NR | 29 March 1961 (USA)
Gorgo Trailers

Greedy sailors capture a giant lizard off the coast of Ireland and sell it to a London circus. Then its mother shows up.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Michael_Elliott Gorgo (1961)** 1/2 (out of 4)Sailors are fishing off the coast of Ireland when they spot a giant lizard-like creature. Instead of killing it they decide to capture it and then take it to London where it will be on display. As you can guess, the creature escapes and soon the entire city is destroyed.GORGO is a rather interesting low-budget movie. As you can tell, the story is pretty much KING KONG and the monster was obviously inspired by GODZILLA. What's interesting about this movie is that it manages to get the job done even though it's obvious that they're working with very little money. Filmmakers like Edgar Ulmer and Mario Bava were known for taking low-budget films and turning them into something that looked like a big-budget picture. Director Eugene Lourie doesn't quite do that here but it's still an entertaining film.Obviously the best thing about the picture is the monster. The guy-in-a-suit monster certainly looks rather silly and the thing isn't nearly as mobile as it needs to be but at the same time this is a giant monster movie and on that level the creature works. The final twenty-minutes of the movie is certainly the highlight. Once the monster breaks loose and goes on its rampage the film is a lot of fun as the monsters crashing through a number of buildings while trying to stay clear of the military who are constantly firing explosives at it.The performances are decent for what they are. On a technical level the film isn't the most impressive thing that you're going to see and I'm going to guess that the budget was lower than even some of the Godzilla films that would follow this. The story is about as unoriginal as you can get yet with all the campy things, GORGO manages to keep you entertained throughout its running time.
Wayne Maynard Surfacing about 7 years after "Godzilla", Gorgo was the U.K. counterpart about a beast who rises off the coast of Ireland to menace little Nara Island. Our human leads who just happened to be at Nara for ship repairs, decide it would be a great idea to capture the beast and sell it as a circus attraction in London. Great idea! But wait!.... Once the monster is safely delivered to its London enclosure and ready for viewing and dollars to be made, a shocking revelation changes everything. This animal is just a BABY! UH OH!!! We soon discover there is a much larger and extremely ticked off parent who trashes Nara Island and sets off for England to rescue her child. Bad news for London! As the destruction commences, we are in for a visual treat as the effects are not bad at all for its time. Plenty of destruction of major landmarks as the angry Gorgo Mom makes her way to her captured baby. We are treated to crashing buildings, bridges, and general mayhem throughout the English capital. All efforts to slow the animal obviously fail. Even a million volts of electricity will not bring it down! At last, parent and child are reunited and together they start back to the sea, leaving London in shambles. I'm always glad when the monster isn't killed. This was an underrated film as it lives in the shadow of the original "Godzilla" film from a few years prior and that was a tough act to follow. Check out Gorgo!
Theo Robertson I had very fond memories of this film . Seeing it as a child I was struck as to what a wonderfully sadistic spectacular this film is . Images of panicking Londoners fleeing through the streets getting crushed underfoot and buried under falling rubble as a man in a rubber lizard costume crashes through not entirely convincing sets . Last time I saw it was 25 years ago but the instinctive affection I felt for the film stayed with me . Well at least until I saw it again tonight When GORGO does concentrate on the cruel sadistic elements it is somewhat enjoyably mean such as the scene where a group of Londoners stand at the side of the Thames and get burnt alive or the scene where the preacher complete with sandwich boards stands in front of a fleeing crowd to find the end was more nigh than he expected . This is a film that was awarded an X certificate in British cinema the old rating similar to an 18 cert today . The unfortunate thing is that this sharply contrasts with other aspects of the movie like having a cute kid as one of the main characters just like you'd expect in a Walt Disney movie Another thing that lets the film down is the ridiculous amount of stock footage used throughout the movie . Anyone remember these sketches from Benny Hill featuring Cheapo films ? This is what some of the action scenes resemble as Royal Navy warships suddenly turn in to world war two American destroyers and back again . Likewise RAF aircraft turning in to American ones . The editing here is a disaster and don't get me started on the scenes featuring back projection Some people have stated this is a British version of GODZILLA and in many ways it is . The difference is that GODZILLA had a unique geo-nationalist subtext involving Hiroshima and Nagasaki where as GORGO has a far more mundane one of greed . A circus owner wants to take Gorgo to London to make money . At least it has a subtext you might say and you'd be right but be honest how many times have you seen bad things happening to greedy people in this type of story ? It was a staple diet of DOCTOR WHO from 1963-89 When I came to this page I was shocked that GORGO only had an average rating of 5.3 . I knew it was a mere B movie but my own memories of it was that it was great fun . After seeing it again I can understand the underwhelming reaction it has got from a number of people . It's cheap , badly paced and seems unable to make its mind up as to how family friendly it wants to be
bkoganbing I do so remember seeing Gorgo in the theater when I was only 13. That's the place it should be seen on a full theater screen. Then you get the full impact of the terror he's spreading around London.A tramp freighter captained by Bill Travers puts in to a small port on the island of Nara off the Irish coast. As that name sounds Japanese it should have given someone a hint. Volcanic activity at the bottom of the Atlantic has torn the ocean bottom open and this prehistoric monster emerges. The Irish government claims it for research, but after Travers captures it he sells it to Martin Benson's circus in London at Battersea Park.British scientists say that this guy is just a baby and that must mean some adults are around. Sure enough a 200 foot high version of Godzilla's Atlantic cousin starts looking for her youngster and there ain't nothing stopping her from getting her child. This was as good as I remember it and Gorgo has a nice moral to it about letting sleeping dogs and monsters lie and that man isn't all powerful. I was impressed by the performance of Vincent Winter who plays a young Irish orphan kid who attachs himself to Travers. Winters comes across as a real kid and his performance was quite touching.I'll bet even with the advances in mankind's weaponry we'd still have big problems with Mama Gorgo today if she was on that same mission, looking for her child.