| 08 October 2014 (USA)
Spring Trailers

A young man in a personal tailspin flees the US to Italy, where he sparks up a romance with a woman harboring a dark, primordial secret.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
DipitySkillful an ambitious but ultimately ineffective debut endeavor.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
JoshuaDysart What starts as a nice, but somewhat soft, attempt at smashing the horror and romance genres together turns into a complete mess once the script makes its third act reveal. As the protagonist stumbles onto the truth at the center of the love story the film abandons any attempts at authenticity and shows a disregard for the craft of writing characters and for finding the most cinematic expression in the narrative. Instead it opts for endless, uninteresting dialogue straight out of a twee CW supernatural TV show, or worse, a Twilight film.The filmmakers are incapable of ramping up to anything cinematically horrible, beautiful, strange, or interesting. So instead of cinema, we get multiple, lengthy, awfully written expositions of the needlessly complicated preternatural occurrence at the center of the film, even though they've visually told us almost everything we need to know early on.And the characterization is the worst part of all of this. We are supposed to believe that the love interest is 2000 years old, but she is the least believable timeless character ever put into a genre piece. 2000 years and still all of the communication skills, gravitas and air of a annoying, immature young adult prevail. My forty six year old wife has a deeper sense of the years she's lived in her general air, than this character has in even the simplest line of dialogue or delivery. We're supposed to believe that our young male protagonist is somehow interesting enough to hold her attention, even though he's a just some cookie-cutter nice guy. She's been in and out of human relationships, presumably with some extraordinary partners, for thousands of years across hundreds of cultures, but this guy somehow has the spark? It's all bereft of the most fundamental imagination.The direction is super competent. The photography, while a little flat when it comes to light, is compositionally strong. For the first two-thirds, the film is able to lock down an interesting tone, despite a heavy reliance on some pretty lame images of insects that are supposed to enhance the creep factor and convey nature's strange permutations, or whatever. But I can't stress this enough, the script is really bad. The dialogue can be painful, and the fact that the filmmakers don't know when to shut up and just let their story be told visually, makes for an arduous viewing on the back half of things.I was really excited about the The Endless. The trailer looks engaging. It's interest in that film which prompted me to try this one, but The Endless has the exact same writers, and that dampens my enthusiasm tremendously. Hopefully there's been some growth between the films.
Red-Barracuda Personal issues make a young man decide to travel from his home in the USA to Italy to escape from his problems. When there he encounters an enigmatic beauty called Louise who has a very strange primordial secret.What you cannot accuse Spring of is not trying to do something a bit different. This is a film which is definitely fairly original in approach. It sort of defies any clear genre definition and is instead an odd hybrid of horror and romance. Sort of like Before Sunrise (1995) with a side helping of body horror, if you can imagine such a thing. It's that age old story of boy meets girl, girl turns out to be a two thousand year old serpent-like being. Don't you just hate when that happens? Joking aside, the premise is certainly something different and it does stand apart from typical horror or romantic movies of late. That doesn't mean that it is an entirely successful film though, I didn't think the overall whole was up to the task of the admittedly original concepts contained within it. I reckon the two leads were partially responsible for this as there didn't seem to be a massive amount of genuine chemistry between them. Lou Taylor Pucci is a little on the whiny side and does tend to gravitate to playing quite annoying characters such as he also did in the Evil Dead remake. It does mean that he is not entirely easy getting fully on board with. Nadia Hilker was definitely better and quite alluring as the pivotal character Louise but, essentially, the chemistry was missing for me. Much better was the Italian scenery which was gorgeous, it reminded me of how few decent contemporary Italian horror movies we get nowadays compared to the golden years of the 60's to the 80's. So it was nice to see an interesting horror narrative play out against the peerless architecture and sun-kissed beauty of this country. The horror is fairly rationed here, with the relationship material very much taking centre stage but there is definitely some impressive moments. Most notably in the big reveal sequence where we see Louise writhing around in her apartment in her primordial form. I thought that the special effects were very good here and created some indelible imagery. In the final analysis, I would put this one down as genuinely worth the time, even if it does fall short on what it could have been. Certainly a film for those who want to see different angles from the horror genre though.
samkan The better points of SPRING are very good, particularly the camera work and the dialog. Unfamiliar with these actors but they did an excellent job. The makers of this film are far more deserving of being granted a big budget than the makers of much of the comic book sci-fi in the megaplexes today. Problems emerge with the contrast between the budget and the need to introduce more convincing visual effects regarding the "transformations" , i.e., the supernatural aspects of the story. Indeed, the romance and intrigue aspects of the film would have been more compelling if the genre had NOT been sci-fi but; e.g., espionage or crime. Good idea to use the old Italian farmer as balance. Not so good an idea to "throw in" the Pompeii footage for filler (or did I miss plot points?). But, hey, I finished watching it - sure sign of a victory in today's age of streaming video.
Reno Rangan This is a surprise film. A romance-drama with the backdrop of the smart mix of sci-fi and fantasy. You won't always get a B movie as good as this one. So when you find one, you should appreciate them. It never needed the higher-end graphics, because everything it required of those were in small quantity. Even though they did not compromise and gave best visuals that greatly impacted to the narration.The leading two were very impressive. The Italian locations as well equally beautiful, overall the screenplay was the real winner. The story of an American man who flees to Italy after his mother's death and followed by a small incident. There he meets an unusual young research student and convinces her to date him. While they both getting closer, a series of weird stuffs begins to threaten their relationship. Explaining those to one another and for us the what the remaining film focused.This is like 'Before Sunrise' meets some monster film. I don't think it is very original, but kind of refreshing that carefully carved film. If you see the film poster, you won't get the impression that you want to watch it immediately, but if you give it a try, surely you would be, I mean majority of you won't end in a disappointment. There's no way it should have been better, because it is already at its best in a simple way. Not a must see, but I hope you won't miss this little gem if you're reading this.7/10
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