| 10 April 2005 (USA)
Supervolcano Trailers

Yellowstone is a park, but it's also the deadliest volcano on Earth. Beneath it, a sleeping 'dragon' is stirring. When an earthquake opens a crack for magma to seep through, other warning signs of an eruption start popping up, but they are ignored or dismissed as 'minor'. But when they learn an eruption will happen, panic breaks out through people of the USA and the world.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Clevercell Very disappointing...
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
merklekranz Volcanic ash from a massive eruption in Yellowstone Park, engulfs the earth, creating a disaster of epic proportions. The beginning involves government leaning heavily on the geologists for a best case scenario, in order to avert panic. The scientific "think tank"s computer model suggest a much larger event, yet they yield to political pressure, downplaying the danger. Curiously, this movie seems very believable, as to how the world might react to an unprecedented disaster. "Supervolcano" is pessimistic, almost to the extreme, yet still fascinating. The movie gets high marks for realism, and viewer involvement. - MERK
kirkan As my job is to deal with the emergencies in disaster situations, I had found many studies regarding volcanic eruptions. At that time I hadn't seen the BBC's Supervolcano. As I found this title in my local DVD store I thought "it worths the try".Finally, when the movie ended, I was really thrilled by what it was presented in this docu-drama film. Not the best disaster movie but far more the most realistic in all levels. The visuals were OK (its a TV miniseries so it is very impressive), direction was very good, focusing in the realistic scientific data and the people that would deal with this disaster. The most impressive about this film was that the details regarding the response were actually what all the protocols in disaster relief are predicting. Very good technical background and good study by the writer and director on how people do really react or what is their responsibility when a disaster like this is imminent and finally is evolving to a real catastrophe. Those people like the Rick or Wuendy (the FEMA woman) are really those that will decide eventually whether the impact of the disaster will be total or some lives can be actually saved. (In this point the script is great when Wendy says about the President of USA and the invasion in Mexico...perfect notation!!) Offcourse there were some small "I have seen and heard it before" moments but ID4 and the Day After Tomorrow was full of them.As a movie, Supervolcano could easily stand in the theaters and I do hope that BBC will release a more detailed theatrical version with better CGI effects and more elaborated performances and additional footage. Imagine the sound when Mount Norris explodes in the theater with DTS or THX sound effect.Anyway! It is a good material. People that are working in the field of Disaster Managment should see it, cause it gives a good point of view on what happens when a disaster of this magnitude actually occurs. And off course, it will happen in Yellowstone or elsewhere.Thumbs up!! KIRKAN
Jackie Link This movie brings to light what might happen if the lava in the caldera (which is really most of the Yellowstone park ) should rise. The results might be a massive volcanic eruption. We already see evidence of volcanic changes in the park which were pointed out in the TV discussion after the movie. The lake is tipping, the recent deaths of Buffalo bison in the area from escaping gas, and some increases of tremors. Of course it might not happen in our life time but the movie had a good base it what might happen in the future. Well acted, great visual effects. However the walk for life in which some of the people of the tragedy escape was completely passed over. How did they survive might be a story of its own. This movie is great in it makes you think. Discuss with your friends what and if this should happen what could we do and how would we cope with it.
enisor Not bad at all for a made-for-television disaster movie. Great not so famous cast with excellent acting. This movie depicts the events of an eruption of a supervolcano beneath Yellowstone Park. For those who don't know the difference between a volcano and a supervolcano - and missed the movie: A supervolcano is basically a huge hole in the ground, 30 to 50 miles wide, with a huge lava chamber under pressure, many many times larger than a typical volcano. No one alive has ever witnessed a supervolcanic eruption. The last one was TOBA in Sumatra about 80,000 years ago, which almost wiped out humans. A supervolcanic eruption would do to the planet what an asteroid would do if it were to strike earth. There's even some who believe all the earthquake activity in the Sumatra area may be the supervolcano there yawning and getting ready to wake up. Hmmm, a sequel movie? This was a great flick, fun to watch. Well made with special effects you might not expect in a TV movie. Way to go Discovery Channel!