So I Married an Axe Murderer
So I Married an Axe Murderer
PG-13 | 30 July 1993 (USA)
So I Married an Axe Murderer Trailers

Just after a bad breakup, Charlie MacKenzie falls for lovely butcher Harriet Michaels and introduces her to his parents. But, as voracious consumers of sensational tabloids, his parents soon come to suspect that Harriet is actually a notorious serial killer -- "Mrs. X" -- wanted in connection with a string of bizarre honeymoon killings. Thinking his parents foolish, Charlie proposes to Harriet. But while on his honeymoon with her, he begins to fear they were right.

Lawbolisted Powerful
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
TheWatcher I don't understand why this movie has received anything less than at least an 8 of 10 rating.Who are these people rating this hilarious film? Would they rate Dr. Seuss lowly because later generations created a new musical genre called "rap" using his simple yet effective rhyme schemes?Some may think this comedy is not as good as some of Myers other excellent movies because this movie is much more low key in overall tone. However, that is one of the great aspects and choices of this hilarious movie. Myer's choice of tone for this movie adds greatly to why it's as good as it is.There are subtle social observation comments in this movie that are simply hilarious. The father's comments about grand conspiracy theories as to who actually runs the world are insightful as they are funny. Myers was pointing out the hilarity of that kind of thinking in the early 1990's whereas some 25 years later what was seen as funny by a slightly off the wall father with his "tin foil hat" thinking has become part of a society that has elected a tin foil hat wearer as its leader.Watch this movie and laugh. The only negative that comes to mind after watching this movie is that this type of humor has become too rare in the 21st century.
manowar-311-989715 I can't believe this isn't rated higher. This movie has so much going for it I can't list it all. From Mike Myers portrayal of his dad "HEAD, PAPER, NOW" to the awesome job Phil Hartman did as Vicki. When it came out in the theaters I watched it and immediately sat through it again because I was laughing so hard I knew I missed stuff. Here it is almost 20 years later and I still laugh whenever I watch this. I wish they could do a sequel of it 20 years later or something just to see him revive this character. Lots of great shots of San Francisco also. If I show this movie to someone and they don't laugh or it doesn't become a favorite of theirs I don't stay friends with them. A good sense of humor and being able to understand the subtleties behind the obvious humor of this movie is a mark of an intelligent mind and I don't have time for lack wits who laugh at the 3 stooges kind of humor and can't fathom why this is comedy gold.
agnarhat How can the rating be 6.2? The movie is full of fantastic quotes! "Piper down", "Now he's going to cry himself on his huge pillow.", "Sexy little bastard". etc.... How can the rating be 6.2? The movie is full of fantastic quotes! "Piper down", "Now he's going to cry himself on his huge pillow.", "Sexy little bastard". etc.... How can the rating be 6.2? The movie is full of fantastic quotes! "Piper down", "Now he's going to cry himself on his huge pillow.", "Sexy little bastard". etc.... How can the rating be 6.2? The movie is full of fantastic quotes! "Piper down", "Now he's going to cry himself on his huge pillow.", "Sexy little bastard". etc....
Jackson Booth-Millard The leading actor has had huge success with characters Wayne Campbell, Austin Powers and Shrek, but this isn't really one of his remembered films, apart from the catchy title. Basically dedicated coffeehouse poet Charlie Mackenzie (Mike Myers) often bases his material on the numerous failed relationships he has had with women, all ending with doing something weird or high paranoia. His Scottish parents, mother May (Brenda Fricker) and father Stuart (also Myers, putting on his Fat Bastard voice), may criticise him for his wrong-doings, but he may have found the perfect girl to end the comments. Meat butcher with a heart of gold Harriet Michaels (Three Men and a Baby's Nancy Travis), and they start going out with hardly any concerns at all. Reports in the newspapers about some murders of newlywed men in the area, and habits of his new girlfriend, get Charlie back in the state of paranoia, and he is not sure he can fully trust his new love. Eventually he settles down and finds it in himself to ask Harriet to marry him, and they do so with no problems, but of course then the murders have some evidence that could indeed have her as the killer. In the end, after so many occurrences that make him, and you the audience, believe she is this axe murderer, it turns out to be her sister Rose (Pulp Fiction's Amanda Plummer), and Charlie is happy to go on as normal, if possible. Also starring Anthony LaPaglia as Tony Giardino, Matt Doherty as Heed, The Great Muppet Caper's Charles Grodin as Commandeered Driver, Phil Hartman as Ranger John 'Vicky' Johnson - Alcatraz Guide, Steven Wright as Pilot and Inspector Gadget's Michael G. Hagerty as Obituary Writer. Myers is alright as the vulnerable loser with amusingly crap poems, I laughed probably more when he was in his other guise, and Travis is okay as the very suspicious girlfriend, the script does have some witty moments to keep you on tenterhooks about the situation, but it's not the funniest film, a slightly silly comedy. Okay!