Circus of Horrors
Circus of Horrors
NR | 31 August 1960 (USA)
Circus of Horrors Trailers

A plastic surgeon and his nurse join a bizarre circus to escape from the police. Here he befriends deformed women and transforms them for his "Temple of Beauty". However, when they threaten to leave, they meet with mysterious accidents.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Martin Bradley In the early sixties Anglo-Amalgamated became the alternative to Hammer for cheap horror thrills but in a more contemporary setting and "Circus of Horrors" was one of their better enteries, (the use of a real-life circus, in this case Billy Smart's, certainly helped). Anton Diffring is the psychopathic surgeon who takes over a circus as a front for his activities but who still can't keep death from his door. There's a greater emphasis on sex than in the Hammer films and director Sidney Hayers serves up a bevvy of European beauties as actual and potential victims. Hardly ground-breaking but fun nevertheless.
Panamint The film-makers and cast of "Circus of Horrors" are delivering what they advertise. It is an in-your-face, flat-out horror production. It is psycho creepy from the very first opening scenes right thru to the end.The murders are done with imagination and gusto and the body count keeps piling up. In addition the young women are gorgeous and some of them actually can act (the ones that can't-who cares, they still look great). The producers basically say: Folks, you asked for this stuff, we promised it and you are going to get it.It should be noted that the wide-screen color filming is spectacular, the costumes are great and it is all set against the background of a real circus.Diffring proves his superior acting skills here as he does an outstanding, surprisingly convincing job as the doctor seeking perfection in weird ways. Whether this type of role or as villains one word can summarize Diffring's acting: effective. You might recall (I believe it was Where Eagles Dare) his chilling delivery of the line "I shall personally rearrange this officer's splints". He's very effective always.This film is entertaining, psycho-nutty, a bit different and beautiful to look at. Don't miss it.
dbdumonteil Anton Diffring is the reason why you would like to watch this average horror movie.Plus a bevy of beautiful women.Diffring was a character actor and he succeeds in portraying a circus manager as well as a scientist even with his aristocratic looks.The story is implausible from start to finish ,but in this kind of flick,does it really matter?As soon as they are in France ,the threesome runs into a disfigured young girl (there are plenty of them there,as anybody past infancy knows) .The surgeon (plastic surgery) suggest father Donald Pleasance he give her a beautiful face in return for an occupation in his circus.Dr Schuler (=Schoolboy)soon owns the circus where he takes on disfigured shady persons he "cures" and puts on the bill of the show.It's not difficult:the first time the surgeon has taken a walk through the dark city ,he finds a disfigured whore (there are plenty of them in France ,as everybody knows).What is downright disturbing is that we never see the thespian operate. The circus background is smartly used: snakes,bears,lions,acrobats ,moving targets,and clowns who are very useful when an "accident" happens.A lovely song ,very very early sixties/late fifties ("look for a star" ) adds to the acrobatics scenes.Like this?try these...."Berserk" (O'Connolly ,1967)"Les Yeux Sans Visage" (Georges Franju,1960)
Woodyanders Brilliant, but deranged plastic surgeon Dr. Rossiter (splendidly played with exceptional sadistic relish by Anton Diffring) goes on the lam and seeks refuge at a traveling circus. After the original owner Vanet (a brief, but nice appearance by Donald Pleasence) gets killed by a bear, Rossiter takes over the circus and changes his name to Dr. Schuler. Rossiter finds disfigured young women with dubious criminal pasts and transforms them into delectable beauties who are the star attractions of his circus. Whenever any of the ladies try to leave, they become victims of various horrific "accidents." Director Sidney Hayers relates the intriguing story at a steady pace, adeptly evokes a colorful and flavorsome big top atmosphere, and stages the shockingly brutal murder set pieces with considerable aplomb. Diffring clearly dominates the picture with his masterful portrayal of the cruel and haughty Schuler; he receives able support from Jane Hylton as loyal accomplice Angela, Kenneth Griffith as weak, reluctant assistant Martin, and Conrad Phillips as the snoopy, meddlesome Inspector Arthur Ames. Moreover, this movie further benefits from the alluring presences of several strikingly lovely lasses: gorgeous Erika Remberg, cute Yvonne Monlaur, delicious Yvonne Romain, and ravishing Vanda Hudson. Douglas Slocombe's crisp, handsome cinematography, the rousing, shuddery, dramatic score by Muir Mathieson and Franz Reizenstein, and the groovy, bubbly pop theme song "Look for a Star" are all likewise on the money excellent and effective. A bloody good time.