Come and Find Me
Come and Find Me
R | 11 November 2016 (USA)
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When his girlfriend goes missing, David must track down her whereabouts after he realizes she's not who she was pretending to be.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Steineded How sad is this?
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
hsschwartz This was a good movie that could have been an excellent movie. The character David did things that other movies make fun of, like you need a knife but pick up the banana type things. I liked the actors, but I would like to have been sitting at the table when this was being written and saying, "O.K...that just wouldn't happen. Nobody would do that."
Courtney Kraemer This movie is as if someone turned one of this hidden object games into a movie. It was interesting while it felt like it was going somewhere but kind of just gives up on it's self. All the information is read between the lines. Lazy ending try's to be romantic in a Bonnie and Clyde kind of way. The
catsklgd1 This was a terrific movie that really held my attention . . . right up until the very end, which wasn't an end at all, but a cowardly cop out. It's one thing to give viewers a set of facts, and then let them try to come to one conclusion or another based upon the facts. But this film is a total cheat that never gives you quite enough information to come to a logical conclusion. Basically, what they did was take the ending from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and substituted Claire and David for Newman and Redford. The difference, however, is that we pretty much knew what the outcome of the aforementioned film was, whereas in this film, we are not given nearly enough information to come to a satisfying, logical conclusion. Sorry, but Come and Find Me left me looking for an ending!
LeonLouisRicci Romantic-Thriller from First Time Director Zack Whedon Featuring Aaron Paul and Annabelle Wallis. It is a Low-Budget, Barely Released Disappointment that gets Everything about Half-Right.The Thriller Aspects, a Missing Girlfriend involved in Mysterious Goings On who Left the Pining Paul without a Note, is a Setup that is Classical and Consuming. There is a McGuffin (role of film), Gang Members, Intriguing Photographs of Unidentified, Creepy Looking Types, and so forth.This is a Fine Beginning but as Things Unfold the Director Decides (not advisable) to Portray the Events with Equal amounts of Present Time and Flashbacks. When Things get Tense and Scary the Viewer is Immediately Time Shifted to the Past to Solidify Their Relationship.After the First Few times this happens it becomes Tedious, Repetitive, and Stops the Films Momentum Cold. It is done with a Dull Regularity and the Story has to Gain Suspense all over again. This is Deadly to the Drama at hand. It Weakens the Movie as it Requires the Reinforcement of already Enforced Dangers.So it's a Movie of Two Competing and Separate Stories. The Movie is Long at almost 2 Hours and it probably would have Worked Better if the Love Story was Cut by Half and the Flashback Angle was Abandon for a more Linear Approach.Worth a Watch but be Prepared for a Start and Stop Feel that is Clunky and keeps this from being Less than it Should. All the Ingredients are here for a Good Thriller but the Awkward Mixing Misfires.
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