Navy Seals vs. Zombies
Navy Seals vs. Zombies
NR | 08 October 2015 (USA)
Navy Seals vs. Zombies Trailers

A team of highly skilled Navy SEALS find themselves embarking on the battle of their lives when they come face-to-face with the undead. After a deadly outbreak occurs in New Orleans, the SEALS must fight for their lives, and the city, against an army of zombies.

Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Michael Ledo Unlikable VP Bentley (Rick Fox) is in Baton Rogue because...I'm not sure. While he is there a zombie outbreak happens and a SEAL Team is sent in.The film concentrates on two characters: AJ (Damon Lipari) a baby SEAL who doesn't get clubbed and reporter Amanda (Stephanie Honoré).The zombies were fast moving and the incubation period for infection varied from very short to long. The SEAL operation was bogus as they sent SEALs into an area with no information as to what was happening. They jumped into the area when they would have taken their own helicopter with a back up. The film apparently had to be filmed in one day as the day/night scenes happened haphazardly, changing at random like an ED Wood film. There was zero continuity. The zombies were not convincing and the support cast couldn't act.Wait until it's a cheap rental.Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
emailryang I watched this movie out of curiosity, and had low expectations. In the end, it was somewhat better than I'd thought it would be. It was made on a low-budget, so I am forgiving about certain scenes. But it was straight forward, right to the action scenes with the zombie epidemic. My only true complaint was that the beginning could be a little slow, after the first 10 minutes it gets better. Other than that, the animation can be a little cheesy, acting is okay, and the plot is on point. Overall, it was a movie about zombies that got right on point. It's not a masterpiece by all means, but a quick digestible action flick, just don't be too picky.
chicagorob1 The premise is excellent and the seal team's training is evident. The movie is completely destroyed, though, by the incredibly pathetic "special effects." The budget is small and the editing is atrocious, but it doesn't condone the indifferent production crew...The team throw grenades and the producers can't even download a halfway decent fire video to insert. It's not even budget constraints, but simple laziness. I've seen better effects on 6 second vines. It's hilarious when the team tries to clear an alleyway full of rampaging zombies and there is regular street traffic driving right behind them. Couldn't the production have at least blocked off that one street?
soumit-nath Navy Seals vs. Zombies (English) 1/10 Genre: Action/Horror/real crap Director: Stanton Barrett Cast: Ed Quinn, Mikal Vega, Damon Lipari, Michael Dudikoff Year: 2015I don't know who makes this kind of crap and even bigger question, why did I watch it? I guess only because of Michael Dudikoff as it's his comeback film after 10 years although his screen time is not more than 5-10 mins. I have seen a lot of bad films but this one is a whole new level of bad film, it's like the Ben Hur of crappy films. Normally I don't like to criticize films no matter how bad they are as an appreciation for the people who put in their hard work but this one surely doesn't deserve any. Two minutes into the film and I knew I made a huge mistake of watching this one. I felt asleep ( I swear to God I did) and only if I didn't have this principle to finish a film once I start watching it no matter how bad it is I would have never dared to complete this film and turns out to be the most painful experience I ever had and I was desperately waiting for it to finish. Acting, direction, story, editing, sound and everything else is horrible and I think the best part of the film was it's trailer. Just to give you an idea of what's in the plot, Five Navy Seals go on a rescue mission to save the Vice President of the United States in a town infested by Zombies. I mean really, you will just send five guys with one chopper (not sure how did they manage to got the chopper) to rescue the Vice President of US. The Zombie make up was laughable, I have seen better make up in my office during Halloween, acting was worse than a Kindergarten play and...Forget it, it will go on and on. Stanton Barrett who is some stunt guy should stick to doing stunts or should seriously take a crash course in film direction before his next film. The actors were more painful but It was good to see Michael Dudikoff, not for his acting or anything, he even had this stupid scar oh his face to make him kinda look bad ass. If you love Dudikoff and miss him on screen re-watch American Ninja or any of his previous films till he comes out with any decent one. This is not a review, this a warning message to stay away from this film as I have already suffered and don't want others to go through the pain.