End of the World
End of the World
PG-13 | 22 February 2013 (USA)
End of the World Trailers

In End of the World, the fate of humanity lies in the hands of two guys who run a video rental store and are “sci-fi obsessed” movie fans. And who better to save the world, than guys who have seen all the movies and all the “out there” ways to save it!?

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
M34 Let's just state at the outset: If you see so many 8 to 10 star reviews by people who have only reviewed one film, you know it is going to be terrible since the makers or marketing people were desperate enough to have to shill it up here.This film is just terrible. And I don't mean because of its cheap production values. I have no problem with a decent idea and script done on a low budget. but sometimes a budget is low because only a tiny demographic of total fools will like it, and that is the case here.The film tries first to be a satire of the apocalypse genre and then a part of it. This fails completely. I mean these guys are "totally prepared for anything" yet don't have water or a firearm, the two rational necessities to be ok for even the most plausible loss of rule of law/loss of supply two week duration emergencies, say some kind series of Katrina level storms or a bad earthquake? Only the bad guys have guns? Sure.
shalimar-4 Well anything can happen!WyFy managed to do a low budget "disaster" movie that is not a disaster! Shockingly enough this is actually pretty damn good all things considered.. esp for the "made for TV" limitations right off the bat.Decent acting.. writing that does not take things too seriously is a huge plus.. and effectively poking fun at the entire genre and it'self at the same time all add into this being a winner IMO given the nature/category of the film.Now this is even more of a nice shocker as of late due the the sheer volume of total crap that has been on TV... and (shudder) including some more horrific crap from uwe boll.Uwe Boll btw the most hated directly easily world wide and actually inspired a protest to have him banned from making movies.. but some ninny removed that factoid from IMDb..Knowing Uwe's fragile yet massively overblown ego he probably did that himself.. same as his idiotic "I'll fight them in the ring" stupidity.. which proved nothing since win/loss in the ring has absolutely nothing to do with how pathetic everything he touches is.Anyhow back to this movie.. I wouldn't go out of my way to rant and rave and spend $$$$$$ to get it. But if you get the chance to see it and have the time there are far worse things than watching this!Hands down a solid 5+ IMO which is excellent for this class of flick.
silverearrings1 Caught this flick while channel surfing. The plot of this movie is that a video shop owner and his co-worker, who are Syfy fan boys of apocalyptic movies, try to save the earth from certain apocalyptic doom. I found this premise to both funny and original. I actually found myself rooting for these guys. Dialogue was't as bad as most and the action was steady through out the film. The special effects were OK. Most importantly, the film kept my attention. Normally movies on Syfy are so low budget and bad I can barely watch a few seconds before changing the channel. Really wish Syfy would up their game with more quality films. There would be more Syfy fans tuning in and there are quite a lot of us!
smbloome Checked YouTube for the "official trailer" - It shows true apocalyptic mayhem, such as giant meteorites and tsunamis the height of the World Trade Towers. We rented this movie "based on their official trailer".The "trailer" has absolutely NOTHING to do with this movie. NOTHING! In fact, the "official Trailer" that is found on YouTube is for a 1986 movie, Deep Impact. (Side note: Deep Impact has great FX of the end of the world...)Having said that, who doesn't like Greg Grunberg (also in Big Ass Spiders). Even expecting a true disaster movie, this movie is a fun one to watch - more tongue in cheek goof ball disaster comedy than what's shown in the trailer (of a different movie!) I'd normally give this movie a 7, but because of their deceptive tactics, I've only given it a 4.Drag.