so horrible she brings the movie down.
nkuttam082 If your tired of Hollywood horror that do not deliver then this is a movie for you. It has blood, guts, zombies, vampires, glowing amulet, spells and so much more. If you love old school horror from the 80's then you need to buy this movie. A guilt -ridden young women desperate to contact her deceased brother discovers a powerful ancient relic that controls the dead. Her dark obsession drags her into the tangled world of two warring vampire lords each with his own sinister plans for the artifact, and a vampire hunter who will stop at nothing to destroy it. This Gothic dark-fantasy co-produced by Robert Kurtzman features a haunting score by Halloween horror music composers Midnight Syndicate. A mix of classic horror themes with modern twists that will keep you on the edge of your seat!