Witchcraft III: The Kiss of Death
Witchcraft III: The Kiss of Death
R | 30 May 1991 (USA)
Witchcraft III: The Kiss of Death Trailers

A warlock refuses to use his powers for evil, but comes across another warlock who isn't bothered by such trivial matters. In fact, the evil warlock falls for the good warlock's girlfriend, and decides to get rid of his competition so he can turn the girlfriend into one of his many sex slaves. The good warlock, not quite sure how to handle the situation, turns to an African witch doctor for help.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Jacomedi A Surprisingly Unforgettable Movie!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
BA_Harrison You might think that a film this weak would be the kiss of death for any horror franchise, but not the Witchcraft series: despite Part III being yet another utterly unmemorable example of cheap and nasty straight to video crud, the films just kept on coming (there's sixteen of them to date!).I might be a bit sketchy about the details of this one since I struggled to stay awake, but I seem to recall that son of a witch William (Charles Solomon Jr.) is now a defense attorney, trying to prevent the innocent from being sent to death row. When evil warlock Louis (Domonic Luciana) gets between William and his big-breasted girlfriend Charlotte (Lisa Toothman), the lawyer must use his supernatural powers to fight back.As with the previous two Witchcraft films, the production values are very low, the acting is pitiful, and the plot is completely unremarkable. Director Rachel Feldman tries to keep punters happy with a spot of soft-core sex and some gratuitous nudity, but even that proves boring. Unless you happen to be a movie masochist like myself, you would probably be better off giving this one a miss.
Dr. Gore *SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT*I bought this video for two bucks. I'm not going to mix words. "Witchcraft III" stinks. It's boring, pointless, stupid, etc. Please feel free to add your own negative adjective. Whatever word you choose, you'll be pretty close to the mark in describing this one.I was hoping "Witchcraft III" was going to be a typical softcore horror flick. Maybe even a little better than typical. Well, it was pretty typical. Typical bad movie. Some Demonic male model attacks women by giving them the Kiss of Death and sucking some cheap special effects out of them. There's a little sex and nudity near the end but it was too late to save the movie. It got the Kiss of Death and landed in my garbage can.If you want a good softcore flick with some witchcraft thrown in, check out "Sorceress" with Julie Strain. You can't go wrong.
brandonsites1981 The classic struggle between good and evil for the love of a woman. Sometimes sexy, mostly dull though. Film has a good enough premise, but the treatment is botched. Bad acting & effects, shoestring budget and inept direction are its main faults. Unrated; Sexual Situations, Violence, Adult Themes, Nudity, and Profanity.
vasoxfan Kind of your typical B-movie horror film sequel. Charles Solomon from Witchcraft II is stalked by an evil sorcerer who seduces women and then sucks out their life. Eventually the sorcerer turns to Solomon's girlfriend - who is very hot and probably the reason this film is worth seeing.