Island Zero
Island Zero
NR | 15 May 2018 (USA)
Island Zero Trailers

A fishing community on a remote Maine island finds itself suddenly cut off from the rest of the world after the ferry stops coming. When people start to vanish, the terrified survivors realize that someone - or something - is hunting them.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
prince_vlad The director who made this movie knows one or two things about how to make a movie, I give him that. The atmosphere is constantly growing and there are moments when you think you are in a Stephen King movie. The actors are all amateurs, you can see that on their face but the script is good and it kept them alive for the long haul. The only part that they didn't do it right were the ...aliens/monsters. They are not credible, they look and act shallow, not convincing. However even so it's a film you won't regret, for the first part at least, that you've seen it.
TheLittleSongbird Was drawn into seeing 'Island Zero' with a cool poster/cover, a very intriguing and creative premise and as someone with a general appreciation for the genre. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there, made me though apprehensive. 'Island Zero' is a film it doesn't do enough with its potential (although there are far bigger wastes of potential in film) and could have been much better, can't say that it is a great film because it isn't. It is not a terrible film though, as far as recent low-budget film viewings go it's better than most but with good things. It certainly could have been far worse, considering the large number of films seen recently being mediocre at best and irredeemably terrible at worst.Lets start with the positives. The scenery is atmospheric and spooky and 'Island Zero' is surprisingly well shot considering the budget. The music is ominous.Found that the acting was not bad, while not award-worthy it was not amateurish and it seemed like the actors were trying to engage. The direction has assured parts.Also that there were a few nice moments that intrigued and there was some suspense, frightening horror and unsettlement, the first portion is promising.The suspense and unsettlement doesn't come consistently however, with the second half not having enough of either. What stops them from being frequent and stronger is an at times deadly dull pace with too many overlong scenes of little going on, not all necessary either and there for padding mainly, and also a structure that is not as cohesive or clear as it could have been. The less suspense and sense of horror there is, the more senseless and ridiculous it gets, the ending is ludicrous. Part of me felt it could have been more claustrophobic with the close-knit setting and community, some of the film feels too safe and restrained for such a dire situation.'Island Zero's' idea was great but the content didn't always feel enough for a feature film. It feels more like a short film over-stretched at times. The over-stretched sense is present too in a rushed-first-draft-stage and talky script and a pace that goes overkill on the slow burning. With a pace and structure that fails to compel it is very difficult to ignore. Characters have very little to them, while the budget limitations show in the editing, which is careless at times, and especially the effects, which look afterthought-like.Overall, not an easy film to rate or review. Not awful, not much to get excited about. 5/10 Bethany Cox
tdrish Island Zero is clearly a very low budget film. I wasn't quite expecting that, as I recognized some of the names attached to the project. Chinese/American mystery author Tess Gerritson, who wrote many bestselling books such as The Surgeon was the writer for this, which drew my attention. Island Zero doesn't have a lot of money to work with, but for what they had to work with, I would say this was a fair attempt. Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, the cameras used for the film are far from amazing, in fact, quite laughable at the generic quality, however, all is forgiven from me for the few surprises that lay ahead. I do not like the opening scene, a dog is killed off ( her name was Sweetie, how cute!), and we learn in the very beginning that there is something out there in the waters that is killing off any form of life, weather it be animal , marine, or in the fishermans case, human. The suspense and intense atmosphere seal the films solidity, giving us a feel that we are out there with them. In fact, some scenes, I actually felt sea sick. Let's say this, if The Blair Witch Project was transformed into the open waters, that would be Island Zero. So expect that, and accept that. If you're expecting a real gory horror movie, you may be disappointed. There's one, maybe two gory scenes in the entire film. For the most part, this movie doesn't concentrate on trying to gross you out, it doesn't even try to spook you. If you ask me, this was more of a mystery then a horror or scary movie. What's out there, what does it look like? So if you're looking for a high body count thriller, move on. If, however, you're tired of the ordinary, and want to move on to something a little more...intelligent, then by all means, dip into this fantasy.
tkaine3 This movie by all accounts was a good film. I tend to steer clear of indie horror films albeit this film wasn't very scary but it would fall into the horror genre, Usually these films are written horribly and the acting is so below par I can't get through the first 15 minutes but watching "Island Zero" from the beginning was not the case by any means.. The acting and pace of this film was well performed and intelligent. Not rocket science but just enough so that it seemed very believable and witty. The budget clearly was independent level hence the special effects but it was all done in a respectable manner not frivolous. Theres no big names in this film which even gives it a more authentic feel like they really used some locals off the island.. My one gripe is this film could have been 15-20 mins. Shorter but in all honesty I would prefer they took time like they did explaining whats happening instead of some films having no clue and just leaving it up to our imagination to fill in the blanks.. All in All I would say this was a pretty good film to watch and definitely high remarks being on a shoe string budget.. Congrats.